If you have an Apple product, post in here.

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
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^ The G4 was pretty cool as well - my Dad has one. It looked so much better than the G3. It still bases designs today off the G4 IMO.

It was made of Titanium, so it cost a lot of money. Odd thing is it still weights the same as a normal laptop...
Yeah, I think the G4 iMac is much better looking than the last 3 generations. Not to say they current ones don't look nice, I just prefer the look of the G4. ;)
FACT #2: They also make you far cooler than those nerds with Zunes and Windoze PCs.
If I had to choose between John Hodgman and Justin Long to hang out with, I certainly know which one I would choose. And I don't know how much conversational value I could get out of "omigod you know Bruce Willis," so that is a clue.
FACT #3: They're extremely easy to use while also being very versatile. In the case of the Mac, they're also immune to viruses. Unlike Windoze.
Cough sputter wheeze.
FACT #6: The iPhone's touch screen is so revolutionary it can make calls, play Game Boy, listen to music, play videos, and even fold your own laundry.
I'm confused. Couldn't the DS do all of that already besides make calls (and being AT&T, why would you want to do that anyways?).
I'm pretty sure the iPhone was pretty much a copy-paste job of a phone that LG was already designing anyways.

Did you read the article?
Did you read the article?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Antivirus vendor Kaspersky Labs considers it a "typical proof of concept virus. Such viruses are created in order to demonstrate that it is possible to infect a specific platform."
That was the only reason I linked to it. Because it is possible, not because of the specifics.
Someone sat down and created a virus for a very specific version of Linux. Why couldn't they code one for the far more widespread normal iPod software?
Mac has less viruses because it has less users, and therefore less people who care to sit down and exploit loopholes in the coding
(not to mention most likely less people who actually have to ability to do so). Anyone who thinks the reason Mac has less viruses is because it is coded oh so much better is deluded.
I only have an iPod.
But if I ever become independently wealthy, I will have at least one Mac in the office, with the PC's so I can work with ProTools for my music.

It is no secret that Macs are the best for "artistic" endeavors, and PC's rock for "work-a-day" stuff.

In the olden days, when Macs first came out, I preferred them. They do have a superior operating system that uses about half the space for applications compared to PC's.
That was a big deal when computer hard drives were measured in MegaBytes. And relatively few of them. (I'm not that old and I remember when 40GB was a big computer).
Now that hard drives are measured in Gigabytes, it's pretty much a moot point.
Someone sat down and created a virus for a very specific version of Linux. Why couldn't they code one for the far more widespread normal iPod software?
Mac has less viruses because it has less users, and therefore less people who care to sit down and exploit loopholes in the coding
(not to mention most likely less people who actually have to ability to do so). Anyone who thinks the reason Mac has less viruses is because it is coded oh so much better is deluded.
http://daringfireball.net/2004/06/broken_windows (Warning to youngsters: Contains one curse word.)

And can I ask that people not crap up the thread? I hate hate hate Audi’s entire current lineup, but I don’t go into the Audi Fanclub thread and crap it up with my anti-Audi rants.
But if I ever become independently wealthy, I will have at least one Mac in the office, with the PC's so I can work with ProTools for my music.

I'm not an expert on ProTools, but I used it on a mac for school and it seemed to work fine.

edit: and thank you Sage for your reply.
Oops, I probably should put a language warning on that link. :dunce: :lol:
Well, as of tonight, I have my first Apple product, an iTouch 16GB. This thing is awesome! :D
Someone sat down and created a virus for a very specific version of Linux. Why couldn't they code one for the far more widespread normal iPod software?
Mac has less viruses because it has less users, and therefore less people who care to sit down and exploit loopholes in the coding
(not to mention most likely less people who actually have to ability to do so). Anyone who thinks the reason Mac has less viruses is because it is coded oh so much better is deluded.

*Cough* Unix Based *Cough*

sudo ipfw list
60gb iPod Video, Three years tomorrow It has been mine, and I still get a full charge on it with constant usage everyday.

Mac > Windows.
I want a Mac as well, but I'm a little concerned about compatability with games and such?

Anyway, I do have a 30Gb iPod Video though, and I absolutely love it! :cheers:
Use Boot Camp to install Windows and your game compatibility just went up to 100%. Native OS X gaming support is growing though. All of Blizzards games are Mac compatible, and from now on, all EA games will be Mac compatibile. It's just a matter of time now untill Mac and PC gaming are one in the same. It's not as hard to port a game over now since they use the same hardware.
Haha, if you want to play the majority of the games on the market right when they are released, yes. If you check the Apple store, there's plenty of modern games that have been ported to run natively in OS X. Funny thing is, the only game most Apple users I know play is World of Warcraft.
I know a lot of Mac owners run a virtual system with the Mac OS and Windows...how does that affect the performance of the computer? I would think trying to have two operating systems going would own the resources...especially if you are trying to run Vista.
^ Boot camp doesn't allow both Operating Systems running at the same time IIRC. Two different partitions on the Hard Disk which are booted seperately to the user's choosing. Any Virtual Desktop programs that do run Windows on top of the running OS X are very slow though. I know this when running XP on the G4...
He's hardly a mac fanboi I bet he's never even owned a Mac Classic with separate HDD unit

motorolla 68000 for lyfe

ps James you suck
Haha, if you want to play the majority of the games on the market right when they are released, yes. If you check the Apple store, there's plenty of modern games that have been ported to run natively in OS X. Funny thing is, the only game most Apple users I know play is World of Warcraft.

Colin McRae Rally Mac ftw.
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