Introduce Yourself! New Member Introductions Thread — Come Say Hello!

  • Thread starter Jordan
Hey folks!

Long term Gran Turismo player, ever since Gran Turismo in 1998 and played every one since (aside from PSP).

Have often come on to the site to gain valuable assistance, sharing in memories, experiences, opinions of the games etc. and with the release of GT7 have felt the need to share personal views on it.

Yes, i'll possibly rant, will make overblown, overreactionary opinions, to which I apologise for in advance, but I need somewhere to get a few opinions off my chest and either gain reassurance that everything will work itself out, or that my criticisms are shared.

Probably not the best reasons for joining such a large and respected community, but there we are. I do promise to abide by the rules of the forum and respect everyone's opinions.

Happy racing everyone!
Good evening all! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and hopefully answer these suggested questions.

  • How did you find GTPlanet? Just randomly found this site from a Google search looking for tips on getting back into sim racing
  • Where are you from? United States
  • When did you start playing racing games? Daytona USA or Crusin series in the arcades.
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? Yes, a Logitech G29. It’s mounted on a GT Omega Wheel Stand. Some day I’ll upgrade to a DD but for now I really enjoy this wheel.
  • What other games do you enjoy? I play some random jRPGs and other sim games. My father lives with us and he has been hook on truck simulator.
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? Just looking for a place to meet folks and work out my anxiety towards racing online.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

1- I know of GTPlanet from the beginning. Never replied untill now.
2- I am from the Netherlands.
3- Started playing race games when GT4 came out.
4- I use a wheel and pedals with clutch. T300RS.
5- I also play Assetto Corsa Competitione, Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition, Project Cars 3, Grid 2, F1 2021, WRC10.
6- Discuss with others about racing games and to get or give tips to improve my skills.
7- Right now i play on PS4, but one day, if there is stock again, i will play on PS5.
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Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Found the site by random scrolling
From the UK
Been playing racing games since before Ridge Racer (old school me)
Don’t like steering wheels
COD and Resident Evil always on my shopping list
Hope to get info and tips
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hello everyone,

I became aware of GT Planet through the GT7 1.07 massacre.

I'm from Germany, 31 y.o.
My first Racing game was NfS 2 SE followed by Gran Turismo.

So far I've only played with a controller, today my Fanatec GT DD Pro will be delivered. I mainly played Gran Turismo Sport, got a taste of the days in Raceroom and will probably play it as long as GT7 is idle. With luck, i will find some new acquaintances here with whom i can drive one or the other clean lap.

Greetings from Stuttgart =)
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Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hi guys, I'm Fox from Italy

I play with a G923 and I'm here just to chat about gt7
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
    Was googling for GT7 downtime info/patch notes and found this forum. Seemed nice.

  • Where are you from?
    Estonia, Tallinn

  • When did you start playing racing games?
    About 30 years ago

  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
    Still choosing. Possibly something high-end, when the decision comes.

  • What other games do you enjoy?

  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
    Learn to drive in GT7. That's my first GT title, so there's lots to get to know.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

I found GTPlanet while trying to figure out why GT7 is down.

I’m from West Michigan.

Started with the first GT on PS1

Used a Logitech “driving force pro” for GT4 and 5. Can’t afford a new better wheel setup now.

I enjoy most games that aren’t COD or Fortnight.

I’m looking forward to complaining about the current situation with this community.
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
    Was googling for GT7 downtime info/patch notes and found this forum. Seemed nice.

  • Where are you from?
    Estonia, Tallinn

  • When did you start playing racing games?
    About 30 years ago

  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
    Still choosing. Possibly something high-end, when the decision comes.

  • What other games do you enjoy?

  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
    Learn to drive in GT7. That's my first GT title, so there's lots to get to know.
Blitz or full game? I play blitz on mobile and have done since 2014
Bienvenue dans un fil spécial réservé aux nouveaux membres !:RÉ

C'est le meilleur endroit pour faire votre premier message et vous familiariser avec l'utilisation du site. Voici quelques questions que nous aimons poser à tout le monde...
  • Comment avez-vous trouvé GTPlanet ?
  • D'où viens-tu?
  • Quand avez-vous commencé à jouer à des jeux de course ?
  • Vous jouez avec un volant ? Si oui, quel genre utilisez-vous ?
  • Quels autres jeux aimez-vous ?
  • Qu'avez-vous le plus hâte de faire dans la communauté?
Comme toujours, faites-nous savoir si vous avez besoin d'aide pour naviguer sur le site ou utiliser votre compte. Bienvenue sur GTPlanet !

Bonjour tout le monde, petite présentation,: J'ai d'abord joué sur PS3 depuis très longtemps à presque tous les opus de gran turismo et j'ai depuis peu fait l'acquisition d'une PS4 sur laquelle était installé GT sport, puis je suis passé à Gt7 récemment. Je possède un volant Logitech G29, vous l'aurez compris je ne joue qu'à des jeux de sim racing. J'espère apprendre beaucoup sur ce forum et suis preneur de multiples conseils. A bientôt de vous lire toutes et tous. Michel VAILLANT 😉
Hello fellow racers!

I have been lurking around here since GT Sport came out
I am from Italy
I started playing racing games on my beloved SNES and Gran Turismo games since the first episode
I used to play with a wheel (T300 RS) but i had to get rid of it, i am a pad player now
I play any kind of games
I am here to chat, discuss and learn from the GTplanet community

Kid Winning GIF
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Hello. Long time lurker but I finally decided to join up.

I found the website browsing for info on GT7

I am from the US. Washington state.

First racing games I played was in the PS1 w/ GT2 and Crash Team Racing.

I’m using a G29 w/ my PS4

I’m playing Persona 5 Royal or Smash when I’m not on GT

I’m hoping to really get into the online scene of GT. Got in a little late w/ GT Sport when I got it for my birthday last year but it was my gateway back into the world of GT

I hope we can all get along
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Found this site from looking up decal uploading issues for GT7
I'm from the USA
I started playing racing games when I was probably between 7-10 years old. NFS Underground was my first!
I usually just play with my controller
I also enjoy playing Fallout, World of Warships Legends, Snowrunner, Mafia, and Red Dead Online
I'm looking forward to learning in the community, making some friends along the way, and news!
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

California U.S
Discount Wheel Motion Steering
All Raing games
I will oof
I've enjoyed racing games since Ridge Racer 4 and GT 2, and I've aged with the whole genre.

Whenever a new GT hits, I'm initially struck by the tracks - I'm really fond of racing on those tracks, especially Nürburgring, what a ride! I'll never see these tracks in person, but the game make them feel like a (virtual) home away from home.
And I can drive a Pagani Huayra, ...not a Subaru Forester.

Also, I found this site just this week, as I was trying to sort out what was happening with 1.07, and the community here really seems to be on the ball. So, thanks for all the information and opinions, you really helped to put this week in perspective. Cheers!
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Hey there. Been playing Gran Turismo since GT2 but I am just an average racer. I really love this franchise. I didn't like how GT Sport was focused on online racing but guess what mode I play the most in GT7? Sport mode. 🤣
G'day all
Have been doing the racing thing for around 20 years, started with V8 Supercars which was an Aussie racing category. Prior to GT7 only use GT Sport which I absolutely love.
GTSport was very intuitive, it was just down to business from the get-go.
GT7 so far I am not a great fan of. For me there's too much rhetoric (BS) and takes far to long to navigate. Having said that I'm an old fart and every minute counts. 🤣
Time will tell.
Hello guys! Been playing GT since gt1, after buying gt 7 I hoped that they were going back to their root! I really hope they will improve this game in the future.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Google searching GT7
San Francisco Bay Area
In middle school many years ago. (Grand Turismo 1, and Tokyo Xtreme Racer) were my favorites
Yes, Logi923w/driveforce shifter all grounded on an OpenWheeler sim.
GT7 and other new racing games that come out.
Hi, my name is Stu. I go by Coop42 online. I started racing with gt7. I use a thrustermaster t300rs wheel.
I live just north of Houston, TX and I found gtplanet from a search trying to figure out what I need to do to start racing online.
Just when I thought I was starting to figure out what car to use and how to tune it, the requirements changed to bop. Now I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to race online.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Found your site searching for decals.
Currently live in Western WI.
Been playing racing games since Pole Position (early 80’s maybe?)
I use a thrustmaster wheel - just the cheap one.
I play a lot of different games such as sports sims, RPGs and military sims.
Looking forward to meeting new people interested in livery design and possibly joining a old timers league in GT7.
Hey everyone !

  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
I'm from France.
  • When did you start playing racing games?
Oof, a long time ago ... My first experience with a racing game was Gran Turismo 2 on Playstation 1.
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
I have a T300RS with a F1 Wheel add-on, but I often play with a controller too : GT7 with the dualsense is amazing !
  • What other games do you enjoy?
I play some Farming Simulator 22 with a friend sometimes, F1 games, FIFA, and GTA V Online too.
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
I don't know to be honest : I just want to be part of a community while playing Gran Turismo 7

Well, that's it for me !
See you soon :)
  • How did you find GTPlanet? I was researching the best car to compete in the World Touring Car 600 Championship (Menu Book 33 on Gran Turismo 7) and found some interesting replies.
  • Where are you from? From Britain, now based in Hong Kong for 20+ years
  • When did you start playing racing games? On and off but more committed to GT 7 after getting a PS 5.
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? No, haven't gone that far. A "dual import" Japanese PS 5 was expensive enough!
  • What other games do you enjoy? Mainly open-world RPGs actually ... Ghost of Tsushima, The Witcher III, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Breath of the Wild
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? Chatting about Gran Turismo 7!
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hi! I'm Jack

  • Found GTPlanet when googling about GT7!
  • I'm from the UK
  • I've been playing them on and off since I was a kid. Played mainly Forza/Horizon especially more recently.
  • Playing with controller on PS5. Debating getting a T300 though...
  • I play all sorts! Been playing lots of Elden Ring lately too. I also play Destiny 2.
  • Not sure! I'm a quiet person so hopefully picking up some knowledge from other players. Not really looking to get into any competitive groups but would be happy for more GT7 friends.

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Hi guys, i'm Federico! :)

  • Found GTPlanet when googling about GT7!
  • I live in Italy, 2Km from Monza circuite
  • Long time ago, my first racing game on PC was NFS III: Hot pursuits (1998).
  • Playing with G29 on PS5. I have a simple stand for it, i wanna upgrade soon with a compleate playseat
  • I am a complete player in the sense that I like any genre. In the past I have been in the Italian national team of Battlefield 2 (on PC of course), but I have never limited myself to just FPS.
  • Mainly for livery support, I was looking for information on svg files and will soon ask the more experienced for a hand.
Anyone wishing to add me (Italians and non-Italians), my PSN is z0mb87.
See you soon ;)
Hey All! My name is Erik.

How did you find GTPlanet?
• I found it on the interwebs using the googles of course. ;)

Where are you from?
• I am currently in California but came here by way of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Colorado. I currently live in Mountain View CA and work at Apple.

When did you start playing racing games?
• 1997 with the first Gran Turismo. I ran a racing series called Mini Mania on back when we were submitting our lap times via email after recording our races.

Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
• I mostly use a controller but when the racing gets serious I pull out my steering wheel and peddle set. It’s a Logitech G something or other.

What other games do you enjoy?
• Racing (GT7), shooters and story driven games. CoD, Destiny, Mass Effect, Ghost of Tsushima etc.

What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
• Helping me not suck so bad at setting my cars up please.
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When did you start playing racing games?
• 1997 with the first Gran Turismo. I ran a racing series called Mini Mania on back when we were submitting our lap times via email after recording our races.
Wow, forum refugees are still coming in! There are a lot of you here.


Google Searching 😂
I am from Hong Kong
Over 20 years (starting from Ridge Racer, GT 1 era )
Play with steering wheel
Other games - Metal Gear , Animal Crossing , Final fantasy … etc
Discussing with other racing game lover