ilikewaffles11's Toyotas

:cheers:Nice cars good thread. Supra is a gem. Looks like you take care of your cars.

Thank you! :) And believe me, I do! :P

Speaking of taking care of them, did a little more detailing today.

Random pic at work

For starters, I put some Rain-X on the side windows. I also cleaned the door jams with some Simple Green cleaner spray so now they're pretty nice and shiny.

The main thing that was bugging me is the amount of dust all over the place. So I used a swifter duster cloth on pretty much the entire interior to get all of the dust I possibly could get. And it worked pretty well. Also used some q tips in the harder to get areas. I think I figured out exactly why it's always so dusty, deep inside the vents if you look in there a LOT of dirt and dust built up, however the only way to get at it would be to take the vents out... So that'll probably be something I do later on.

Some pics of my nice clean interior



Tomorrow I'll head into work and replace my clutch slave cylinder and radiator. And after that change my oil. Then hopefully on Friday give it a good wash, buffer it to try and remove some of the swirl marks, and then maybe wax it if I have the time. If not maybe Saturday, then it'll be all nice and shiny for Cars and Coffee on Sunday! :D

Edit: Forgot to make mention, as I'm sure some of you know I'm looking for a winter beater. Since I can't find any SVXs that the owners will respond to my messages, I'm also going to be looking at first generation Toyota 4Runners ('84-89). Slightly difficult to find what I want unfortunately. I want a rather beat up one with the 4 cylinder 22RE along with a 5 speed manual. Bonus if it has an altimeter.


If it doesn't, I'm gonna buy one and install it myself because they're awesome. My dad has one of course, literally exactly what I want, however he uses it as a plow truck for at work. So I was thinking maybe offering to buy a second gen or something that could be used as a plow and trade for the first gen. Dunno if he'd go for that but hey worth a shot, he's told me many times I can't have it...
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Very nice. Gotta love having a clean interior makes you just feel BA.
No one understands me when I rain-x every window on my car and the side mirrors. It’s such a convenience!
Very nice. Gotta love having a clean interior makes you just feel BA.
No one understands me when I rain-x every window on my car and the side mirrors. It’s such a convenience!

I know. :lol: At work, I often have to do something on cars that people essentially use as a trash can and it just appals me everytime. Especially when it's just PILED up in the car...

Yea, I think Rain X is very underrated.
How often do you guys reapply rainx?

This is the first time that I've put it in my Supra, but I think I did it once every 3/4 weeks on my Camry.

Also another update: I apparently need a new AC compressor. Well crap. I have the choice of either saving $400, or being incredibly hot in this crappy humid Pennsylvania summers...
I think I put it on my windshield every other wash (2/3 weeks).
I feel your pain. And a little more-I've gone the week without AC in my car and will continue to do so until Saturday...
I think I put it on my windshield every other wash (2/3 weeks).
I feel your pain. And a little more-I've gone the week without AC in my car and will continue to do so until Saturday...

I'll probably start doing it every 3 weeks or so.

Yea, since I've been driving it I haven't had any AC. I initially thought that it just leaked and needed to be charged, but apparently the compressor needs to be replaced. So far, it's not been so bad however I know very soon I'm gonna be dying. Especially in traffic. So I'm thinking $400 isn't THAT bad...

I also need to clean the air ducts, which apparently to do so I need to take the bottom of the dash apart and access them from there. Probably do it soon, I'd rather do that once than have to dust my car every week. Unfortunately you can't just take the vents out as you need to take the dash off in order to get the screws out.
Temporary solution-

Buy $12 portable fan that runs off 9v/12v battery off Amazon/eBay
Buy 9v/12v batteries
Temporary solution-

Buy $12 portable fan that runs off 9v/12v battery off Amazon/eBay
Buy 9v/12v batteries

That's not a bad idea actually. Might do just that. At the moment it's not to bad though, it's not at that 85% humidity and 95 degrees stage as of yet.
I apply rainx mainly during monsoon season for obvious reasons (other than that time it’s so dry here I don’t need it...) and I apply it every month or so depending on how it’s hanging in there. One of the nice things about the rain x is you don’t even need your windshield wipers most of the time when it’s applied. So you don’t scrap on the coating with the blades allowing it to last longer, and if the drops accumulate just drive faster :mischievous:.
Just remember to remove the rainx every four to six months and re-apply a new coat rather than applying over the top of the old layers of rainx. If you keep applying layer after layer then particles will keep getting trapped between the layers.

At least that's my experience.
So first some random pics.

Awfully dark last night

Stormed like hell

So, today I replaced the clutch slave cylinder and the clutch master cylinder. Didn't know that my dad had ordered both, so that's good. Anyway, what a joyous experience royal pain the ass it is. Mainly the master cylinder, as in order to get at it, you have to crawl in a very awkward, cramped, and uncomfortable position underneath the dash board and then somehow manage to find a position for a flash light to sit, and then take two little bolts out of the firewall. Which was an absolute pain in the ass.

My view for about an hour of trying to get them out and putting them back in, this is putting them back in.

After the master cylinder, the slave cylinder was pretty straight forward. Then I bled the clutch and put it down and then went on to change my oil. Didn't have time to replace the radiator, so dunno when I'll do that. Maybe tomorrow. I also forgot that I need to replace my brake rotors...

Now, my clutch actually has feeling to it. I'm not used to it, it's gonna take me a few days to get used to. Mostly just hill starts.
So, great news, my AC is working! I literally couldn't have gotten any luckier, as my compressor was seized up and they run for about $350. Luckily, I don't need a new compressor, a little bit of oil sprayed in there and it unsiezed right up! The AC works wonderfully I might add! Thank god for that, I usually have my windows open but Pennsylvania summer sucks and usually consists of absurdly humid and hot sticky days. :crazy:

The only thing that I need is an idler pulley for the AC belt as the bearing is bad. We have one from one of the parts cars but unfortunately that one was different. It squaeked like hell before, but for some reason it's stopped now and I drove home without any noise at all. Still, I'm gonna replace it anyway.

Quite happy to say the least, dodged a $350 bullet! :D

Also gonna need to do anther project, I noticed the passenger side fog light (I think, the clear light in the grill, see above picture) has water inside of it. So what I'll do is take it off, dry the inside, and then reseal.
So today I finally got to replace my radiator. And it took way longer than it should've. Went pretty smoothly up until I dropped the new one in. It's some Chinese made piece of crap, so it didn't exactly fit right and required quite a bit of bending, grinding, and swearing in order to get it into place. Eventually we got it in though, so whatever.

Here's the old one, pretty worn out. This was off of the '82 L Type parts car we had

Here it is all back together

And some pictures, because yea.



Right, so I'm REALLY thinking about starting up a new project. Out back at work, my dad has an AW11 MR2 which he's had sitting there for a few years, he bought it planning to fix it up but never got around to it, so now it's just rotting away. He said he's either gonna scrap it, or if I want it, give it to me to fix up. If I abandon the winter car idea, I think I'll be able to afford insurance and all of that, and I could probably just use one of his cars in the winter to get around.

So here's some pictures of the car, it's say for so long that it's pretty much rusting away...

So pictures, front and rear


Where somebody tried prying the hood (or trunk, whatever) open

Rust on front bumper

The front left quarter

The rear quarters really didn't hold up well, these are the worst spots on the car



Where somebody tried prying the door open...

Right rear


And where some ****ing asshole broke the sunroof to steal the radio which I doubt even worked

So things that need repair:
1: Obviously, body work
2: New sunroof
3: New brakes all around, pads, rotors, calipers, maybe even lines
4: Needs a new timing belt
5: Drain all fluids, replace
6: Interior would need to be striped and cleaned

Probably more I can't think of off the top of my head. It's been sitting for quite a long time as well so new problems have probably arisen.

The plan would basically be to make this into a beater. I wouldn't make it look as nice as the Supra as unfortunately I don't have the money to have it all redone, so I'd just bondo bomb it. Sunroof, dunno, guy at work suggested getting something like Plexiglass for it, I forget what it was called he talked about. The mechanical work I'll do myself so it'd only cost how overmuch the parts do. The engine itself is good and runs, just needs some work. I'd basically just use it as a beater car, drive the absolute hell out of it and drive it hard and just have fun with it.

So I'm just tossing this idea around as I absolutely LOVE the AW11 MR2, and here's one that I can have for free (well, the car at least) which I just need to work for to make it drivable.
I'd do it. Going to be a big project though. Those panels are toast, they need full replacement. And that means body alignment, priming and painting etc. Most of that body needs to be replaced; there's no fixing most of that. Going to cost you a nice chunk of change to make that nice again.
I'd do it. Going to be a big project though. Those panels are toast, they need full replacement. And that means body alignment, priming and painting etc. Most of that body needs to be replaced; there's no fixing most of that. Going to cost you a nice chunk of change to make that nice again.

You think I could just bondo it? If I'd have to have it redone I won't bother, I don't have the money.
I'd steer well clear of this thing, it's going to require so much rust removal, welding, paint - not to mention all the little stuff and just yeah seriously man run.

This is not the project for you, it's scrap.
You think I could just bondo it? If I'd have to have it redone I won't bother, I don't have the money.
No amount of bondo is going to fix that. The car needs a complete tear down and rebuild and it's going to cost a serious dime. Scrap that and buy a better starting point. It's not worth fixing. It's too far gone.
I'd steer well clear of this thing, it's going to require so much rust removal, welding, paint - not to mention all the little stuff and just yeah seriously man run.

This is not the project for you, it's scrap.

No amount of bondo is going to fix that. The car needs a complete tear down and rebuild and it's going to cost a serious dime. Scrap that and buy a better starting point. It's not worth fixing. It's too far gone.

Well crap. Well, since I said the motor is still good, and assuming we have room to store it at work, at least the motor is salvageable. Maybe in the future I'll get lucky and find a nice shell and just drop the motor in. That's probably wishful thinking but...

Well that's a bummer, I'd absolutely love an AW11 and they're not getting any easier to find in half decent shape. Plus by the time I'll be able to afford one, is imagine the prices will have gone up quite a bit...

Hmmm... Have you considered making it a rat rod?

Eh, I'm not a huge fan of the rat rod on Japanese cars look, just doesn't fit the car I think.


Well, back to searching for a winter beater. Would still like a first gen 4Runner.
Would you be against an S10 Blazer for a beater? You can find them dirt cheap.
Would you be against an S10 Blazer for a beater? You can find them dirt cheap.

Oh god no, I definitely don't want a Blazer.

The thing is, the stuff I want is difficult to find. A first gen 4Runner in beat up shape (which is what I want) usually isn't more than $2500. The only real problem is FINDING one. The FJ60s aren't any easier.
If you're buying a beater, buy something you won't give a crap about. Hard to find stuff is not good for beater material because they are harder to find and that jacks the price up. It's what you have in mind for them that makes it hard for restorers to do their job.
If you're buying a beater, buy something you won't give a crap about. Hard to find stuff is not good for beater material because they are harder to find and that jacks the price up. It's what you have in mind for them that makes it hard for restorers to do their job.

Well the thing with first gen 4Runners, a beat up one that's maybe a little rusty on the outside is pretty cheap and suits my needs perfectly, not to mention I quite like them and I wouldn't mind beating on an already beat up one. Yea, the nice ones are rather pricey, but that's not what I'm looking for. And to be fair, I don't know many restorers who wanna restore old Toyotas, especially 4Runners. :P

What about Land Cruisers?

Like I said, looking at FJ60s. They're just pretty difficult to find.

I'd love a Cruiser, but 40s are to expensive and 62s only come with autos, which I want a manual. I don't really want a newer one, and they're to expensive anyway. So FJ60s are the only ones that I can afford, and I've been looking, but they're just not easy to find.

Though my dad used to have a brown one which he sold to some guy who's really into them, so he said he'd email him and see if he still has it and would be willing to sell it or if he has another one he'd sell. Forgot to have him do that, will have to get on that...
So, AC pulley has finally been replaced. Well, kinda. Got a new pulley however it was a bit smaller and would've required a new belt. Not only that but I would've also had to have found a washer to put on the bearing. So rather than do that, took the old bearing out (which is what was bad, not the pulley itself) and put a new one in. So yup. Here it is all apart, box represents pulley, put the original one back on.

While waiting for the new bearing, took a look around underneath it and realized that somebody took a page from the Nissan 240SX repair manual and put zip ties on the front bumper.


But anyway, also changed the oil. Still haven't had time to put new rotors on.


So another random update, my friends '85 Celica GTS has developed a rod knock. :(

This one for reference

So me and the one guy from work are talking about purchasing it and splitting the price (said he'll take $500), and doing one of either two things:

1: Find a good motor, drop it into it, clean the interior and exterior really well, and swap out and of the good parts for stuff on either of our cars that are crappier. Such as the brand new Brembo brakes on the rear, those are going on my car.

2: Buy it and strip it down for parts. There's not all that much I want, though the new Brembos are definitely something I want. I would also like the interior trim and things like that as it's identical to my car from the front seats and up. Plus since in planning on getting a 4Runner, some spare engine bits as they share engines.

And speaking of 4Runners, I found one on Craigslist for $2800, exactly what I want. 22RE motor with a 5 speed manual. Even has a freakin altimeter! Some stupid mods done to it, but nothing major. It's just stupid things I can take off, like dumb aftermarket wheels, a speaker system in the back (which'll be the absolute first thing to go), a Grant steering wheel (:yuck:), and a dumb shift knob. So gonna get in contact with him, body has a little rust but frame is solid apparently, paint looks pretty good.
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Thread resurrection time!

Well, to start this post off, this morning I went to Cars and Coffee. Car was filthy, but I didn't care it was getting shown either way. I was the only Supra there oddly.

Later on in the day, I cleaned the crap out of it since I haven't done so in quite some time due to weather mostly. So I washed it very thoroughly, put dash protectant on, cleaned the glass, and also have it a good vacuuming. Had a friend helping and he has some wheel cleaner which shockingly actually worked! Will have to pick some up and use a wire brush and just clean the hell out of them. Gonna take a long time and be a major pain in the ass, but it'll be worth it. Also need to clean some wax off of the Supra decal on the back, I didn't know it was wax so never got it off. Finally, didn't have time but was planning in using some tire shine just so my tires look slightly cleaner.

While digging in my trunk for, well, no reason, I noticed this nice little touch. On the piece of wood that sits over top of the spare tire, there's a little kick stand that folds down and holds it open. It makes me really happy knowing that one day in the 1980s, some Japanese engineer thought about the guy who will one day own the car and need to have this stupid little piece of plywood held open. And built a kick stand into it. :D

While in there, I also noticed this. Water is leaking into the rear hatch somewhere. I'm pretty sure it's from one of the taillights. So crap. Not that bad of a leak though, you can kind of see it here, there's a little pool on the left. If I can confirm that it's the taillight, I might try and seal it up otherwise I'll just keep an eye on it. I left the plug slightly out so it'll drain if anymore gets in.


I also had my Celica out for a little bit yesterday. My dad brought it home for some reason, and I figured while he has it home, why not drive it and get some photos? Haven't driven it since April, and my dad wanted me to drive it since it sat for so long, so that's exactly what I did.

First of all, I went to my favorite driving road ever as I've never taken this on that road. I didn't push it THAT hard due to a combination of snow tires, not being driven in 6 months, and it being FWD which I'm not used to, but it was actually a lot of fun. The automatic is pretty dull, but it's not a bad handling car. Afterwards, went to get some photos.


Yes it's filthy. I don't care that much honestly. It's a beater. Might try and clean it some tomorrow or something if I'm feeling up to it.


Afterwards did some usual car guy stuff with a friend. I forgot what it's like to drive in a car that gets good fuel economy! :lol:

Was an enjoyable day and I'm very glad I took it out once again. As much as I absolutely love my Supra, it's sometimes nice to drive something that you don't have to stress about leaving in a parking lot for 5 minutes. Not to mention something that runs on regular gas that gets good fuel economy. :P

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