I said I was gonna do it, and well I've got nothing better to do, so I'd like to make a little post commemorating my past cars. The first being a 1993 Toyota Camry LE...
...and the second being a 1994 Toyota Celica GT.
So I'll start with my first car, the almighty 2.2 Camry. You might be asking yourself how I managed such a powerful steed as my first car, and I assure you, it wasn't easy...
No I'm joking of course, all jokes aside the 2.2 Camry is a god awfully slow car that pretty much completely discourages you from driving fast or aggressively. So really, the perfect first car.
I'll go ahead and say it right now, I didn't buy either of these. My dad did. The Camry he purchase for relatively cheap, the engine needed a little bit of work and the lady was planning on scraping it. It had around 230K odd miles on it, and after a little but of work, ran like a champ. The interior was spotless as well. The main problem it had was oil pressure would drop, so to make sure it wouldn't blow up the mighty little 5SFE, my dad had fitted a
boost gauge oil pressure gauge.
I drove my little donkey for only maybe two months, which mostly consisted of minus 10 degree temperatures and general crappy weather. So it really didn't see all that many miles as I mostly spent my time curled up in a blanket in bed praying for nice weather to come back.
For the most part, ownership was rather uneventful. However, not long after getting my license, me and a friend had planned on going out to some car dealers and do some car spotting in January because hey,
I GOT A FREAKING DRIVERS LICENSE NOW. So after heading to the Lexus and Jaguar dealers, I get onto the highway to head to my prime car spotting location, the promenade shops. However, not 5 seconds after merging, I smell the all to familiar scent of burning oil, while my oil gauge drops to zero and my oil light comes on... Great. Stranded on the side of the highway in the middle of January. After calling my dad, he said to wait a bit and try to continue, and when I continued... Same thing. A half hour later, I'm back on my way. THIS time, I go incredibly slowly (lel screw other people trying to get places), and manage to get to an exit and drive to work. Then I got to take the IS300 out for the rest of the day, woo! I also did manage to get the Camry sideways in some very icy roads (not intentionally)... Which I guess was kinda cool. Such mad drifts yo.
After that, I drove it for a few more weeks, however my dad came to me with the prospect of driving the Celica he had bought with the intention of giving my brother, and well, that was the end of the Camry. He sold it to a guy who's buddies with the one guy at work, and he works down the street from us, so I still see it whenever I'm down that way. Overall, it was a boring, slow, crappy handling, and a rather meh slush box econo box, but it
DID always fire up and get me where I needed to go without any drama all the time, unless I tried taking the highway... Not to mention my first car, so I salute you my legendary little '93 Camry.
Onto my next car, my '94 Celica GT. At the point of selling the Camry, it was now early March. The Celica GT was now all mine. And damn was I happy to have it.
As I said, it was originally purchased for my brother, however I won't get into why he can't drive, so instead, it's sat behind work for a while, and sat.... And sat... Annnnnd sat...
So since it say for so long, it needed a little bit of basic work. For starters, a tune up and a battery. Plus it leaked oil, just like
EVERY SINGLE 5SFE ENGINE EVER BUILT. However, the engine was solid and soon was running like new. The interior on this car was also incredibly clean. The exterior made the car look a lot worse than it really was, the clear coat was peeling off the roof, it has a dent on the LR fender, and also a rust spot there to go along with it...
This had only about 120K on it iirc. I honestly don't remember. Maybe it was 160K... I unno. Anyway, it also had an automatic transmission. Sure it has the same engine as a Camry and it's also FWD, but it's also smaller and lighter so not only is it quicker, but it also handles better.
After sitting so long it was difficult to get clean...
I did get this once the weather had become a bit nicer, so I definitely got a lot more enjoyment out of this car. I do believe I racked up something like 1-1.5K miles on it in March. Went out to a lot of car dealers and did quite a bit of car spotting in weekends. Really enjoyed the car, was a huge step up from driving a Camry. Plus it had an aux jack!
Of course, warm weather also means bringing out nice cars. So once the salt washed off the roads, my dad took out what is now my Supra. After about a week, it became fully mine and I started daily driving it. This did give me one last nice usage, a trip down to Hershey PA for a Porsche Club of America swap meet and show. And it even made a friend while it was there!
Whatever happened to it now? Well, it's still my car, however it's reserved for winter so it's back to it's spot behind work. Battery is out, and well I'm planning on getting something a bit better for driving in the winter, so it's likely that this'll be gone shortly. I did really enjoy the time I spent driving this though, and I'll definitely consider buying one with a 5 speed in the future.