I can understand you want to know asap, but it's a hard decision to make. I want to make it perfect for everyone. But lately we had a big drop out of people, people want to sign up and we accept it and they don't even show. Sidrenwada even got into our teamspeak room but when race came he where no where to be seen. Then we got VELUCI_2NR that showed for two races and I seen him follow the thread from time to time, but I didn't get the memo where he couldn't show for the next races after those two.
Then Joey who just wanted to sign up and after a few races he was gone with the wind, Netherdragon got work on Saturdays (I feel with you) And Troylee is also no where to be found.
That makes it hard to know what I should do to make the grid full again, I know I'm bored with this game and only play it because the guys I race here. But if I leave I would make sure to tell you guys about it before it happened. Just leave and don't show up anymore is just immature behavior