Anyone else running in the Petit LeMans at Road Atlanta this weekend?
I'll be running the Vette. Did my quali and put down a 1:16.7xx. Not too bad. I watched from the chase cam of a guy who did 14.7xx and jeez. He never seemed to lift off the throttle. I think he kept throttle down and controlled the speed of the car with the brake.👎 At least thats what it sounded like. Blah oh well, I tried myself and it didn't go so well.
Hope it'll be fun. In practice the HPD's think they own the road. I believe the esses are going to be a real trouble spot during the race. The HPD's are super quick through there and they seem to have no patience even in practice.I should get a decent split so it should be fine, irating at 27xx. Also just crossed over to Class A license tonight.👍
I'm stoked for the F1 Suzuka event next weekend. Love the sound of the Williams screaming down the straights. Plus the handling not too bad either.![]()
Is anybody doing the iRacing Petit Le mans? I plan on running the vette and managed to qualify 5th so far D: all I hope for is a clean start from myself hopefully I can get over starting nerves![]()
I will be there! Like 20 spots behind on the Petronas Vette!
It is not as hard as it first seems, once you get used to it. The nice thing about the lotus 79 is the community. If your interested every Monday afternoon Erik has a lotus racing school with a track walk-trough and some practice races.How hard is the Lotus 79?
It is not as hard as it first seems, once you get used to it. The nice thing about the lotus 79 is the community. If your interested every Monday afternoon Erik has a lotus racing school with a track walk-trough and some practice races.
No, the racing school is open to everyone, as long as you have the car and track. It is in the hosted servers, and the password is typically erik. Don't worry about your lap times, the whole point of it is to learn. The next one tomorrow will be at spa. Here is the link to the forum post about it.Certainly sound interesting. Might be some time before I can get the car around a track though :0
Will I need to advance before I will be able to participate in the school?
No, the racing school is open to everyone, as long as you have the car and track. It is in the hosted servers, and the password is typically erik. Don't worry about your lap times, the whole point of it is to learn. The next one tomorrow will be at spa. Here is the link to the forum post about it.
Good stuff man! For me it was all settling to a confortable pace running lap after lap and pretty soon I was lapping the field and the HPD's were dropping like flies! Pretty much everyone on my split raced clean, respectfully and patiently, exept for one guy yes always one guy! As I was lapping him for the second time he decides he wants to race me, so I played it cool till we hit some traffic and then I saw my oppening and went for it! He tried to keep up but spun out and fell 3 more laps down. Other from that it was pretty much uneventfull till lap 55...Well, my Petit Le Mans was very eventful. I had 4 spins, 2 my fault and 2 from people loosing it right in front of me. All the spins were harmless with no damage except one. I spun at the crest of the hill before the esses and ended up on the chicane part of the track that is not used. Thought all was good then got smashed by a HPD in the rear while off track and 5 or so seconds after my spin. And I missed my pit stall.Oh ya, I started 6th in Vette class and finished 8th in class and 13th overall six laps down.
I thought what was really funny is more Vettes finished in front of me than HPD's. Only five HPD's who of which finished top five. Then there was 8 Vettes.Had a tough split for the Vettes. They were fast and raced very well. I was really happy no Ford GT's finished in front of me with all my troubles.👍
Would be cool if they had some sort of special event like this once a month. Really enjoyed it and need to work on my endurance racing as far as patience/pace/consistency. I'm good with the shorter races that we all do everyday, but the longer ones I need to improve.
It was a good time though. Even though it didn't go my way, it was way better than a good day at work.👍 Thats racing. Thats why I love it.
Jav & plate88 sounds like a lot of fun despite the issues. I look forward to being able to race in an event like that.
Meanwhile I am polishing my new Lotus with a chamois. And my army of mechanics is salvaging about 100 broken ones I left behind... I wonder if the recycling center takes broken racecars.
Good stuff man! For me it was all settling to a confortable pace running lap after lap and pretty soon I was lapping the field and the HPD's were dropping like flies! Pretty much everyone on my split raced clean, respectfully and patiently, exept for one guy yes always one guy! As I was lapping him for the second time he decides he wants to race me, so I played it cool till we hit some traffic and then I saw my oppening and went for it! He tried to keep up but spun out and fell 3 more laps down. Other from that it was pretty much uneventfull till lap 55...
Whoa!! I wouldn't have survived on that split! I can run mid 18's but for no longer than 8 laps at a time!
Just a lil' pic of me after practice at Spa to bump this up!
It was crazy. When not in traffic it was a must to at least be in the 18's or even the 17's. Fast lap was 16.3 in my split for the vettes and think 19.0 average lap won the race for my vette class. I was one split above Curtis, believe it was split 3 for me. Curtis did win his split for the vettes, by a lap.
Yes, I seen this not long ago. I love Spa. Hope it attracts alot of racers this week. Or they buy some cars and the track.👍
Had a very good race and a very bad race yesterday with the Skippy at Mosport. In the first one I started at 11th and managed to win the race just by avoiding getting involved in others' accidents. I believe I've only properly overtook two cars, all the other positions were gained on other drivers' mistakes. Even I spun a couple of times.
At the second race I started at 10th and right after T1 I spun and crashed the car trying to avoid two drivers who collided in front of me. After fixing the car I went back still in 10th but after a couple of laps my game froze up on me. I managed to get back to the session after a few minutes, I wanted to finish the race just so I wouldn't lose too many SR points but I ended up spinning again and decided I was too pissed to continue racing, so I quit.
Mosport is a fun track. I'll race it again tomorrow night with the Skippy in our private league's final race and I think I'll try the Star Mazda there next week to see how it is.
Does anyone take advantage of the iracing credits that the game gives away??
The ones I'm talking about are from racing 8/12 races for specific series.
Didn'treally know about it till recently and I know next season I'm going to try and take advantage of this.