
  • Thread starter Puffy
I know its a motorcycle but people here would appreciate it. And yes I did post it in the Sexy and Mean Bike Thread.

Stunning filming and a gorgeous bike. Love small capacity singles, love cafe racers even more. Makes me want to get my bike licence.

You're just jealous that you don't have bags.

Pfft. If I didn't know better I'd say my car has no suspension at all.

Anyway, I'll be rollin' on air in a few weeks when Lexus drop off my RX :D
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All 3 of the cars I've ever owned are on that poster in some form.

All of the Japanese cars I have ever associated with are on this poster as well....I feel proud of myself. Though my Civic wasn't a Type R, it was just a normal EJ8. The others are correct though.


The original car and setting look correct. The ambient lighting is all in the right spot and is the right color. The wheels looks correct. The rear spoiler looks stupid even if it is correct, and the diffuser doesn't really stand out as being out of place. Tint is off on the wheels and diffuser - it looks like they've been dodged, and judging by the ambient light I would assume they have been. Looks like it's in one piece to me.

A company called Werks One does them up...

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what's with the 34 Ford behind (in front of) your car? :0

Nope. This was at my friend's dad's shop. He restores muscle cars. That Ford is actually his latest project. He has numerous other finished works. My friend has some related photos on his facebook but I'm not sure which one of the cars are his dads.

Stunning filming and a gorgeous bike. Love small capacity singles, love cafe racers even more. Makes me want to get my bike licence.

Equally so 👍
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If he's towing that around just to show off, then it's stupid. If it's made for a reasonable purpose, then it's awesome.
Towing what, the Ruckus? The trailer? The Ruckus is a scooter, and the trailer carries the scooter...I don't see what you're complaining about. If you have to tow something, you might as well be do it better than the guy next to you. If you can afford to be awesome I say go for it!
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I'm sure this is photoshoped but it looks :crazy:

The guy that did this knows his ****. It was pretty difficult to find a flaw, something that really had me saying "there it is": the front fender's dark area is just way too dark. If he made the darker are a bit softer it would be an amazing work. If you can, care to share the name of the artist? Or you just found it browsing around?


The guy that did this knows his ****. It was pretty difficult to find a flaw, something that really had me saying "there it is": the front fender's dark area is just way too dark. If he made the darker are a bit softer it would be an amazing work. If you can, care to share the name of the artist? Or you just found it browsing around?

I found it on this tumblr blog - but it did not say anything about the car.

Did a reverse image search and found this


Found where the shopped one came from
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Ah, very good work indeed. That guy has my props. It isn't an easy task to transform one car into another.

Also, links to bigger black Miata pics?
If he's towing that around just to show off, then it's stupid. If it's made for a reasonable purpose, then it's awesome.
He throws it all in when he goes to shows, but he uses the Ruckus when he's out of town. He was using the Ruckus when he was up here at WekFest before the show because the car was being cleaned up for the show.
Snagged these from the Sexy & Stock thread because relevant to Imports:


Dat diffuser.

What is this Esprit? Enduro? Rally?
