If you have an Apple product, post in here.

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
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People who are Lame, Uncool, and Untrendy:
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  • daan (still love you for who you are xoxo)
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  • Joey D (ditch the Zune dude)
  • V1P3R

The Applites greatly outnumber the evil naysayers. First we conquered the operating system, then we conquered the portable music industry. Next, we will conquer... the world.
The first time I used a Mac (the stereotypical blue G3 with OS 9.2 that was) I thought "hell no, this thing is weird" but after two months of using them - including a powerful G4 with OS X - I wanted one. I still do but I can't find a good reason to buying the base model Macbook just yet, no matter how much I'd like to have one. It'll be the first thing to get if I win the lottery though.

I'm going through my second iPod nano though, my mother promised to buy me a mp3 player when I turned 20 and the 1st generation Nano (in black to get cooler looks) was the best in every aspect except price but as I wasn't paying, who cares. It served me well through my year in the army and still works perfectly but as my music library expanded beyond the limits of its 2 GB of storage I wanted a bigger one, this time I also paid for it myself. Now I have a 2nd generation model with 8 GB of storage and that one isn't going to run out anytime soon. I could have got the 3rd generation version too but it looked just too much like a child's toy, the 2nd generation model still looks like a proper Nano. An outstanding piece of hardware, and gets even better with a pair of Koss headphones plugged in. No budget model Creative can match that quality.
^ Boot camp doesn't allow both Operating Systems running at the same time IIRC. Two different partitions on the Hard Disk which are booted seperately to the user's choosing. Any Virtual Desktop programs that do run Windows on top of the running OS X are very slow though. I know this when running XP on the G4...
Ah, but the G4’s a PPC chip, so there’s a lot of, uh, translating going on to get it to work with Windows. Parallels and VMware are supposed to be pretty fast, since Windows runs natively on Intel chips anyway.
Ah, but the G4’s a PPC chip, so there’s a lot of, uh, translating going on to get it to work with Windows. Parallels and VMware are supposed to be pretty fast, since Windows runs natively on Intel chips anyway.
Oh yeah, I forgot Intel chips weren't in Macs in those days. Makes sense now.
Riiiight. The only time my iPod has ever broken is by my own hand. I put my 2G Shuffle through the wash.

iPod #1: the hard drive quit working and lost all the songs and would not take new ones

iPod #2: LCD screen broke while walking outside in cold weather, it was in a case with a screen protector.

iPod #3: Wouldn't turn on any more.

All three instances Apple would not replace them or fix them because they said I broke it...I mean I guess I can understand the screen. I'm sure they are fine MP3 players but three bad ones have made me not want another one...I'm just glad I had the Best Buy replacement plan on them. My Zune on the other hand has never had a problem and I use it no less then 6 hours a day during the week. I just wish the battery life was longer.

By the way this isn't meant to turn into an all out crap on Apple feast, I was just responding to EWillis & TopHat unjustified comments. Like I said they must be doing something right because millions are sold every year...I've had a bad experience and I know others that have as well.
People who are Awesome:
  • philly cheese (maybe)

I got an 80 GB Classic under the tree. Does that take away the "maybe?":scared:

iPod #1: the hard drive quit working and lost all the songs and would not take new ones

iPod #2: LCD screen broke while walking outside in cold weather, it was in a case with a screen protector.

iPod #3: Wouldn't turn on any more.

All three instances Apple would not replace them or fix them because they said I broke it...I mean I guess I can understand the screen. I'm sure they are fine MP3 players but three bad ones have made me not want another one...I'm just glad I had the Best Buy replacement plan on them. My Zune on the other hand has never had a problem and I use it no less then 6 hours a day during the week. I just wish the battery life was longer.

Apparently Apple is required to replace your iPod with a brand new one after the 3rd break....
Apparently Apple is required to replace your iPod with a brand new one after the 3rd break....

They did want to, Apple had some of the worst customer service I have ever experienced.
People who are Lame, Uncool, and Untrendy:
To be completly impartial, that should be a list of everyone who hasn't posted in here.

The title is, "If you have an Apple product, post in here." so folk who do not have an apple product haven't posted.
To be completly impartial, that should be a list of everyone who hasn't posted in here.

The title is, "If you have an Apple product, post in here." so folk who do not have an apple product haven't posted.

But it's so much more fun this way!
I'm currently posting on an iBook G4. I've had it for 3 years now and I've never had a single problem with it apart from the power lead setting on fire but that was due to the way I had stored it. :lol:

I also own an iPod Mini, Shuffle and 2nd gen Nano, the battery on the Mini is just about dying on me but the other two are soldiering on with no problems at all, just like my iBook. I even tried launching every single application in the dock at once the other day and, having thought about it for a few minutes, it did just that with no problems, errors or freeze ups. I tried launching two things on my dads brand new laptop with Vista on it and it just stopped working completely...

Also, anyone else find it a tad hilarious that Vista has 'gadgets' that are exactly the same as 'Widgets'? :lol: Maybe the next version of Windows will have 'Tome Muchine' as a backup system, eh? ;)
Leopord FTM... I'm still not wholly convinced that its that much better than Windows under every situation (hell, I've even heard totally-Mac Kevin Rose complain about it). But dear God its pretty, and I love Time Machine. I would put some cash down on a MacBook tomorrow if I had the money, but I don't, so I'm using this PC instead.

Maybe a used one will fall into my lap, maybe it won't. Apples are pretty, I'll give them that, but I honestly wouldn't call them the "Beez Neez" when it comes to everything. Unless its MP3 players. Not much can touch the iPod these days. And theres that iPhone thing too...
My Apple Things:

Macbook Pro, Apple Wired Keyboard and an iPod Classic 80gb (not in picture).
Note: I have since replaced the mouse in that pic with a Logitech MX Revolution. :)
Except iPods suck because all the do is break.

I thought it was because they are overpriced fashion accessories that are completely out done by companies like Creative and iRiver?

Either way, they are pure fail.
I thought it was because they are overpriced fashion accessories that are completely out done by companies like Creative and iRiver?

Either way, they are pure fail.

I do agree with this statement, and I am kicking myself for having a Zune over the Creative. But it was a gift so I am not complaining, but I do think that I will be getting something a little better in the near future.
I do agree with this statement, and I am kicking myself for having a Zune over the Creative. But it was a gift so I am not complaining, but I do think that I will be getting something a little better in the near future.

Look at the new Zen, they have a 32 gig flash model with a 2.5 inch screen thats the size of a credit card and less than half an inch thick :P

With native .avi file support from what I have read, which is awesome because everything I have is compressed in .avi :sly:
30GB iPod Video
Apple Wired Keyboard (new one)

The iPod's alright for what it does I guess. The keyboard rocks, however. I haven't used a Mac to decide if God really made them.
The Applites greatly outnumber the evil naysayers. First we conquered the operating system, then we conquered the portable music industry. Next, we will conquer... the world.

Starting with iDaho?

Yes, I make rather strange observations sometimes.

Hehe, the mouse and speakers belong to the desktop PC you can see peeking into the bottom right hand corner of the pic. And I really cannot wait until I can rid myself of the blue ethernet cable you can see there, I tire of not having wireless internet. ~_~

And yeah, the Apple keyboards are really nice. Takes a couple of days to get used to, but one you do its great. :)
Hmm. I've always wondered since they're not redeemable for cash, what if you bought something and then returned it?

Oh wait, it would show on the receipt. :dunce:
Either way, they are pure fail.

Except iPods suck because all the do is break.

I must disagree here, you must be very not nice to ruin an iPod...(unnice? what the hell...)

Joey, which iPod model did you have?

I've never had a better music player then my iPod, it replaced my PC music player, my stereo installation, everything... I mean, it's so reliable, even though I've got Vista, the iPod keeps being nice to me, and that's one of a kind! Also, it's so simple and easy to use...

The only thing I'd wish for is the option to select the songs you want to hear to instead of clicking to find each song or to make custom maps in iTunes...
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