Introduce Yourself! New Member Introductions Thread — Come Say Hello!

  • Thread starter Jordan
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

My name is Jason. I'm from Washington state and I started playing the first Gran Turismo way back when it came out. I have every Gran Turismo. I also have the old Gran Turismo ps2 Logitech wheel with shifter, Thrustmaster t300rs gt with shifter and e brake and I also own the Fanatec dd pro 8nm also with ebrake and shifter. Everything I do is basically auto related from my career as a auto repair technician to my hobbies in sim and rc racing.Gran Turismo has and always been my favorite go to auto game. It's been with me since I was around 17 and I'm 41 now. I have a lot of different racing titles from ACC, Dirt, Grid, Project Cars and also Forza just to name a few. I'm just hoping to connect with a community who has similar interests and can give tips or help and give feedback when something goes wrong like the FFB in my wheel from the latest update.
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Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Vista Ca been playing racing games sense they started, I use the new Fanatec DD pro. Hope to connect with others with the sim racing bug
Hello, I don’t often join up with online communities, but since I’ve been playing GT7, I’ve been finding myself searching for race advice and set up tips more and more as I play through post cafe challenges, because some of the races are actual cruelty. This forum keeps coming up and I finally decided to join.

I’m in USA, Los Angeles, CA.

I started racing games on PS1. I know I played GT1 and 2, Crash Team Racing, Ridge Racer T4, Need for Speed 2 (I think Hot Pursuit as well), Driver, I don’t know if it counts but the Twisted Metal games, and probably a few more. These are the ones I remember right away (had to look up some names to match memories). I also played another space ship racing game I think is called Red Asphalt?? ..but could be completely off with that name and mixing two different games together, but it was a spaceship or hovercraft racing game where you could customize and upgrade your ship drives and other things.

I guess I started racing games in the 90’s with the PS1.

I don’t use a wheel to play, I think only once have I ever tried a wheel on PS2, when my older brother got one from a friend. But never since. It would be nice to get one, and would probably help with the difficult soul crushingly perfect AI opponents, but not sure if / when I will. I’m pretty comfortable with a controller on PS5 for now.

I have played many games since even before PS1. NES games, SEGA Genesis, I don’t remember specific games, it was a variety, and if I start looking them up from what I remember of game play, the list would be too long! There may have been some racing games as “first racing games” on those platforms too, but I’m not gonna go down that rabbit hole..

More recently I’ve been playing shooters, like Apex Legends, before that Call of Duty games. I enjoy RPG and adventure games, but haven’t played them in a bit. Also I like Rocket League. I play mostly on PC now. I have played Forza Horizon (orig) and like it, but never got a newer XB console past the 360 to get newer Forza games.

Here in the community I hope that I can find advice on some of the very frustrating races I’m facing in the hard GT7 difficulty. I don’t like the idea of dropping difficulty. Also I’m hoping I will have something of value to share eventually through my time in GT7 that will help others as well.

Sorry for my long windedness.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

1).I found GTplanet..... While searching for an answer about my hydrologic jack.
2). USA
3).I started playing when I turned 8
4).I do not play with a steering wheel
5).I enjoy playing games like Apex legends
6). I'm not sure if I could do anything for the community but if I can please do share. And I will try my best . Thanks
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community
Well I'm not the newest member but I think I've never seen this thread yet so here we go 😄

• I've found GTP when I was younger browsing for new about the franchise I fell in love so fast.
• Hungary 🇭🇺
• Racing games were my first games ever. I've started playing with Colin McRae Rally 2.0, NFS Underground 1&2, NFS HP 3 when I was a Kindergartener (at age 5 or 6).
• I do had a very basic Ferrari steering wheel when I was very little but I only played NFS games with it and the pedals included only gas and brake.
• I enjoy most PS exclusive games (this way I don't need to write down hundreds of titles haha), I like GTAs, old Assassin’s Creed games and lately I've found myself interested in the Mafia 1 Remake but still undecided if I wanna buy it (reason is I have less and less time to play due to irl).
• I do what I already did in the past 3 years: commenting when I find something fun or interesting 😜 and check on the news / bugs threads as those 2 are the most important in the life of games.
hey all I’m new here I found GTPlanet through another member. I’m from USA. Been gaming as long as I could hold a controller. Using Fanatec wheel on GT7 for PS5. Got some nice decals projects coming together. Can add me on PS under ErbanRacer, same for all social media. Looking forward to any help I can give and hopefully pick up some helpful tips for myself.
Welcome, I hope you enjoy this site. There's plenty of topics/forums where you can join the conversation with us!
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

1) Looking for information about GTS and GT7
2) I'm from Galicia, a region in NW Spain.
3) At 9, got Nigel Mansell's F1 World GP Championship for my SNES.
4) No, I don't use a steering wheel.
5) Red Dead Redemption 2
6) To learn and enjoy!
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Hi Everybody, I'm Francesco
1) I'm looking for help with gt7.
2) I'm from Italy (Genova).
3) My first racing game was a F1 game for psone, I don't remember exactly wich one.
4) I don't use a steering wheel but I'm planning to buy one, along with a new Oled 4k/120 hz tv (Sony or Lg, I can't decide...).
5) I'm ending Final Fantasy VII Remake for ps5.
6) I need help with a bug that left me only one trophy to obtain.
Hi everybody. My name is John and I live in South Africa.
I Have been lurking around this site for a couple of years and finally decided to register.
I Have been a gamer since I was about 8 years old. I Bought my original Sony PS and Gran Turismo in 1999.
I Use my PS's mainly for GT and I also have plenty of NFS titles for when I feel like goofing around for a while.
I'm old school and only use a controller......X-accelerate and SQARE-brake.
Here is a pic of some of my PS consoles and GT collection on display.


  • PS.jpeg
    166.4 KB · Views: 17
Hi everyone, my name is Eqaulo and i'm 37. PSN is also EQAULO.
-Found GTplanet while looking for GT7 info and car tunes
-From Belgium, dutch speaking part
-Back when the animals could still talk, 1st racegame was an f1 game on the Sega megadrive
-Controller user
-Snowrunner and very occasionally some other games
-Finding and contributing information, helping others.
Hi everybody. My name is John and I live in South Africa.
I Have been lurking around this site for a couple of years and finally decided to register.
I Have been a gamer since I was about 8 years old. I Bought my original Sony PS and Gran Turismo in 1999.
I Use my PS's mainly for GT and I also have plenty of NFS titles for when I feel like goofing around for a while.
I'm old school and only use a controller......X-accelerate and SQARE-brake.
Here is a pic of some of my PS consoles and GT collection on display.
Hi John, Welcome to GTPlanet. Nice to see that collection! :bowdown:
Hi John, Welcome to GTPlanet. Nice to see that collection! :bowdown:
Thank you.
I'm a bit of a PS and GT hoarder 👀 Besides the consoles on display I have a 4 PRO and a 3 SLIM set up in my man cave. I Also have a 4 SLIM set up in my office. And I have multiple copies of some GT titles still sealed and never opened 🏁:D
Thank you.
I'm a bit of a PS and GT hoarder 👀 Besides the consoles on display I have a 4 PRO and a 3 SLIM set up in my man cave. I Also have a 4 SLIM set up in my office. And I have multiple copies of some GT titles still sealed and never opened 🏁:D
Nice, good for you man! If someone deserves a PlayStation 5 it should be you. That's the only thing that's missing in your collection.
Hello everyone! Glad to be here. I'm not much of a tuner myself, I do enjoy tinkering around with the settings just to see what happens on track. Glad to be here, let's be friends and may the best racer win!

How did you find GTPlanet?
I've known about GTPlanet for a while. I stopped playing for a while and now I'm back.

Where are you from?
I live on the east coast of the United States

When did you start playing racing games?
Pole Position

Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
Nope, play with a controller. However, now that I'm truly enjoying having GT back I'm considering getting a wheel!

What other games do you enjoy?
PUBG, Division 2, NHL, FIFA, and anything else my friends and I find enjoyable.

What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
Just being here to maybe contribute some, find friends to race with, enjoy the company of like minded individuals, and talk gaming!

Race Well, Race Often, Race Fast!
Hello my name is David, I found this page while searching for Gran Turismo 7 News. I live in a small town in Austria and have been playing racing games since around 2011. Unfortunately I don't play with a steering wheel but I'm considering buying one. Apart from Gran Turismo 7, I also play Gran Turismo 5 and 6, Euro Truck Simulator 2, Minecraft and Elite Dangerous. I'm most looking forward to the conversation. :D
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
What's up!
Well first of all, i found GTplanet on Google, i was searching for the difference between the GT sport's deluxe and the spec II editions... And became curious about the current state of GT so signed up.

Im a farm guy from Brazil, and have ****** internet lol.

I used to play arcade racing games on my PS3, like MotorStorm, MotorStorm Pacific rift (prob my favorite), full auto battle lines 2 and MotorStorm artic PSP and a little gran turismo 5 before my PS3 super slim broke down(i had all 3 versions)... Oh, and i played shrek cart racer on PS2, that was my first racing game 😎
Haven't played racing games for a while, only played WRC 7 on my PS4 pro. But now wanted to go back and go more enthusiastically into the racing games, so im saving up for a G29.

Controller, but trying to get a G29.

I like to play open world survival, and Open world in general(GTA, Red dead, etc...)

I'm going to be interacting and start learning with seniors here at GTplanet, so expect lots of questions lol
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  • I found it from youtube and reddit and google searches to answer technical questions I had/have about the maddening world of .svg files.
  • I'm from America, specifically the southeast portion.
  • I started with the classic GT3, back when I was in my tweens/early teens- around 2005? I started with GT3 and basically played it simultaneously with GT4.
  • I used a crappy wheel when I was a kid, but these days I'm exclusively on a controller- using analog sticks for steering and gas/brake.
  • I'll occasionally play some rpgs or minecraft, but it's almost exclusively GT7 at the moment.
  • Just trying to contribute good replies, and be involved in the decal community- I desperately need help with gradient .svg files at the moment. Discuss some motorsports and maybe see if I can get a NASCAR Silvia Touring Car lobby going?

    Some additional stuff- I'm 29, and I spent my youth lurking forums/message boards so I'm not coming onto the boards with noob issues.
Found the 'what did you do on gt7 today' thread, decided to join into the conversation.

From the Netherlands, although i live in the alps or Canada for 5 winter months a year

First racing games were need for speed 2 special edition and toca racing driver. Been trough a lot of racing games since!

Was a keyboard guy, but now im deffo controller. Not yet ready for a whell, im doing well enough with the adaptive triggers

The crew 2, some assassins creed, and horizon zero dawn are on the ps5 right now.

Just posting some pictures and daily stories in the respective threads, maybe find some league racing if i have the time. Havent done that since project cars 2
Hello, I GTPlanet while looking for a place to find tournaments and maybe like a racing season type of event.
I live Midwest USA, I have been playing racing games for the better part if 3 decades.
I prefer using a controller versus a steering wheel, I seem to have better control that way, especially since I started using kontrol freaks.
I also enjoy play FPS games (though I suck at those).
I hope find friends and as stated above maybe some tournaments and such.
I have also recently started streaming GT7 on Twitch:
I am live around 8:30 PM EST on Tuesday and Thursday.
See ya there!!
  • How did you find GTPlanet? Searching internet for GT7 stuff
  • Where are you from? Portugal :)
  • When did you start playing racing games? Back in ps1 with Gran Turismo
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? Yes, Fanatec CSL Elite
  • What other games do you enjoy? A few ones mostly PS Studios
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? Share GT7 experiences
Thank you for the very informative welcoming Jordan 👍

I was a regular Gran Turismo Online Racer with Gran Turismo By The Numbers, then later with Totally Ozzie Racing Challenge (TORC) from 2002 - 2010. Back then, I knew, and respected you guys (GTPlanet), and our senior members spoke highly of your Site and your Members often.

I haven't been racing online since then, but now with the release of GT7, my interest and enthusiasm into returning to online GT Racing has been resurrected 🤗

I look forward to learning more about what happens here, and racing online with like-minded people.

Cheers :cheers:

Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hi all,

•I found GT Planet by chance 4 or 5 years ago while searching for details about GTS updates
• I'm originally from New Zealand but now live in the Republic of Ireland
•I guess I was about 6 or 7 when I first played a Wacky Races game. I'd always been a big fan of motorsport like Speedway and V8 Supercars in Australia
•I don't use a steering wheel, always been a controller. I'm hoping the wife will let me have a proper man cave at some stage so might get one then.
•I love tue GTA series, Assassin's Creed series, Metal Gear Solid series as well as the Fifa and NBA2K games
•I'm looking forward to, hopefully, having constructive conversations about GT, sharing what I like and dislike about GT
Hi everyone! My name is Anselmo, but everyone call me SpeedBDash. Its a pleasure to be part of GTPlanet

- I found GTPlanet after search about tuning in Gran Turismo 7 and after I saw a lot of topics that was interesting. So I decided to make my register and be part of it;

- Im from São Paulo, Brazil;

- I started to play racing games, I think it was on 2000, with Gran Turismo 2. Since then, I played every Gran Turismo, and in GT Sport I started to do more seriously, when I started to play online races. Before GT Sport I just played offline races.

- I play with steering wheel. I use a Logitech G29;

- Out of Gran Turismo, I like to play multiplayer coop games, like Borderlands. I used to play a lot Mario Kart as well, even in some champioships here in my country.

- Here in GTPlanet Im looking foward to improve in Gran Turismo, learning more about it, talking with more experienced racers, changing some experiences and be faster.

Thanks everyone!
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

I found this site by looking online

Im from the UK
Ive only recently started playing GTS and keen to learn and improve

I play using a PS controller but hoping to upgrade to a wheel once I've gotten a bit better
Im looking for other newbies on Gran Turismo Sport to compare lap times and have some competitive, clean racing with!
Bonjour je viens de France (Alsace) j'ai trouvé gtplanet via un copain je joue depuis 2007 et j'ai commencé avec gtlegends je joue avec un volant dd mige pédalier heusinkveld mes jeux sont AC., ACC, rfactor 2, RRRE, wrc 10 rallye
Merci pour l'acceptation
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

  • Googling for Assetto Corsa mods
  • SW Germany, not far from the Hockenheimring
  • When dinosaurs ruled the earth. My first wheel was a Microsoft Sidewinder...
  • I have a Fanatec CSW. Been thinking about getting a DD wheel but not sure if it's worth the money
  • Mostly open world RPGs and such. Morrowind and Deus Ex are all-time favorites, more recently I enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077
  • Finding stuff that improves my simracing experience. Mods, setups, tweaks and so on
  • How did you find GTPlanet? Always kept up with the site but more recently looking for GT7 ffb setups.
  • Where are you from? Fife, Scotland.
  • When did you start playing racing games? Gran Turismo/ V-rally
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? First wheel/ pedals are Logitech g29
  • What other games do you enjoy? F1, WRC, Wreckfest.
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? Meeting clean racing sim racers, who may be considering joining online for races.
Welcome everyone, I read all of your posts, hopefully the community will get larger and more widespread and we can help each other out in the racing universe! I am kinda bad at Sport mode.
Hello Everyone and greetings to all 🤙
My name is Emanuel 🙂
  • How did you find GTPlanet? - Well it all started way back when, probably in times of the PS3 period and Gran Turismo 5 when googling for good car setups or some sort of racing tips 👍
  • Where are you from? - I'm from Portugal
  • When did you start playing racing games? - I'm an "old school guy" (not dinosaur 😅) so i would say back in the 8-bit era of gaming 🤙
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? - Yes, nowadays i use a steering wheel for my SimRacing games namely a 'Thrustmaster T300RS GT Edition + TLCM Pedals + TH8A Shifter. I still use the controller for a more Arcade type of racing games.
  • What other games do you enjoy? - Like a proper "old school" gamer i enjoy playing a great variaty of vídeo-games 🤙
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? - I'm mostly looking forward in exchanging racing games knowledge, tips and ideas between everyone 🤙😉
And that's a wrap guys
See you all in some topic 😅👍