Nice 👍
Yeah I just took 2nd place just now which nets me my
1st podium finish 
and it was on Legends - South Boston of all places. I didnt even feel like I had a lot of practice on the track today. But decided I'd try my luck anyways. At the very beginning everyone passes me so at that point I decide to just focus on driving clean laps to farm a little SR. And what takes the cake I was polite to every driver and let them pass (after all the leader has like a lap on everyone hitting 17.5s). I basically would give the inside to anyone that wanted to make a pass.
Anyway, just seemed like ev1 was just focusing on taking each other out or something. SoBo is a bad beast to these newbies. I calmly dodged all the wrecks and didnt worry bout being passed (after all a few laps later these guys would wreck anyway). I just coasted all the way and was shocked when my spotter proudly announced we took 2nd place. Finished the race with 0 incidents, etc 👍
Ovals are my best friend right bout now lol
Now just need to focus on speeding up some more so I can take a win before I graduate to Class D
Messed up thing is I'm hitting like 17.7s but there seems to be always 1 guy that can hit 17.5s... Man wish I knew what technique they using or maybe i just need to give it a few days to figure out their trick*