I simply cannot believe this...but maybe I should

  • Thread starter Delirious


Since the direction of this world is already set...


Everyday...sex is becoming less sanctified in the realm of marriage only...(I stand firm on that sex is in marriage, NO MATTER what the circumstance...that's how I believe it should be and why it was meant to be that way...for married couples to enjoy, not for people to help convict people)

They can find another way to convict them.

There are two sides for me:

1) I don’t see a problem with this, so long as the officer is fine with it. It’s no different than an officer selling drugs to somebody in order to catch that person.

2) However, I don’t think prostitution should be illegal in the first place, so it’s all moot.
Actually, I think that prostitution should be legal, but for other reasons... so that there's an outside control on pimps and pushers.

You would not believe how little those ladies make from their sales... it's as close to white slavery as you'll see in today's world.
The cops wouldn't need to do this if prostitution were legal - and it should be.

No it shouldn't and I'm glad it's not. But I understand why you think it should be.
We had a talk about this in my government class. We watched a video about it, I think it was a 20/20 video, I'm not sure though. They made good points about how since prositution is illegal the people that participate in it go underground and it's dirty, unhealthy, and dangerous because of that. If it were legal I still wouldn't think about getting me some, but I believe it would reduce the drug and crime aspects of the business. Under certain circumstances, though: along with everything else, it would be government-run. Not in the normal sense, like an administration, though. It would be like a government business that follows rules just like every other business. The government has the power to make it healthy(er) and to reduce the crime that comes along with it. They could make loads of money off this, while keeping the prostitutes safe from drugs and pimps and whatnot, and giving them easier access to doctors and administering checkups on a regular basis, along with all sorts of other health-related stuff. Everyone knows that the bad stands out more than the good, so maybe I just paid attention to the bad stuff that goes on in the business. However, pretty much all the kids in the class, girls included, and the teacher, a woman, somewhat agreed with this idea. I want to know the flaws that you guys think could come from this.
Personally I think just about all the people interested in becoming a prostitute will do it wether it's illegal or not. Why can't we just turn all the prostitutes into porn stars? Give them a manager and a bisiness liscence, that's about all they'd need to make it fully legal.

Oh, snap, I'll copy this into the prostitution thread, I just saw it.