
  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Israel are at the ready all the time, they've conducted covert missions using the mossad to kill Iranian national scientist just to thwart the on going creation of a nuclear product.
Those have not been proven to be Mossad operations.

Iran isn't the aggressor and it is once again Israel who have nuclear weapons.
Iran wants to build a nuclear weapon. Given the world's reaction to this, it is considered to be an aggressive action.
Those have not been proven to be Mossad operations.

Yes and I suppose the Syrian reactor and the Iraq reactor that were destroyed was an effort by the DSG and not the Mossad. Research your history then come back, because you do far better in motorsport history than political international history. The pattern is the same here as it was in other nations that Israel didn't want a nuclear reactor in. Do you know anything about that at all?

Iran wants to build a nuclear weapon. Given the world's reaction to this, it is considered to be an aggressive action.

The world's reaction? Sorry the world isn't the West. Just because a few buddy countries think that Iran is a threat doesn't mean they're right. The double standard is funny here, the west can be imperialistic but god forbid that a non western nation who doesn't like the west due to historical reasons can build a nuclear reactor.
It's about damn time.

This Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criminal needs to be taken out, as he is part of the Axis of Evil. He has called for the destruction of Israel and like Saddam Hussein before him, has Weapons of Mass Destruction and supports Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Ahmadinejad calling for the destruction Israel? Whole middle east have been calling for the destruction of Israel. To futher add, I guess you didn't catch King Abudullah words when he publically have said that "both" Israel and Iran as entities that should not exist:

On the support for Al-Qaeda, there is no point for Iran to support them operationally, militarily, ect. Why? Iran is majority Shiite(that include Ahmadinejad who is shia) wheres AQ is a Salafi/Wahhabi-centric sunni terror group. Al-Qaeda have dedicated part of their campaign of terror not only at the west, but to wipping out shiites. To further add, Al-Qaeda sees all Shiites, including iranians as apostates. With that in mind there is no reason for iran to team with AQ.
Iran wants to build a nuclear weapon. Given the world's reaction to this, it is considered to be an aggressive action.

Iran want's a bomb? A few points:

- In 2005, the Supreme Leader made fatwa banning the possesion and manufactering the nuclear weapons

- 16 intelligences, even the latest NIE declared that iran isn't building a bomb

- The lastest IAEA report determine there was not any diversion of nuclear material for military purposes

With that mind, under those 3 conditions how in the world does iran have a bomb, let alone want to build one? To further add, as a party to the NPT Iran has every right to acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

If anything its people like you who make the world feel unsafe and its so because you continue to buy into this extremist neo-con/zionist propaganda
Yes and I suppose the Syrian reactor and the Iraq reactor that were destroyed was an effort by the DSG and not the Mossad. Research your history then come back, because you do far better in motorsport history than political international history. The pattern is the same here as it was in other nations that Israel didn't want a nuclear reactor in. Do you know anything about that at all?
I'm aware of who the Mossad is and what they do. I'm simply stating that the assassinations of Iranian scientists has not been proven to be the work of the Mossad. There is a theory that they are being carried out by the People's Mujahedin of Iran.

The world's reaction? Sorry the world isn't the West. Just because a few buddy countries think that Iran is a threat doesn't mean they're right. The double standard is funny here, the west can be imperialistic but god forbid that a non western nation who doesn't like the west due to historical reasons can build a nuclear reactor.
Why are you so willing to take Iran's word for it that they do not have a nuclear device? If Kim Jong-un came out today and said "No, we're not building a nuclear device", would you believe him?

- In 2005, the Supreme Leader made fatwa banning the possesion and manufactering the nuclear weapons
That was seven years ago.

- 16 intelligences, even the latest NIE declared that iran isn't building a bomb
Intelligence agencies also claimed that Saddaam Hussein was building weapons of mass destruction.

With that mind, under those 3 conditions how in the world does iran have a bomb, let alone want to build one? To further add, as a party to the NPT Iran has every right to acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Why do you think Iran is so trustworthy? Because they said they're not doing it?
prisonermonkeys, if you clearly think Iran is pursing nuclear weapons where is the official evidence that prove your point, and I'm not talking about the typical neocon trash either? I ask because I can cite tons of evidence that refute your claim, like the fact many ex-IAEA inspectors have argued that Iran's nuclear program is have been purely civilian as oppose to military.

Secondly, its stupid to compare official evidence to fabricated evidence as in the case of iraq.
Your "tons of evidence" includes comments that were made seven years ago. Do you not think it is possible that someone can change their minds in seven years?

As for the IAEA reports, they also state that Iran cannot account for some missing uranium. While not enough to build a bomb, it is enough to be used in experiments to develop a bomb. They also state that Iran has tripled its output of refined uranium. They also claim that they were blocked from visiting certain sites. That does not sound like a shining endorsement of Iran to me.

And what is this "neocon" rubbish you keep talking about? It sounds to me like you're a Hollywood liberal - someone who is critical of politics for the sake of being critical, without really understanding it. You seem to pride yourself on your cynicism. While the ability to tell when someone is lying to you is good, the ability to assume everyone is lying to you is not.

You obviously seem to think that Iran can be trusted to keep their word, and that if they ever acquired a nuclear device in any way, then they would use it responsibly (when the responsible use of a nuclear weapon is to not acquire one in the first place). Your agenda here is quite clear - you don't care whether or not Iran actually has a bomb, whether or not they are planning to build one, or whether or not they can be trusted to keep their word. What you care about is proving your own politicians wrong.
Your "tons of evidence" includes comments that were made seven years ago. Do you not think it is possible that someone can change their minds in seven years?

2007 NIE report: Iran ain't building a bomb:

The funny thing about that, even the most "recent" NIE came the exact conculsion:

As for the IAEA reports, they also state that Iran cannot account for some missing uranium. While not enough to build a bomb, it is enough to be used in experiments to develop a bomb. They also state that Iran has tripled its output of refined uranium. They also claim that they were blocked from visiting certain sites. That does not sound like a shining endorsement of Iran to me.

That military site you're talking about, is a site that have been visited "twice' by the IAEA:

As for iran trippling its uranium refinement its obvious as to why are they doing it...its make fuel for their "american built" research reactor which turn is used to make medical isotopes to treat their 800,000+ cancer patients.

And what is this "neocon" rubbish you keep talking about? It sounds to me like you're a Hollywood liberal - someone who is critical of politics for the sake of being critical, without really understanding it. You seem to pride yourself on your cynicism. While the ability to tell when someone is lying to you is good, the ability to assume everyone is lying to you is not.

I'm not even a liberal, yet alone a conservative. Why? liberals and conservatives are no different than the other. They try and act as if they are different, but deep down both are nothing but big government hacks who have flushed america and its future down the toilet. If anything its no wonder why people are abandong both parties in droves:

Its nice to see after all these years people are coming to their senses.

You obviously seem to think that Iran can be trusted to keep their word, and that if they ever acquired a nuclear device in any way, then they would use it responsibly (when the responsible use of a nuclear weapon is to not acquire one in the first place). Your agenda here is quite clear - you don't care whether or not Iran actually has a bomb, whether or not they are planning to build one, or whether or not they can be trusted to keep their word. What you care about is proving your own politicians wrong.

This isn't about defending a particular country, its about defending common sense. Now maybe if there was common sense in american politics, 4,600+ americans would till be alive today, the same goes for the scores of civilians killed and displaced. And for what? a war built on pure fabrication. Its no wonder why the world have become even more anti-american but also turned on it.
This is interesting. I suppose the US & Israel coalition conducting an high tech war is better than conducting the assassination of scientists. ANON-like war going on, I guess the geeks are delighted to understand they are as skilled as XXIst Century warriors, without leaving their homes and sofas or going through any kind of boot camp.

DieHard 5.0 anyone? :D
This is interesting. I suppose the US & Israel coalition conducting an high tech war is better than conducting the assassination of scientists. ANON-like war going on, I guess the geeks are delighted to understand they are as skilled as XXIst Century warriors, without leaving their homes and sofas or going through any kind of boot camp.

DieHard 5.0 anyone? :D

I'm convinced USCYBERCOM was created specificially for this reason.
Iran is the pill that is way too large to swallow. They are gonna get their nukes one or another if they truly are desiring it.

No country has the right to tell another if it can nuke up or not. Israel and America can claim security issues all they want, but Iran has the right to security also.

And Israel is in no position to make threats. We saw how far the Iranian people are willing to go in defeating the enemy in war.
Iran is the pill that is way too large to swallow. They are gonna get their nukes one or another if they truly are desiring it.

No country has the right to tell another if it can nuke up or not. Israel and America can claim security issues all they want, but Iran has the right to security also.

And Israel is in no position to make threats. We saw how far the Iranian people are willing to go in defeating the enemy in war.

I understand where you are coming from, but haven't they stated their desire to destroy, burn, or wipe Israel off the map before?

I'm against any war that can be avoided, and also was against the invasion of Iraq after 9-11, but if Iran actually voiced statement to destroy Israel, or any nation for that matter, I am all for U.S. denying such nation nuclear weapon, or WMD. With, or without the support of U.N. If, there was such proof.

My country Japan has been threatened by North Korea more than once. If they got close to arming with nuclear weapon, screw their rights to arm themselves with WMD. I hope they are stopped, too.
I understand where you are coming from, but haven't they stated their desire to destroy, burn, or wipe Israel off the map before?
One man said it. And although that man is the President, he doesn't wield very much power compared to the Ayatollahs.
The Ayatollahs haven't exactly repudiated the statement, though. I don't blame Israel one bit for taking the statement very very seriously.
One man said it. And although that man is the President, he doesn't wield very much power compared to the Ayatollahs.

One of the best ways to understand Southwest Asia is to know that they say one thing with their political and/or religious wing and do another with their direct action wing. Sun Tzu comes to mind when I think of their methods. It's ingenious and it's fooled many of their enemies over the centuries. It garners a respect, not out of empathy, but of knowing that if you don't respect your enemy they will kill you. This is not to say I approve of a US, NATO, etc war with Iran. This is all a very complicated situation and without being on a need to know basis(i.e. intelligence channels), within the last two weeks, I cannot give a good assessment as to the state of Iran in relation to Israel in relation to China in relation to Russia. The list goes on and having been privy to the complexities of war, I have to say, I don't ever want to experience it again--with Anyone or Any nation for that matter. This is not to say I am against all war. I simply prefer not to participate anymore. I've had my "share," thanks.

EDIT: I also believe it important to mention that NO government is above propoganda. I don't want to come off as a nationalist/elitist.
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Wanna know how I got out of Iraq?


Ba dum tish!

Iran is gonna get its nukes one way or another, and after reading that article dotini posted, it seems our "liberated" friends in Iraq are not helping our "cause". Americans for the most part can't seem to grasp how deep this Shia/Sunni and Arab/Persian rift goes. I knew from the get go Iraq is gonna be a quagmire. It's shocking how naive people can be.
So much hate in this thread!
I bet that the majority of people here don't know that Iran is not an Arab country and that the majority of Muslim Arabs want Israel completely destroyed.
I understand where you are coming from, but haven't they stated their desire to destroy, burn, or wipe Israel off the map before?

Please, prove me that an Iranian leader said that. I want a video where the Persian is clearly audible. Until this is given to me, I will stand my position that no Iranian official has said "We will wipe Israel off the Map"

In the end, Iran will win, as they are pretty arrogant, and will not talk with the "west" in the Western way, because there's nothing in it for Iran, because the West will have it their way. America really needs to stop demanding Iran to do this and that, and actually sit down and listen and fufill Iran's needs too.
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Please, prove me that an Iranian leader said that. I want a video where the Persian is clearly audible. Until this is given to me, I will stand my position that no Iranian official has said "We will wipe Israel off the Map"

No video exists. It was a translation of a statement (in Farsi, it seems), reproduced on the President's site here courtesy of the internet archive.

Questions hang over the exact nature of the statement - varying from it being a quote, the idiom "wiped off the map" not existing in Farsi, the concept of wiping a country off a map being bizarre and unwieldy, the statement referring to the regime not the country and the phrase actually being "vanish from the pages of time" (which seems a bit more unwieldy than obliterating some land).

But that's the source of it.
Whilst it got me banned on another site, maybe it is time to create an Israel thread and a Saudi Arabia thread, people need education and you don't get it from CNN FOX BBC etc
people need education and you don't get it from CNN FOX BBC etc

That's the main issue. It's really hard (impossible?) to get neutral news about Iran and middle east in general. Especially from these mainstream channels that keeps focusing on entertaining news rather than real and serious problems.

Saudi Arabia thread

That would be intresting. Human rights (for women) are known to be miserable, but that isn't an issue as long as they sell oil and buy weapons from US.
Israel's war plans have been leaked for everybody in the world to discuss and debate:

...the military operation would begin with a massive cyber-attack against Iran's infrastructure, followed by a barrage of ballistic missiles launched at its nuclear facilities.

Military command-and-control systems, research and development facilities, and the homes of senior figures in nuclear and missile development would also be targeted.

Only then would manned aircraft be sent in to attack "a short-list of those targets which require further assault".

Israel's outgoing home front defence minister says an attack on Iran would likely trigger a month-long conflict that would leave 500 Israelis dead.

I, for one, am not drinking the Kool-Aid.

Respectfully submitted,