
  • Thread starter s0nny80y
I'd support action against Iran more than against Iraq; Iran is more likely to have WMD, are more likely to be violent against surrounding nations, and I heard it sucks to live there. Iraq actually let their women be more than just kitchen ornaments. Invading Iran would be more difficult than what we did in 03 because... you know... Iran actually has a conventional military. Not any kind of insumountable task, but still.
Neocon fantasy. Iraq has taught us our lesson. We're out of the Middle East intervention business, for good.

I am proud to be a Neocon. That is something Liberals cannot muster to admit nor reality itself.

@ Viper Zero:
Do people honestly believe that?.

Yes I do. All you have to do is read some of the posts in this thread. Some users are assuming that any strike on Iran will have to do with oil, as if the previous war was based on oil. Behaving as UN Resolution 1441 and the Iraq Liberation Act never existed.
That link is a bit off , but there is a major truth ; Iran has much Oil & Gas , if it trades that in euros it will hurt the dollar . Saddam was up to something similar and this would have been far more damaging than a puny WMD threat . It is a truth behind the surface of what's happening in the middle east ; if oil gets traded in another currency , the dollar , by it's nature , will suffer and that is what is perceived in Washington as a Direct attack .
Any damage done to the dollar will only be temporary. People freak out any time the Euro grows against the dollar but most people who study this can tell you that it is only temporary because, to paraphrase CNBC's Mark Haines, the American economy at its worst is still better than the European economy.
Any damage done to the dollar will only be temporary. People freak out any time the Euro grows against the dollar but most people who study this can tell you that it is only temporary because, to paraphrase CNBC's Mark Haines, the American economy at its worst is still better than the European economy.

The enlargement of the Euro's value will only damage Europe, since the rest of the world is based on the dollar.
I just heard a report that the Iranian President said that the end of the world will happen within the next two years, and he wants to help it along. Also said that Iran developed method to make “yellow cake”. Can WMDs be far behind? If they get them, will they use them, and if so, on whom?

Hmmm….Perhaps we should have a plan if…….
Well, since Iran did democratically elect their president,

If this would be true he wouldnt have been elected. I was in Iran last year. There are so many young ppl in Iran who want to follow the western way of life.

Most ppl in Iran are between 20 and 30, I cannot say how many voted for him, but Im pretty sure it wasnt less than 50%(from what Ive seen). And the women? I actually dont know about that, if they even let them vote (I gotta ask).
If this would be true he wouldnt have been elected. I was in Iran last year. There are so many young ppl in Iran who want to follow the western way of life.

Most ppl in Iran are between 20 and 30, I cannot say how many voted for him, but I know it was less than 50%(from what Ive seen). And the women? I actually dlont know about that, if they even let them vote (I gotta ask).
I know that there was a minor controversy after the election, but if the UN verified it what can you really do?

The last I heard they expect the political climate to shift within a generation. The question is, is that too long?
I just heard a report that the Iranian President said that the end of the world will happen within the next two years, and he wants to help it along...

Here we go again. Please advise us of the source of this "report". If this was true, do you realize what the global media would be doing with this story right now?

Good Lord, what has happened to critical thinking in this country? We've become a nation of gullible suckers who will believe any sort of bizarre rumor or wild tale that oozes through the "grapevine". Anything is credible these days. We believe it all. We buy into everything...
Here we go again. Please advise us of the source of this "report". If this was true, do you realize what the global media would be doing with this story right now?
I hear stuff like this about North Korea as well. They make official statements along the lines of how America is evil and if the U.S. attempt an strike on North Korea, they will burn the U.S. with hell fire(except it was way more ridiculous than that). :lol: I thought that Klingons had taken control of N. Korea! Couple of these statesments I heard on the radio(news, not talkshows), I never saw on the local or national TV news. While I'm not sure on this huge bias by the media, stuff like that do make me wonder....
Couple of these statesments I heard on the radio(news, not talkshows), I never saw on the local or national TV news. While I'm not sure on this huge bias by the media, stuff like that do make me wonder....
I've seen them on national and local TV, but they never get more than a blip because TV finds a flaming truck in a high-speed chase to be more important than Kim Jong Il going insane, which is a valid opinion. TV has to make time for the new baby animal at the zoo video and the car accident caught on tape and stuff that can't be used on radio. Newsradio doesn't have to make time for funny videos so they get to focus more on funny soundbytes. Also watch the news ticker at the bottom, it will almost always have the crazy quotes. And of course The Daily Show on Comedy Central has the story.
I've seen them on national and local TV, but they never get more than a blip because TV finds a flaming truck in a high-speed chase to be more important than Kim Jong Il going insane, which is a valid opinion. TV has to make time for the new baby animal at the zoo video and the car accident caught on tape and stuff that can't be used on radio. Newsradio doesn't have to make time for funny videos so they get to focus more on funny soundbytes. Also watch the news ticker at the bottom, it will almost always have the crazy quotes. And of course The Daily Show on Comedy Central has the story.
I think Kim Jong-il is pretty insane. On not catching those quote on the news, I don't have cable TV, so that could be a another reason. :D
What gets me is this. India have nuclear weapons, Pakistan have nuclear weapons and North Korea also have nuclear weapons. Israel and the Ukraine are also suspected of having nuclear weapons and yet the Americans don't pressure any of these countries..!!! India and Pakistan are always at odds? When was the last time Iran attacked any country? You may say the Iran-Iraq war, but it was the Iraqis who attacked Iran. Iran were just defending themselves. Iran say they are using nuclear technology for purely peaceful reasons but of course the Americans won't have any of that. Is it not by chance the strategic position of Iran? The huge oil reserves? Iraq were supposed to have WMD but where are they? Is this America just using the pretext of Iran building nuclear weapons to invade Iran?? Who really are the terrorists?? Is the world becoming a police state being governed by the Americans? Look at the state of Iraq now?? Look at the state of Afghanistan?
If America to attack Iran then who is next on their list?
I think Kim Jong-il is pretty insane. On not catching those quote on the news, I don't have cable TV, so that could be a another reason. :D
I do media research in my job so I get news from all 210 markets in the US. Just because whatever station you watch in your town didn't mention it doesn't mean they aren't on another station or in another city. All teh big stories are the same but some news stations treat Kim Jong Il like Terrel Owens, they choose whether or not to report on his rantings.

Radio needs more audio filler and it allows for comic relief to make fun of him on the air so he gets more time there.
Wake up and read the news once in a while
I swear, do you post for the sake of just pissing people off? All I was saying is that Iran has nukes the U.S. will not attack them, because no president, not Reagan, not Kennedy, not Bush, are stupid enough to do so. Also, since you are always in the right, tell me were the troops will come from to finance such a military act manpower wise? What about the money? I'm sure Congress won't approve of it.
Viper Zero
You don't fight a nuclear war with men.

you just bomb the crap out of the place and. if needed, send in a few troops to neutralize the roaches that are left... and get said troops killed in the process
Well, "if" was supposed to be in that sentence.

Right ...and the point is to avoid the " IF " by destroying any ability for the Iranian 's to build a nuke . Iran in its present condition and with its present government should be bombed into oblivion brfore they are allowed the chance to have a nuke .
Since NO nucular war has ever been fought and they only two nukes that were used by the only side that had them ...and THAT did not qualify as a nucular war . How do you know how it will be fought ? With men without men or with cats with bombs tied to their backs ?
And while we are on the subject of what you did you manage to come to the conclusion that Iran would have to be invaded and occupied by the US military to prevent its use or developement of nukes ?
It takes some cruise missles and stealth bomber strikes and recon flights etc.
...I guess congress might have a stroke watching those missles get used .
The Europeans are using the carrot method to try to keep iran out of the nucular club...the United States will use the big friggin bad assed stick if it doesnt work .
The Europeans are using the carrot method to try to keep iran out of the nucular club...the United States will use the big friggin bad assed stick if it doesnt work .

Then why don't you guys follow the Europeans example and help to improve the situation, instead of: "the United States will use the big friggin bad assed stick if it doesnt work ." ?

Sums you up really, doesn't it. :rolleyes:
Then why don't you guys follow the Europeans example and help to improve the situation, instead of: "the United States will use the big friggin bad assed stick if it doesnt work ." ?

Sums you up really, doesn't it. :rolleyes:

We have all seen how successful Old Europe's "little carrot" policy has been toward Iran acquiring nuclear materials...

Roll and Eyes.
Origanally posted by LEDHED
Iran in its present condition and with its present government should be bombed into oblivion brfore they are allowed the chance to have a nuke .
Are all Americans born with the ACT FIRST, THINK LATER attitude?? If you are trying to avoid the if question then you should surely bomb other countris too. Israel and the Ukraine are SUSPECTED of having nukes. Why stop there. Wht don't you move to your old friends the commies?? Try China? Cuba?

Believe it or not not all problems are solved by bombing the crap of of someone. Have you guys ever tried sitting down and talking about it??

Originally posted by LEDHED
Since NO nucular war has ever been fought and they only two nukes that were used by the only side that had them
I think you will find that you didn't have two nuclear weapons. They were atomic weapons.
Persian Pride
Are all Americans born with the ACT FIRST, THINK LATER attitude?? If you are trying to avoid the if question then you should surely bomb other countris too. Israel and the Ukraine are SUSPECTED of having nukes. Why stop there. Wht don't you move to your old friends the commies?? Try China? Cuba?

Believe it or not not all problems are solved by bombing the crap of of someone. Have you guys ever tried sitting down and talking about it??

I think you will find that you didn't have two nuclear weapons. They were atomic weapons.

Hate to interrupt this tirade, but atomic weapons are nukes. Nuclear, as in powered by nuclear reactions.

And, ledhed... it's nuclear. Just because some idiot politician couldn't pronounce it, doesn't mean they should invent a new word.

And before anyone accuses me of being anti-American... @Europeans, it's aluminum, not alewmineeyum, and schedule, not shhhedule.

Okay, you guys can go on fighting now. :lol:

Israel's technically our ally. Pakistan and India are only interested in using nukes on each other. China sells lots of cheap stuff to Americans, Asians and Europeans and they're getting rich off of it, so they're not interested in bombing anybody. Since when has the US done anything concrete about Cuba? :lol: ...and does Castro have his own nukes? I thought the Soviets took them all back already...

what else? Errh... North Korea doesn't have anything but nukes, so to use theirs would cause their economy to collapse. And Iran? Iran's a democracy. We'd never attack a democracy. Just ask all the communists in South America. :D The CIA may subvert them sometimes, but our soldiers don't march on democracies.
Persian Pride
Have you guys ever tried sitting down and talking about it??

We have and now both North Korea and Iran are only months away from a nuclear weapon.

Don't come crying to us when you see a mushroom cloud out your window.
I'm waiting. I've been waiting for 20 years. I live just 500 miles south of a US airbase (prime target for Chinese or Russian bombers) in what was the only US ally in Southeast Asia.

During the Reagan years, I'd lie awake at night, wondering when the Chinese would come a-bombing.

So... nuclear holocaust? Caused by a leftover communist state with absolutely no other cards to play? I'll live with the risk. All I see is hot air and political posturing (and I still think NoKor would be a better target for GWB's energies). Things have gotten worse because of America and China's inconsistencies at the six-way talks with NoKor... but mostly because Kim is just ****ing nuts... things are just going back and forth at this point.

Iran? Why don't they just sabotage their government... like they did last time?