
  • Thread starter s0nny80y
I hope the US stays out of it when Israel starts it.

According to the article, strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities are to be coordinated the US. Not quite sure what all that could mean...

I actually think it's too late for Israel to do an effective attack. USA did the job they wanted to do, which was prevent Israel from starting a conflict. They delayed Israel by promising that the USA would deal with Iran, but now the USA can just say they are not dealing with Iran and that the USA can live with nuclear armed Iran, and now Israel can't get through to the secure installations, they wont get destroyed even with direct hits from Israel's most powerful conventional weapons.
This leaves Israel hoping for a stronger interceptor defence shield now.
This is presuming Israel don't strike with their own nukes.
According to the article, strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities are to be coordinated the US. Not quite sure what all that could mean...


"But the United States is our greatest friend and we will always have to co-ordinate such moves with it."

Maybe it just means waiting for the US to say : Have a go at it, let's see what you can do.

If Israel gets their ass kicked, the US stays out. When Israel is winning, the US joins, so that they can share in the victorious aftermath. :P

This is presuming Israel don't strike with their own nukes.

And that would be very silly.
"But the United States is our greatest friend and we will always have to co-ordinate such moves with it."

Maybe it just means waiting for the US to say : Have a go at it, let's see what you can do.

If Israel gets their ass kicked, the US stays out. When Israel is winning, the US joins, so that they can share in the victorious aftermath. :P

And that would be very silly.

The article also says that Israel is prepared for a 30 day war. Iran (Persia) is a whole civilization that's thousands of years old, far older than the Hebrews. If the war lasted for 30 months or 30 years and Iran got the upper hand, Israel, faced with defeat or death, would be justified in using the nuclear weapon, as would anybody else. I guess.

Now Iran says it will respond in kind either by itself or though proxies. Let's not forget that Iran is an associated member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), that includes China and Russia as main allies.

If we have a war in which Iran, Israel, the US, China and Russia are participating, that would be a world war by definition.

To be on the doorstep of such a vista is not overly appealing.

I presume they would not, but I don't rule it out. Depends how desperate the government is. They could engineer a situation that causes Iran to fire missiles at Israel, this could then set them up for a fierce response.
But I don't expect it as the consequence after would be worse than if even Iran successfully invaded Israel. The whole world would be against Israel as a state. At least if they got invaded by an occupying Iranian force at some point the world will help them out and afterwards international relations will be ok. Attacking Iran with nukes would be suicide as a state and culture. But maybe they still go ahead.
Further than total economic and political isolation they may actually get vaporised by a larger nuclear armed country. Who in their right mind would let Israel exist if Israel nuclear attacked a country just because if felt threatened by it. What if Israel felt threatened by another country and so on.
Israel is not in a position of strength to act with any success other than token deterrent and disruption to Iran. But that token deterrent/disruption might be ok as it stands.
And therefor I really, REALLY hope the US stays out of this one.

Edit. Post in response to Dotini.
The US has taken a lot of trouble to make sure it stays out of it. It has sent in warships close to Iran to suggest Iran should not block the seaway. And also to show Israel it can deal with things so don't go launching any attack.
New presidential candidate showing support for Israel has shaken the water a bit though. If Obama exits and if Israel have not already done so they will start an attack on Iran I would think.
Per the latest news I've gleaned, it seems General Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, has put the verbal kibosh on any Israeli plans to attack Iran anytime soon. In response, Israel supposedly is now busy standing down its attack staffing, and letting some of the bluster go out of Bibi.

Respectfully submitted,
I knew Bibi, but I thought it was so uncommon that you might not have used it as Netanyahu. I didn't know what kibosh was though (sounds Hebrew?).

As far as I know, Iran doesn't have any Aircraft carriers, so I'm not sure what they would want to send there. And for refueling, its either at Cuba or Venezuela. So, I'm calling a bluff by Iran. The sad part is that it drops the value of the Rial against the US dollar. Only six months ago was it that 1USD was 1800 Rials. Now its 2200...
I knew Bibi, but I thought it was so uncommon that you might not have used it as Netanyahu. I didn't know what kibosh was though (sounds Hebrew?).

As far as I know, Iran doesn't have any Aircraft carriers, so I'm not sure what they would want to send there. And for refueling, its either at Cuba or Venezuela. So, I'm calling a bluff by Iran. The sad part is that it drops the value of the Rial against the US dollar. Only six months ago was it that 1USD was 1800 Rials. Now its 2200...

Could be. Kibosh though is used in many contexts.

Is comparing it to the US Dollar even a useful tool if they don't deal with the US much?
Could be. Kibosh though is used in many contexts.

Is comparing it to the US Dollar even a useful tool if they don't deal with the US much?

The US dollar is an international standard/ benchmark since its worldwide use of it. Businesses in Iran deal with dollars mostly, and also Euros when exporting money. This is because the demand of those currencies are always present.

Iran has a USD crisis right now. There are so many Iranians and Iranian businesses and businesses that are in Iran that need to convert Rials into USD overseas.

Bringing money out of Iran is a hassle. Since there are sanctions, banks don't like dealing with rials. In order for banks not to smell something fishy, it is necessary to send money on a trip around the world until it reaches you.

And even that is not sucessful at times, and banks end up freezing the money. The only way for money flow in and out of Iran is to physically bring it over. The issue is, its illegal to bring over large amounts of money.

And to make things worse, USD is hard to find in Iran due to demand, and no one really needs Rials outside of Iran, except for countries like Afghanistan, Arab Countries and countries friends with Iran like Venezuela.

So, for people who have assets in Iran, its tough, since they have no way to get their money out of the country, and then no way to convert it into USD without getting the banks/law on your tail.
As long as Iran stays on coarse with slowly evolving, I'm fine with them. But if they start trying to cause trouble, it'll get messy.
Iran is a beautiful, peace loving nation run by individuals who are sincere to their people. Its a country which has never, and I mean never launched an attack on anybody. Why theres so much hostility towards this heroic nation, I and many a million will never understand. Maybe they are victims of their own success, maybe its because its a country which is proud to label itself as an 'Islamic Republic', Or maybe America are still seething and bitter about Iran defeating and humiliating them all those years ago in the devasting gulf war, we all know Saddam was merely a frontman whilst America watched on and supplied him with chemical weapons. That must be it, along with the fact Iran will NEVER bow down to America. Long live Iran 👍 A country which is trully independent , free from western influence/interference and even after all these 'sanctions' they're getting stronger and stronger. Only an absolute moron would dare, or even think of launching an air strike on Irans peaceful nuclear facilities. Its no business of anyones even if they do have ambitions to build a nuclear weapon, Israel, a wreckless terrorist nation has thousands upon thousands of undeclared nuclear bombs, why cant Iran?
Iran is a beautiful, peace loving nation run by individuals who are sincere to their people. Its a country which has never, and I mean never launched an attack on anybody. Why theres so much hostility towards this heroic nation, I and many a million will never understand. Maybe they are victims of their own success, maybe its because its a country which is proud to label itself as an 'Islamic Republic', Or maybe America are still seething and bitter about Iran defeating and humiliating them all those years ago in the devasting gulf war, we all know Saddam was merely a frontman whilst America watched on and supplied him with chemical weapons. That must be it, along with the fact Iran will NEVER bow down to America. Long live Iran 👍 A country which is trully independent , free from western influence/interference and even after all these 'sanctions' they're getting stronger and stronger. Only an absolute moron would dare, or even think of launching an air strike on Irans peaceful nuclear facilities. Its no business of anyones even if they do have ambitions to build a nuclear weapon, Israel, a wreckless terrorist nation has thousands upon thousands of undeclared nuclear bombs, why cant Iran?

Wait what? How is Israel reckless terrorist nation? If you are going to assert a claim (or any claim) that country X is a terrorist nation you must have some proof to validate your statement.
Wait what? How is Israel reckless terrorist nation? If you are going to assert a claim (or any claim) that country X is a terrorist nation you must have some proof to validate your statement.

The Israelis (Zionists) are a people who have no business in residing or having any type of power over Palestinians, the rightful owners of the holy land. Palestine belongs to Palestinians, it always did (always will). Muslims, Jews and Christians lived peacefully under one nation before they were attacked by Israeli terrorists who ethnically cleansed and pushed them to one corner, Gaza..a small, populated piece of land widely accepted and known as an open prison. Palestine has essentially been wiped off the map, Palestinians live under unimaginable conditions due to Israels lack of humanity and terrorism. How can you not see Israel as a wreckless terrorist nation?
Wait what? How is Israel reckless terrorist nation? If you are going to assert a claim (or any claim) that country X is a terrorist nation you must have some proof to validate your statement.

Although I'm not meeting your request, I can say Israel does have a very long history of secret assassinations and "terroristic" (acts of sabotage) behaviour. For the sake of historical convenience, we may effectively say this began after the Yom Kippur war, and coincided generally with America's backing of Israel's occupation of Palestine (which is itself a violation of numerous UN charters).

Let us not also forget the recent murder of a student by Israeli commandos on that ship which came in as part of a flotilla of aid supplies. Israel's rhetoric toward Iran, if spoken from another country, would also be considered intolerable and act of political aggression.
All - Can we take the rhetoric down a few notches please.

Its a volatile enough subject and as such needs to be discussed in a level headed and respectful manner.

Speedonator in particular needs to calm down and do so soon, I fully understand that this is a subject you have a great deal of passion for, but if you continue to treat GT Planet as your own personal soap box you will find you are not welcome here. Discussion and debate require mutual respect from all parties, fall to head that again and you will be gone.
I don't think they'll try anything because they know the US has nukes pointed back at them. What this boils down to, I think, is the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians. I think it's surprising though that we're so worried about what's going on over there, and we forgot all about the communists with their nukes.
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Many thanks - I wasn't aware of that one.


No problem, it wasn't really that obvious to the public, because it was relatively discreet.

Japan has strongly supported Iran's nuclear weapon "exploration".

However, at the beginning of the year, US had won Japan's key support for tough oil sanctions against Iran over a nuclear program

An Iranian scientist was blown up in his car by a motorbike hitman. Tehran, the nuclear company, had blamed the US and Israel for this, then they said that this would not steer them off at building nuclear weapons. The US declined saying that they had nothing to do with it, and Israel declined comment.

Pretty interesting subject.
It's kinda a quid pro quo situation re Japan/Iran. I think I remember Japan once imported, if not the majority, a sizeable minority of its oil from Iran.