If PD decided to hire a new celebrity voice to guide you through GT6..

  • Thread starter GTOne2Three
Kurt Busch

The Stig. Oh wait, humans can't understand him. Only cats can.

Jeremy Clarkson would work...just imagine coming out of a hairpin, and all of a sudden you hear "POWERRRRR!!!!!".

Or when you go into the Nissan dealership, he'll say "this is the greatest car dealership....in the world".
Alot of people suggesting Top Gear hosts. Unfortunately even though GT5 was supposed to have a Top Gear tie in first, but it either got cancelled and had to be done in an ultra generic way, or it was just simply done in a half-assed way. Either way Forza had it first, so Yamauchi-san wouldn't even want Clarkson as the celebrity car-guy host, not Hamster or Slow either.

I think an EXCELLENT alternative to Clarkson is the guy who SHOULD HAVE BEEN the main host of Top Gear USA, but because he may be a better Clarkson than Clarkson himself, Clarkson actually had him taken off the show (my theory) after him and production saw the original Top Gear USA pilot which had Adam Corrola (sp?) as a host, not the Adam they have now. Adam Corrola would have made that show better imo, though I like TGUSA too....what American car show is better, I ask?

Adam Carrola would have been an amazing Top Gear host, and he'd make an excellent Gran Turismo host as well.
Is his name Adam Corrola or Carrola now? And did he do anything other than TG for us to take a look/listen? edit: I wrote Corolla first, damn Car names :lol:
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Chris Harris could cover driving advices for me, but it's pretty sure already that if there will be any voice guide it will be done by GT Academy champions like Lucas.
I think it should either be:

Brian Blessed
Ric Flair
Macho Man
...and lastly
Ultimate Warrior

EDIT: I have no idea why youtube links aren't working.
Is his name Adam Corrola or Carrola now? And did he do anything other than TG for us to take a look/listen? edit: I wrote Corolla first, damn Car names :lol:

Carolla is a comedian turned political commentator/comedian. Started on the radio with Dr. Drew in a very funny radio call in show about relationships. Moved on to The Man Show with Jimmy Kimmel.

He's on Fox News all the time over here, chums it up with Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller a lot on their tv/radio shows. He's all over Youtube...has a unique voice...not sure if he's quite the right guy though..I'd prefer someone in motor racing or cars at least.
Carolla is a comedian turned political commentator/comedian. Started on the radio with Dr. Drew in a very funny radio call in show about relationships. Moved on to The Man Show with Jimmy Kimmel.

He's on Fox News all the time over here, chums it up with Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller a lot on their tv/radio shows. He's all over Youtube...has a unique voice...not sure if he's quite the right guy though..I'd prefer someone in motor racing or cars at least.

Well, yeah, but the thing you left out about him that makes him perfect for the job is that he is a HUGE car guy and he does in fact do some racing himself. And he's like a student of car history....he knows it all, but like to act real dumb and funny about it. He's basically exactly the same as Jeremy Clarkson, he's just American. IMO that's why after the producers filmed the first pilot for Top Gear USA (both US and UK have the same producers), which had Adam Carrola instead of Adam Feirara, I'll guarantee Clarkson watched it and said "no, this won't do, this guy is even funnier and more witty than me.....replace him with someone less funny and witty." I love the Jezza, bu I can definitely tell he's the type that would be threatened by that.

That original pilot never aired, but I'd LOVE to see it. Then they did another pilot with a new guy named Adam, which obviously did air. But yeah, originally it was Adam Carrola that was signed on to do Top Gear US, he got canned even though he really wanted the gig, so he tried basically doing his own kind of Top Gear on SPEED called The Car Show, but he was the only one carrying that show. Th other guys had no business being there. They weren't even car guys, they were like basketball players or something, that never had any idea what they were talking about. Which was funny for a week till you realised it wasn't a gag, they really had no clue about cars outside of what was on their cue cards.
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Made not my day, not my week, not even my month, IT MADE MY YEAR
Man, you are AWESOME!!!;-)

That won't work with Lohan. We would get halfway through the game, and then there suddenly wouldn't be any commentary, because she's back in prison.
The guys from radio le mans oh wait they are takin

Chris Harris then oh wait. ....

The Top gear trio then oh wait :P

Joking aside, I would love some Dorifto kingo advice at drifting ,the GTacademy guys for GT racing,Vettel for hotlapping.

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