If you have an Apple product, post in here.

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
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Watch out... Duck might pull the... "you don't take care of your stuff" card or the... "you're an incompetent user and the product is 1337". :rolleyes:
I have a 2nd gen 2GB ipod nano... and it is a complete POS.

I've had nothing but trouble with the damn thing since I bought it. Replaced on warranty once. I've been through 12 sets of earbuds on warranty. Sometimes it will turn on and off, sometimes it won't. Deleting music is the only way to remove it from the ipod; I can't retrieve my music as mp3 files. I can't even run rockbox on it as the firmware is encrypted.

I come to find out that they want a king's ransom to fix a broken back button... In the end it was cheaper just to buy an 8GB Sandisk Sansa. Screw apple and their proprietary formats and buggy programs. The lesson learned is that just because an item has the most market exposure doesn't mean it is the best product.

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You are incompetent! Please stop spreading false information about Apple products, it's in the Acceptable Use Policy:
Acceptable Use Policy
You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.
Apple products do not break on their own. If they do break, it's because of the user... and since your iPod has broken, it was because of you. Because of the AUP rule I quoted, you can be banned for slighting an Apple product, so please cease your blasphemous shenanigans.

EDIT: dougiemeats! You're back! Where've you been?!
I don't want to "knowingly mislead" someone into buying an apple (doesn't deserve capitalization) product.

All right, boys, can we stop this fanboy-vs-anti-fanboy fest?

Oh, and btw... say you have a current music collection on itunes and you want to quickly add songs, if you by mistake add a song that's already on your ipod it doesn't say wait a minute you already have that song, it just adds it like an idiot. Don't have that problem on my Archos which is drag and drop.
Um, mine actually does tell me I have that song, and asks if I want to add it anyways.

The only problems I have on my iTouch are the rare occasions to get the Internet connected (Not the Apple's fault though), and adding movies. So far, trying to get a movie has been a bit of a pain.
All right, boys, can we stop this fanboy-vs-anti-fanboy fest?


But this is so much fun!

Prematurely ending the bantering would break my heart, Duke. Break my heart.

Also, don't you have a Powerbook? You can join our quest to conquer the world. Join us!
Apple products do not break on their own. If they do break, it's because of the user... and since your iPod has broken, it was because of you. Because of the AUP rule I quoted, you can be banned for slighting an Apple product, so please cease your blasphemous shenanigans.

I really miss the rep system, you post this rubbish and you for whatever reason think you are funny for doing so. It's not, it is just down right annoying and degrades the quality of the forum. Please think before you post.

Apple products break, just like Sony, Microsoft, Panasonic, etc. products break. I've been through three iPods over the past few years and while I agree that they all aren't worthless rubbish, the fact I had three fail me left a bad taste in my mouth of them. A friend of mine had the hard drive on her MAC laptop go out and lost all of her data...luckily she had most of it backed up but she now has a HP. A product does not or does break just based on what company it comes from. Apple products may be more reliable but they are by no mean 100% failsafe.

This is why so many people dislike MAC users, because of the elitist attitude some users have. I'm not saying every single MAC owner does this, not by a long shot, but the ones that do really give a poor image to those MAC owners who aren't product elitist.
Apple fans are Apple fans, they're either really cool about it or they aren't. Depends really... Look at Kevin Rose, he seems pretty nice about it when I watch Diggnation (and Screen Savers before it...), but then I go to other places and talk to say, kids at school, yeah. They just won't shut up about how I'm an idiot for building a gaming PC.

I like both for different reasons, and I'm happy to use both. Thats why I plan on getting an old MacBook for my laptop at school, but keep it straight PC for anything else.
Just to add to this threads possible good potential, I have an iPod Shuffle 1st gen, the battery has never died, and It has gone uncharged for months at a time.

I will say that about my ipod, the battery life was incredible. I assumed it would last until the battery died. I assumed wrong. :D

I'm not a fanboy or anti-fanboy for Apple or any other company. I buy who sells the best product at the lowest price. Screw brand loyalty just for the sake of brand loyalty.
Lets see...

MP3 player... mum has an ipod that i got for free. Dont really like itunes that much since i cant sort the songs via filename. So half my songs are in no order.


Macs can play games? since when?

Since all i use my PC for is gaming i have no need for a mac. I like my 8800GTX, core 2 duo E6600 @ 3.4ghz and Corsair ram.

And Toshiba wins laptops.
Dont really like itunes that much since i cant sort the songs via filename. So half my songs are in no order.
Partly true. It would sort by the file name in case there were no tags on the file, but if there are, it uses them. Which sounds logical to me, I much prefer seeing the proper name of the song instead of a monster file name with the track number, the artist, the name of the song, and the album it's from. Maybe even the date it's ripped on. But each to their own, and deleting the tags corrects the problem if you want to do it.

Macs can play games? since when?
1986 and Microsoft Flight Simulator.
I will agree the iPods battery life was quite good, that is one thing I wish I could say about the Zune. It's not bad but the iPod was better.
Apple stock just recently broke $200/share. I can only dream of shorting it just in time for the bubble-burst.
I hear ya... We got Grandma a Toshiba earlier this year so she could finally get e-mail and have a computer with her when shes on vacation. I've used it quite a few times, my God is it hot when that is really working!

Sony still does pretty decent laptops, they've got a really nice Viao out there that packs a lot of features in for a good price. Normally I'm an HP guy, but Apple is second only to that.
I'd take an Apple over HP anyday, I don't know what all the fuzz around HP is. My friend just bought himself a new HP with 2 Gb RAM. I've got a Dell...a Dell with half that amount of RAM, I had mine longer and his HP has already crashed twice now...

Apple please!
I've never had any luck with Dell products (my Dad has had two desktops), and compared to my HP's, they were lackluster at best.

Although, that may be because I actually spend money on them... Who knows!

Personally speaking, I just have a really hard time justifying the purchase of a $1600 MacBook in black when I can get a pretty similar (if not better) experience with a well-built HP or Dell. Furthermore, I'm certain that if configured properly, my money would end up going a lot further...

Which reminds me; Has Apple done anything with Blu-Ray or HD-DVD stuff yet? I was looking at the Best-Buy ads the other day and they're starting to stick HD-DVD players in notebooks for a halfway decent price...
Toshibas get extremely hot because someone thought it would be a good idea to put the auxiliary exhaust fan ON THE BOTTOM OF THE COMPUTER.

My Acer remains nice and cool.
Toshibas get extremely hot because someone thought it would be a good idea to put the auxiliary exhaust fan ON THE BOTTOM OF THE COMPUTER.

My Acer remains nice and cool.

Yep, so does my Dell. No matter how long it's been on, with games running or whatever, it's never really hot, just...warmed...Logically maybe with fans that suck air on both sides of the keyboard? :P
My Toshiba is fine with overheating, but barely satisfactory in every other category. The touch pad pointer is the most frustrating bit. It often goes AWOL or otherwise unresponsive. The software update only makes it worse. This is however the lowest Toshiba laptop, but still half the issues are inexcusable even at that... I have to get a new laptop next year for school anyway - mandatory Toshiba again. We'll see.

My iPod battery was alright (3rd gen - with the 4 buttons above the wheel), slowly lost longevity until it was replaced with an aftermarket battery that was okay. The whole thing bit the dust after 4+ years of ownership. Overall really satisfied considering my options at the time. I'd gladly drop 300$ for a new 80gb if I had the change.
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