TDZdaveThat would be cool joe,
yes, and the caution will only be called if there is a monumental wreck in the last 2 laps, by that meaning more then 3 cars, if its 2 or less then bad luck to those involved,
also, there will only be 1 DC restart if multiple DC's happen in the first 11 laps, if you get DC'd after that then bad luck, you may re enter if there is a GWC,
TDZdavenah mate, they were in her sister KIA RIO Rhence the substancial head injury, they are getting released later tonight, all is well, the local hospital doesn't have the equipment to deal with head injuries, they are being monitored closely and when they both become fully responsive and coherent they will be released, thankfully,
I'm thinking of re running it next Saturday at 3PM GMT time, hopefully that suits everyone,
@polar, thanks for your support, you need to get well to mate,
@peelster, are you going ahead with it,
beofre work?![]()