Iran is a beautiful, peace loving nation run by individuals who are sincere to their people. Its a country which has never, and I mean never launched an attack on anybody. Why theres so much hostility towards this heroic nation, I and many a million will never understand. Maybe they are victims of their own success, maybe its because its a country which is proud to label itself as an 'Islamic Republic', Or maybe America are still seething and bitter about Iran defeating and humiliating them all those years ago in the devasting gulf war, we all know Saddam was merely a frontman whilst America watched on and supplied him with chemical weapons. That must be it, along with the fact Iran will NEVER bow down to America. Long live Iran 👍 A country which is trully independent , free from western influence/interference and even after all these 'sanctions' they're getting stronger and stronger. Only an absolute moron would dare, or even think of launching an air strike on Irans peaceful nuclear facilities. Its no business of anyones even if they do have ambitions to build a nuclear weapon, Israel, a wreckless terrorist nation has thousands upon thousands of undeclared nuclear bombs, why cant Iran?