I just traded in my PS3 + GT5 for an XBOX360 + Forza 3.

  • Thread starter RikkiGT-R
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I agree with caf0011. I was a long time GT fan but have been converted to Forza. As you have said, at least Forza is making progress. GT has went backward.

Overall I also feel that Forza 3 is a much more enjoyable game. Plus you get an interior view on EVERY car. You can add vinyls to every car, you can change the wheels on every car. Engine swaps, and drivetrain swaps.... And the list goes on and on. A true simulation game allows you to actually sit on the inside view of every car and look out the window to simulate real driving. There are parts of GT5 I do enjoy over Forza 3 but overall I have much more fun with Forza 3. Glad you are enjoying your purchase. :) Just be prepared to be bashed forever on this site since this topic will be beat to heck like all the other Forza vs GT topics. It will NEVER end.
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Did you really LOL since this is one of the most common glitches in video games? Video games usually has a physic engine (mostly handled by CPU) and a graphic engine (GPU). This is even done on purpose sometimes. For example you can go through cars racing online. Some RPG allows you to go through walls as hidden pathways.

That is only common in games with piss poor collision detection or when it is done on purpose. The fact that you bring up games that do it on purpose as an excuse for it happening in GT5 is well, (insert insult). I suggest you do some research on collision detection in reference to physics engines.
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And the best thing about having an opinion is the part where you are allowed to argue your point.

And don't bother bringing Jesus into it, thats an argument waiting to happen.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the OP hasn't "argued" his point in quite some time and would you care to know why? Because it's pointless. There's always going to be this fanboy brigade that wants to tell everyone that any choice other than Gran Turismo is the wrong choice, and those other choices are for people who don't appreciate competitive racing or whatever BS comes out the side of someone's face. Furthermore, no one should have to defend their choice over a damn video game to anyone here; no one here is special, and no one here (that I know of) paid for the OP's current gaming setup. You don't like his preferences? Then tough 🤬 is all I can tell you.

As for the second half of your statement, what happened to one being "allowed" to argue their point? That's called contradiction, and I'll be bothered to bring up anyone I please unless the staff here suggests otherwise. You don't like it? Again, tough 🤬.

Thank you. Come again.
LOL GT PSP has more cars then that.

forza series is decent. turn 10 has done a good job trying to imitate Gran Turismo, but it's pretty obvious turn 10 lacks the passion for cars that PD has. That's why Gran Turismo games are and will always be so much better.

Replies like this are why these threads are so touchy. Seriously?

430_Riviera View Post

There are many issues with the mods in GT5, like how does a carbon prop shaft/flywheel increase engine responsiveness by being lighter, without ACTUALLY MAKING THE CAR LIGHTER? Every little mod in Forza affects everything, from weight, weight distribution, power, skid pan G, torque, shift speed etc. Even the weight increase from installing a beefier diff is factored in. Race brakes are lighter, race exhausts are dramatically lighter than stock, race flywheels can take over 10lbs off a car. All aero mods add weight and can reduce drag or increase downforce. Race weight reduction removes the rear seats in a sedan, you'll see the weight distribution move forward a couple of percent...

Why do we not see these changes in GT5? Simple, for the same reason that we don't see brake upgrades... Because the physics engine doesn't model things properly. No brake fade, no brake upgrades. No grip differences between drastically different models on similar tires, so there is a chance the game doesn't even model weight with regards to tire friction and therefore mechanical grip... Which leads to serious questions about just how accurate the game can be. You'll never see a car roll from hitting a curb in GT5, because it can't happen. But it can happen in real life. It doesn't matter if Forza hams it up a little, the fact it can happen at all is a signifier that it is closer to actuality than GT5.

The physics in Fm3 are several levels more complex than GT5, and they always have been more complex in Forza from the beginning. Forza is maybe a few tweaks away from being an incredibly good sim, Gran Turismo needs a drastic rebuild to be anywhere near.

I'm still waiting on a reply to magically tear this post apart. I've got a feeling I'm going to be waiting quite some time. Instead of just posting about passion, why don't you all simply look at the games in front of you... Really look. Close. Hard. GT5 is supposed to be a simulator, but it's not. Not by a hella long shot. You can argue, kick and scream all you like, but nothing is being simulated in GT5, not actively anyway.

Don't give me definitions when referring to a statement that says something is "light years" ahead of something else. Obviously this is not a literal statement the start with. I know very well a literal light year is distance that light travels in a year. Literally I can find GT5 a few feet from Forza 3 in a store

I stand by it. And you've got to speak up a bit, I can't hear you for the sound of backpeddling. If it wasn't a literal statement, then you didn't need to point out that a lightyear was a unit of time, incorrectly, did you now? And I meant it totally literally. Forza's physics engine is LIGHTYEARS ahead of GT5s.

300+ plus cockpit views that didn't impress me at all...

That is your opinion, however it's not an opinion that Forza has 300 more cockpits to be unimpressed by. It's a fact.
But make Forzaplanet.net instead if u enjoy it more

Hmmm, so you roll into a Forza thread, in the Forza forum and tell us all to go to Forzaplanet? Because GT5 is getting bashed around a bit eh? I'd like to remind everyone that this started as a thread about a chap who got disillusioned with GT5 and ended up chopping it and his PS3 for an Xbox and FM3. Until fanboys started bashing Forza that's all it was. Defence is a natural response to aggression, I suggest unless you want to see GT5 torn up more than it already has been then you simply disappear from this thread and we can go back to discussing what made this chap swap systems for one game.



Do your homework before deciding to go on the offensive next time, 'kay? :)

Because flamebait posts like that are good for no-one.
Yes it's a flaw, but was smart game design; I'll explain.

Now see, I'll admit I have no wheel and play with a controller. However, one of my buddies does have a wheel for his PS3. Seeing as how GT5 was made with a wheel in mind, I find the game to be much better at his house than when I get home, load up GT5 and pick up my controller. All assists off in GT5 with a controller is crazy because the game doesn't expect you to be using one. Certain things I can do with ease at my friends with the wheel are hard as hell when I'd do them at home with my controller, until I turn on mild active steering.....

Forza 2 was made with a wheel in mind, thus why there was no active steering issue with it. Too bad the wheel sucked rocks and was abandoned. GT is made with the wheel taking priority; multiple good wheels actually.

As a smart developer, Turn 10 probably thought to themselves. The 360 doesn't have decent wheel options so FM3 will have to be made with the controller in mind. Why hello, Active Steering, you'll help. Most people will not even notice you because if they are racing, there is no 🤬 reasoning why they should be jerking the wheel back and forth anyways.

Just my opinion.
wow.. downgrading the game realism on purpose with no option is only an smart decision if you do not plan to make a simulator.

People that never played a sim would not notice all the hidden aids, that's true ...until they try another sim and see that keeping a car on track driving fast with no aids is not that easy.

Also clipping happens in Forza in the same fashion as GT5 or at times even worst, the GT5 photo is not noticeable ingame unless you search for it in photomode.



For the sweet love of Jesus.....

Stop insinuating that someone else is wrong just because they prefer one game to another. Someone thinks one game is better and you don't - guess what? That's called an opinion.

Get over it.

Amen 👍
As for the second half of your statement, what happened to one being "allowed" to argue their point? That's called contradiction, and I'll be bothered to bring up anyone I please unless the staff here suggests otherwise. You don't like it? Again, tough 🤬.

Thank you. Come again.[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/QUOTE]

It's called humour, but you are too far up your own a** to notice.
wow.. downgrading the game realism on purpose with no option is only an smart decision if you do not plan to make a simulator.

People that never played a sim would not notice all the hidden aids, that's true ...until they try another sim and see that keeping a car on track driving fast with no aids is not that easy.

Also clipping happens in Forza in the same fashion as GT5 or at times even worst, the GT5 photo is not noticeable ingame unless you search for it in photomode.

I have a strange feeling that this thread will soon be locked... I dunno why, maybe it's due to the same ol' same ol'?
I think this thread could just go on and on, with each 'side' putting forward their argument and reasons as to why one game is better than the other.

The internet being what it is, nobody is going to back down and say the other side is right, nor will a fan of one game convince a fan of the other that 'their game' is best.

This was never my intention when I started this thread; I just thought I'd mention in the Forza Motorsport sub-forum that I'd got fed up with GT5 and went back to FM3, a game I had really enjoyed when I last owned it. I thought, wrongly, that GT5 would be outstanding (going on previous Gran Turismo titles) but for me, it was a damp squib.

I'm going to close the thread now though, because the round-and-round unending dispute is pointless.
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