
  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Today's Rial/USD Street exchange rate:

Buy: 2669 Rials/USD

Sell: 2679 Rials/USD

I swear, a week ago, it was at 2400 rials... Iranian economy is taking a hard hit. Better take all your money out of Iran ASAP before the value drops even further...

Speaking of Iran and North America, a few days ago, Iranian Foreign Ministry seems to have been offended by Canada, and now has advised Iranians to avoid travelling to Canada due to "Police Brutality" and other nonsense.

Ali Akbar Salehi......what the heck is going on in your mind?

Is it me, or is Canadian PM Stephen Harper brown-nosing Israel?
Well he is a hardcore Israel fanboy, so that's nothing new.

I just don't get why Israel needs our constant monetary support when their economy is much better than ours at the moment, and their military is way better than the schmucks they are surrounded by. And as crazy as Iran sounds, even they won't risk blowing the region to oblivion.
Well he is a hardcore Israel fanboy, so that's nothing new.

I just don't get why Israel needs our constant monetary support when their economy is much better than ours at the moment, and their military is way better than the schmucks they are surrounded by. And as crazy as Iran sounds, even they won't risk blowing the region to oblivion.

Military is better yes but I doubt they can face a war on more than one front.
Military is better yes but I doubt they can face a war on more than one front.

I think their superiority is understated. Israel's military is seriously advanced, and quite powerful (especially in a defensive purpose). It would be like if Canada and Mexico invaded the US.
I think their superiority is understated. Israel's military is seriously advanced, and quite powerful (especially in a defensive purpose). It would be like if Canada and Mexico invaded the US.

I agree with your point, but not the analogy lol.
I agree with your point, but not the analogy lol.

You get what I mean though. Israel seriously outclasses the militaries of surrounding countries. Relations with the US (US military tech.) is the biggest reason.
"Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu seemed inspired by the Road Runner cartoons, Glenn Beck and Reverend Gene Scott. The bizarre, almost hand drawn, ‘bomb’ in one of his hands was complemented by the red marker in another: man enough, Bibi suggested, to draw his own red lines. He doesn’t need the Americans. The last time someone came to the UN General Assembly and did one of these amateur presentations, the US went to war. Poor Colin Powell would come to regret his February 5, 2003 speech where he laid out one exaggeration and falsehood after another that led to the US war on Iraq. As Powell put it two years later, ‘I’m the one who presented it on behalf of the United States to the world, and it will always be a part of my record. It was painful. It is painful now.’ Bibi is not one to apologize. His is the swagger of the non-combatant, eager to send others to war, eager for others to taste its misery. What was Netanyahu’s case against Iran? That Iran is close to having a nuclear bomb. This is an old saw from Bibi. In 1992, as a Member of the Knesset, Netanyahu predicted that Iran was ‘three to five years’ from a nuclear weapon. He was wrong in 1992, and he is wrong now. Take the case of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) recent reports on Iran. The Director General of the IAEA provided a report to the IAEA’s Board of Governors on August 30, 2012. If you are able to get through the bureaucratic and legalistic verbiage, you’ll get to the two important sentences: (1) that the IAEA is confident about ‘the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran’; and (2) that the IAEA can ‘conclude that all nuclear materials in Iran is in peaceful activities.’ By the IAEA’s standards, Iran has not diverted its materials to nuclear weapons use. In other words, Iran remains on track with a program that President Eisenhower’s administration championed, Atoms for Peace (at his 1953 speech to the UN General Assembly).”

Something's going to be have to done about Iran.
We can't just sit back and let them build WMDs, and if USA doesn't do anything, then Israel is going to have to blow them off of the map.

The sooner Iran is a smoking ruin the better.
Something's going to be have to done about Iran.
We can't just sit back and let them build WMDs, and if USA doesn't do anything, then Israel is going to have to blow them off of the map.

The sooner Iran is a smoking ruin the better.

Yeah, those Iranians sure are violent and crazy war mongerers :rolleyes:.
^ Hey, I'm not an expert in international relations, but I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't do that, unless they want themselves dead.
It wouldn't be the official Iranian government that does it.
It would be the insane extremists that get a hold of a bomb and use it.
Something's going to be have to done about Iran.
We can't just sit back and let them build WMDs, and if USA doesn't do anything, then Israel is going to have to blow them off of the map.

The sooner Iran is a smoking ruin the better.

So you advocate Israel killing nearly 75 million people (including 25,000 Jews) based on what Iran might have?
Something's going to be have to done about Iran.
We can't just sit back and let them build WMDs, and if USA doesn't do anything, then Israel is going to have to blow them off of the map.

The sooner Iran is a smoking ruin the better.

You probably also supported the invasion US led failure of Iraq didn't you?
You probably also supported the invasion US led failure of Iraq didn't you?

Oil is currency and when you threaten the stability of a global economy you need to be taken care of; regardless of what is construed to the public as the main reason for invasion.

If we don't do it who will?

EU? Russia? China?

We have played the 'wait and let that region sort it out' game before; no one does anything, people complain about the US not doing anything, and we end up cleaning up the mess (Bosnia, Balkans, etc.)
Russia and China neither have a problem with Iran. Iran is heavily influenced by Russia, and is almost a proxy of it.

Here's the point. If Israel didn't exist, no one would have an issue with Iran having nukes, or at least this big of an issue. If Israel didn't exist, other Arab countries wouldn't have conflicts with them. Also, I'm quite sure that Iran benefits the economy more than it damages it. Its got lots of oil, minerals, and many other valuable resources, not to mention that it is a large exporter of automobiles to the Middle East, Africa, and South America. In fact, I would say that Israel is causing a bigger damage to the global economy than Iran is, due ot the number of issues it creates.

Instead of attacking Iran, how about shutting up Israel and removing sanctions from Iran? How about restoring Israel to its original size before 1964, so the Palestinians get their land back, and that Iran gets a comprimise of what they want, which is an end to the Zionist regime. Hey, lets be fair here, Iran can't get everything they want either, but at least it will shut them up.

Regarding the "Wait and Let That Regoin Sort It Out", I think its just best to let the two countries do what they want, without interruption, because the US would be under heavy critisim if they took any military action. After all, cleaning up is better than starting a war and having to claim responsibility for it, right?
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So you advocate Israel killing nearly 75 million people (including 25,000 Jews) based on what Iran might have?

Part of me says no because that would be a horrible genocide.

But, the other half says kill every damn one of them.

You probably also supported the invasion US led failure of Iraq didn't you?

At the time I didn't really care, but yeah, I would've supported it.
ANY evidence of a WMD in a middle eastern country is reason enough to invade, these are the people who kill children for flying a kite because it is too close to Allah remember.

Nobody could've really known if it was true at the time or not, so best to be on the safe side, even if the whole thing was for oil.
Instead of attacking Iran, how about shutting up Israel and removing sanctions from Iran? How about restoring Israel to its original size before 1964, so the Palestinians get their land back, and that Iran gets a comprimise of what they want, which is an end to the Zionist regime. Hey, lets be fair here, Iran can't get everything they want either, but at least it will shut them up.
I'm not seeing how that's a compromise so much as "give Iran everything they want and hope that is enough to make them stop doing things we don't want them to."
Kill every damn one of them?

U mad bro?

Bopop, you are grossly mistaken when it comes to the people and politics of the region. I suggest reading Michael Scheuer's books to understand the political landscape and Robert Pape's Dying To Win to understand why violence is so common there.
At the time I didn't really care, but yeah, I would've supported it.
ANY evidence of a WMD in a middle eastern country is reason enough to invade, these are the people who kill children for flying a kite because it is too close to Allah remember.

I clearly remember flying kites with my cousins in I have no idea what you're talking about.

It seems like you're watching too much FOX Sun TV (Which is conservative biased, and has some of the most pathetic shows ever).

Why can't a Middle Eastern country have a WMD? What are they? America's bitch? Seriously, people think way too negatively of the Middle East. You know, not every non-western country is Afghanistan, right?

I'm not seeing how that's a compromise so much as "give Iran everything they want and hope that is enough to make them stop doing things we don't want them to."

That's true, lol. It was just a random idea I made up. But you see the point I'm trying to convey, right? Its not all Iran's fault. And if you shut up Iran and leave them without problems, then it would be easier to critisize each country's actions.
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Instead of attacking Iran, how about shutting up Israel and removing sanctions from Iran? How about restoring Israel to its original size before 1964, so the Palestinians get their land back, and that Iran gets a comprimise of what they want, which is an end to the Zionist regime. Hey, lets be fair here, Iran can't get everything they want either, but at least it will shut them up.

Because the Palestinians won't care about that. They don't care if they get more land if Israel still exists (and "vacating" a war they started and lost will certainly go well over in Israel).
Israel is just as bad as their "enemies". The middle east issue will never be solved. Well, not in our lifetime.

Btw. I really doubt it that Israel will put their words into deeds. Even though they have a pretty advanced army, in the end it comes down to the numbers.
Part of me says no because that would be a horrible genocide.

But, the other half says kill every damn one of them.

At the time I didn't really care, but yeah, I would've supported it.
ANY evidence of a WMD in a middle eastern country is reason enough to invade, these are the people who kill children for flying a kite because it is too close to Allah remember.

Nobody could've really known if it was true at the time or not, so best to be on the safe side, even if the whole thing was for oil.

So if you even suspect WMD in the Middle East then use a WMD to kill every man, woman and child in the country!

Sorry but did you not think the guys you claim killed someone over a kite were trying hard enough?
Today's exchange prices:

Buy :2955
Sell :2975

Canadian dollar exchange rates have already gone above 3000.....

Iran's economy is taking such a huge hit right now... Apparently everyone is buying gold and foreign currencies in Iran.
"This country may or may not be seeking a nuclear weapon, and may or may not use it on a country that has their own nuclear weapons and can fend for themselves without our help. So let's starve the civilians of that country, and ruin their economy. That'll surely work! And if our infallible plan fails, we'll just invade them illegally like we did Iraq!"

When Harpo brings back the draft, and tries to force me to go help invade Iran for his Israeli/American buttbuddies, what country can I flee to?
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When Harpo brings back the draft, and tries to force me to go help invade Iran for his Israeli/American buttbuddies, what country can I flee to?

Venezuela, Russia, China, Cuba, Africa (Anywhere in Africa except for Egypt and South Africa) or North Korea. Just tell them you're with Ahmadinejad.