
  • Thread starter KSaiyu
10 year old boy raped by refugee in public pool Vienna, refugee states it was a 'sexual emergency'
You can keep posting these stories all you like, and while they're horrific, you're going to need something more substantial to prove your theory that sexual violence is endemic to the refugee community. I direct your attentiom to the case of Masa Vutkovic, a Melbourne teenager who was raped and murdered by Caucasian man.
10th of December, the report was written... that is. Unless you mean the length of time until your source in Australia was published, which would be irrelevant.
To quote one of the Real Housewives of Melbourne, "raise your argument, not your voice". You know you're doing badly when one of the Real Housewives can offer insight on how to conduct your argument.

Though to be fair, she is a pretty prominent barrister.
So the argument is since we already have crime we might as well import some more?
I don't know which thread you're reading, but it's clearly not this one. Nobody has said what you're suggesting, and more to the point, you're perfectly aware of it. It was simply pointed out that despite all of the stories of sexual violence being committed by immigrants and refugees, nobody has been able to conclusively demonstrate that sexual violence is only committed by immigrants and refugees, or at least committed by them at higher rates than the naturalised population. This is disturbing because the obvious intention of the people posting these stories - yourself included - is to present immigrants and refugees as committing acts of sexual violence at a higher rate than the naturalised population.

So, rather than deliberately misquote the people you disagree with in a petty attempt at undermining them, how about you put your money where your mouth is and show some hard evidence?
10th of December, the report was written... that is. Unless you mean the length of time until your source in Australia was published, which would be irrelevant.
Ok i stand corrected. So it wasn't delayed initially it just took 2 months before the international press took it over.

To quote one of the Real Housewives of Melbourne, "raise your argument, not your voice". You know you're doing badly when one of the Real Housewives can offer insight on how to conduct your argument.

Though to be fair, she is a pretty prominent barrister.
If you're talking housewife behavior, i would start by looking in the mirror. Your arguments are mostly weak, and you keep on assuming that we're out to proof that "every refugee is involved", which is not the case at all. You also like to resort to playing the man instead of the ball more often than not if you get frustrated by someone that doesn't share your liberal views, which i find a bit pathetic to be honest.
Ok i stand corrected. So it wasn't delayed initially it just took 2 months before the international press took it over.

If you're talking housewife behavior, i would start by looking in the mirror. Your arguments are mostly weak, and you keep on assuming that we're out to proof that "every refugee is involved", which is not the case at all. You also like to resort to playing the man instead of the ball more often than not if you get frustrated by someone that doesn't share your liberal views, which i find a bit pathetic to be honest.
Tread carefully my friend, otherwise this classic quote from TRHOM might be next:

An angry Gina then partially revealed the comment herself after some prodding from Alex Perry, saying, “The last time someone called me a name, my boys are very protective, and one of them said to me that the other one was gonna get a body bag ready.
So the argument is since we already have crime we might as well import some more?

what do you expect, you are talking to people who think that coordinated sexual harassment aka taharrush gamea is completely normal in Europe and what happened in Cologne is just manifestation of our rapist tendencies and have nothing to do with recent influx of "refugees" from vastly different cultures .
Strange argument. We should stop having babies too then.. after all, in 16 years they'll be packing the juvenile detention centres...
I mean North Korea had a system where people who doesnt obey the rules are jailed not just for him/her but his/her whole 7 generations too.
what do you expect, you are talking to people who think that coordinated sexual harassment aka taharrush gamea is completely normal in Europe and what happened in Cologne is just manifestation of our rapist tendencies and have nothing to do with recent influx of "refugees" from vastly different cultures .
When you say "talking to people who...", do you mean the people who are actively replying to you or do you mean all of the avid readers of these threads? I'm in the latter group & you've made an inaccurate claim about what I think. I suspect it's also inaccurate of the people who have been replying to you. It's also quite insulting & potentially slanderous.
To point out that criminals commit crimes through all demographics is not the same as saying that we expect crime & see it as acceptable.
Well, the U.S. penal system routinely sterilizes female prisoners, so there is that.

What? I mean, seriously, What? Where the hell did you pull that absurd info from?

EDIT: I googled this 🤬. It looks like 148 immates in California agreed to a tubal ligation between 2008-2010. The story makes it seem like they were 'forced' but goes on to say it was the immates choice ultimately. So, I guess squadops translates a small percentage of the female immate population agreeing to a procedure five years ago to the entirety of the penal system being forced. Quite the jump.

I had an ex-wife who had a tubal ligation. Guess she must have been a immate in the US. No way she choose that route, right?
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It's more common than you might think, sure most of them agree to it for a variety of reasons, it still happens on a regular basis.

Lets not forget about American Eugenics either, do you think that didn't happen or is overblown by squadops the blowhard?
Women agreeing to 'sterilization' is something assuredly happens more than I'm aware. Everyday. Everywhere. For a variety of reasons. In and out of the penal system. So? Some women just don't want kiddos. Or it may be that the procedure stops something worse from rearing it's ugly head. But if your belief is that it's forced to keep the bad people from reproducing, look around. It ain't working. Or maybe this idea of yours is just another conspiracy theory.

American Eugenics? We're bringing up a ideal that's easily a century old really, and died in the 70's. One that doesn't hold much weight in today's society? In an immigration conversation. Blowhard or just reaching in my opinion.
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@Ken, conspiracy theory? hmmm, reality is reality. Have you ever heard of Barbara Harris? :lol:

Yes it is an immigration conversation in which someone decided to bring up not having kids ;)
@Ken, conspiracy theory? hmmm, reality is reality. Have you ever heard of Barbara Harris? :lol:

Yes it is an immigration conversation in which someone decided to bring up not having kids ;)

Are you talking about Project Prevention? A program started by a British woman, in the UK. (Granted it is based ofut of North Carolina now.) That offers money to money hungry crack whores to be on birth control and sometimes even sterilized? A program that seen what, 4,000 clients? That's your evidence of a large scale Eugenics campaign being in our US penal system?

Additionally, you were the one that brought up the kid topic.
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@Ken, conspiracy theory? hmmm, reality is reality. Have you ever heard of Barbara Harris? :lol:

Yes it is an immigration conversation in which someone decided to bring up not having kids ;)

Europe and North America, having become rich and liberal, have stopped having children. This is the necessity for importing labor. No?
Are you talking about Project Prevention? A program started by a British woman, in the UK. That offers money to money hungry crack whores to be on birth control and sometimes even sterilized? A program that seen what, 4,000 clients? That's your evidence of a large scale Eugenics campaign being in our US penal system?

The fact that you will not acknowledge poor and crime riddled people being coerced into sterilization is a bit sad but whatever.

Additionally, you were the one that brought up the kid topic.

I beg to differ.

Strange argument. We should stop having babies too then.. after all, in 16 years they'll be packing the juvenile detention centres...

In response to me asking if we should import criminals 👍
The fact that you will not acknowledge poor and crime riddled people being coerced into sterilization is a bit sad but whatever.

Sad? It would be sad. If they didn't agree to the terms. And who's to say it isn't exactly what they wanted. I want to be sterilized. I'm 35, got a kid, and hate condoms. For some people, it's just an answer to a desire. For those, it could have been an easy $300, in the case of Project Prevention. There's no hard evidence that it's forced upon the lower class. Hell, I am lower class. I have receieved welfare. I have receieved food stamps. In fact, I still am receiving state assistance in the form of medicaid. I've been in trouble with the law once or twice. Or more. Even been a junkie in my life. Never once have I've been offered sterilization.
Go back to the poultry 148 in California then. I like how you dismiss that, oh it's only a few in one state, just an accident that happened to be reported.

Also, you don't care to redact your false claim? :ill:

@tarnheld, don't we need per capita type numbers? Of course there are way more Germans than immigrants?
Go back to the poultry 148 in California then. I like how you dismiss that, oh it's only a few in one state, just an accident that happened to be reported.

Also, you don't care to redact your false claim? :ill:

@tarnheld, don't we need per capita type numbers? Of course there are way more Germans than immigrants?

An accident? Who said it was accident. It was reported that 148 agreed to the procedure. It seems to me that the report of forced sterilization is greatly blown out of proportion.

False claim? Who you talking to? What false claim?
'Solid evidence' of what?
Your obvious intention in posting stories about sexual violence being committed by migrants and refugees is to suggest that rates of sexual violence are higher among migrants and refugees than they are among naturalised citizens, and to use this as "proof" that they should not be allowed into Europe. I want you to post actual proof of what you have been insinuating - solid scientific evidence that rates of sexual violence are higher among migrants and refugees and indisputable proof that this is because of their cultural, religious, and/or ethnic background.