If you have an Apple product, post in here.

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
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Even Microsoft employees use Macs.

No way! Really? Wow, akward...

Number 1 rule of haters; You believe what you want to believe.

Actually, how much I love my iPod, I cannot disagree with V1P3R there...The thing I hate most about iTunes is from the moment you change the slightest thing on your library, the whole crap needs to be deleted...And that's why I have a backup on my HD...
Thank you Criapple, iPoo, and iBoons... :rolleyes:

This is just a thought, but maybe you should stop buying them if you're so disappointed with all 3 of your iPods. Y'know, just a crazy idea I'm throwing at you.
Pako not to directly pick on you but a Mac is still a Personal Computer (PC). It's just a computer with a different operating system. We still call Linux based computers, computers.

Back in the day when you were still potty training, we called Macintosh computers "Macs" and IBM compatible computers "PC's".

No offense taken though and you are absolutely right. A personal computer is a personal computer regardless of operating system.
I had d/led a collection of 90's hits and put them on the iPod but last night I had to delete some of them because they were... questionable lets put it that way. Anyway, this was just DELETING songs not editing of any tags. There was about 200 or so songs? Anyway, it took about 2.5 hrs. because after I told itunes I wanted it deleted then itunes had to think about it, find the songs on the ipod, delete them, sort the rest of the songs, rebuild the damn library, and then unfreeze itunes.

Now if we were on a drag and drop player like iRiver not only could I have done it in like 5 min. but I could've used the ctrl and shift keys to select the songs I wanted to delete. After that since I was looking DIRECTLY AT THE FILE it would have instantly deleted with no delay...
I don't exactly understand how it takes two and a half hours to uncheck the songs in iTunes and sync the iPod. You can search the songs to ease finding them and when you've found, say, 30 at a time (should be possible if they were properly organized), you can uncheck them all by pressing Control while clicking on one of the checks. Repeat the search as needed, or if you want to go the difficult route, uncheck them all by browsing through the library and then sync the iPod.

Knowing how to use these things (why do you even use them, I'm wondering though) instead of just bashing them makes life a lot easier. Then again, I'm just an Apple fanboy, I guess.


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This is just a thought, but maybe you should stop buying them if you're so disappointed with all 3 of your iPods. Y'know, just a crazy idea I'm throwing at you.

Don't have 2 of the 3 anymore and the minute I found something better I got rid of them and got the other stuff.

blah blah blah

I don't snyc... I have it on "manual". :rolleyes:
three keyboards

Yep, the one tucked away in the keyboard drawer is for the desktop PC sitting under the desk, the Apple Keyboard is for the MBP, which is sitting up on a level which makes it rather uncomfortable to type on, hence an external keyboard.
drunk post from iPhone and yes it is fixing slot of typos wow aloe indeed. Stupid soft keyboard.
I was at the apple store trying to find some crap to buy with the gift card and I looked at the iPhone. Geezus crymoney it's bloody HUGE!
I have a 3G iPod (20gb)

A Macbook Pro and then 1G Nano (4gb) that I got for $50 because of my student discount when I bought my laptop.

And if I can justify the cost (or find a compusa that's closing out) I'd like to get a cinema display.
There are better options out there if you're looking for a display. Samsung has better ones for less money, for example.
I don't snyc... I have it on "manual". :rolleyes:
In other words, you're making a simple thing hellishly difficult, by your own choice. It's hardly the program's fault. As it's been said you believe what you want to believe. Have fun. I can only give you the facts, not make you change your thinking.
1. I don't waste my hd on a SECOND file of all my songs

2. Snyc is like traction control on a car, you only need it if you're that much of a nOOb.

Oh, and btw... say you have a current music collection on itunes and you want to quickly add songs, if you by mistake add a song that's already on your ipod it doesn't say wait a minute you already have that song, it just adds it like an idiot. Don't have that problem on my Archos which is drag and drop.
2. Snyc is like traction control on a car, you only need it if you're that much of a nOOb.

Yeah, like all those stupid Formula 1 drivers. Schumacher and Hamilton and all silly persons can go back to their castles or whatever in Europe, and harvest wine or whatever they do there.
...if you by mistake add a song that's already on your ipod it doesn't say wait a minute you already have that song, it just adds it like an idiot.
So, because you make a mistake and the program does what you tell it to, the program is an idiot? Great thinking!
So, because you make a mistake and the program does what you tell it to, the program is an idiot? Great thinking!

No, but it is an easy fix that could be put in place to make adding songs easier. When I had an iPod, I would only add songs every month or two, and didn't use iTunes to play my music. When I wanted to put more onto my iPod, I had to check the library's most recently added files, then find where it stopped matching up with my music folder under Date Modified to see which was the last song I added, then import from there on.

Annoying as hell, and could be easily fixed by automatically matching filenames and sizes in the library and iPod's list and asking when they're similar.
Yep, the one tucked away in the keyboard drawer is for the desktop PC sitting under the desk, the Apple Keyboard is for the MBP, which is sitting up on a level which makes it rather uncomfortable to type on, hence an external keyboard.

I have a 2nd gen 2GB ipod nano... and it is a complete POS.

I've had nothing but trouble with the damn thing since I bought it. Replaced on warranty once. I've been through 12 sets of earbuds on warranty. Sometimes it will turn on and off, sometimes it won't. Deleting music is the only way to remove it from the ipod; I can't retrieve my music as mp3 files. I can't even run rockbox on it as the firmware is encrypted.

I come to find out that they want a king's ransom to fix a broken back button... In the end it was cheaper just to buy an 8GB Sandisk Sansa. Screw apple and their proprietary formats and buggy programs. The lesson learned is that just because an item has the most market exposure doesn't mean it is the best product.
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