Is America that Bad?

  • Thread starter KosmikFool
"I'm a mushroom cloud layin' mother****er, mother****er. I'm a big mother****ing weapon mother****er and I could destroy any of you mother****ers."

Like that?
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
"I'm a mushroom cloud layin' mother****er, mother****er. I'm a big mother****ing weapon mother****er and I could destroy any of you mother****ers."

Like that?


Tom Brokah: "The US continues it's search for Iraq's elusive Big Mother****in Weapons that could destroy all you Mother****ers."

Yep, that works for me.
Originally posted by boombexus
Was Russias big reason to oppose the US enforcing the UN resolution was that they were selling military equipment to Iraq? A move that is banned by the UN sanctions? Oh, and wasn't France also doing the very same thing?

Yes, yes they were.

Hence the mirage fighter jets doing practice runs with the bio/chem weapons.
Actually, the Dassault Mirage is a French fighter.

I wouldn't be surprised if the French gave Iraq some Mirages in exchange for some spiffy oil contracts.
Originally posted by hanker
and what could you do to Canada.....or are we your buddy ;)

I could take out Canada's entire standing army alone. All they are is guys on horses...

But then they'd send in their elites...Troops on bikes!

Also note that this was sarcasm, and I don't hate all Canadians.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
America could throw New Zealand into the Andromeda galaxy.

We rule and you don't. It's that simple.

that post sums up america for the rest of the world...

its this bull**** 'dont hate me because i'm beautiful' attitude...

love me, coz if you dont we'll kick your ass...

america sees itself as the champion of good causes...protecting every other country in the world against terror...the bringer of joy, culture, peace, art, philisophy....we'll wipe out blacks, arabs, irish, french, germans, indians and any other slimey scum you want us to....just ask...thats what we are here for...

but please, grateful to us....

america, the most powerful country in the world...thats what they said about ancient Egypt, then Greece, then Rome....who would have dared rise up against a nation that ruled all the known world...then the Spanish conquests...the British Empire...the Nazi Regime and now its America's turn....who next?....well, waiting in the wings is it China? they dwarf the US with their massive army and well trained assault troops...or India with its nuclear warheads with the west firmly with its sights.....what goes around come around and arrogance seeks out a slap in the face...
Turbo, you're Scottish, aren't you? Since when has a Brit not easily perceived sarcasm. As I said, leftist ideologies can cloud your mind.

"Americans look to be on thewar path to control oil, et al."

"Damn right! We raid Aberdeen tomorrow. We rule! *flex* *flex*"
And there is some merit in being powerful. It indicates a superior strategy was used. Of course a nation can fall under the weight of its power. But it's still a better position to be in than poor and forgotten. Argue consequence forever if you want, but we are saddled with expectations for our wealth alone. On that basis, we'll seek to influence other nations development.
Originally posted by Talentless

"Damn right! We raid Aberdeen tomorrow. We rule! *flex* *flex*"
man, i am soooo glad i live nowhere near the bonny town of Aberdeen....:lol:

but i get you point....i like to get a discussion going by throwing a spanner in the works....thats all...
Don't take that from him. My ancestors are from Scotland. I may even be descended from Highlanders.

Give him what for.
My invasion of England strategy. Diabolical.

  1. Put on the loudest shirt and shortest shorts I can buy
  2. Arrive so late to the airport that I have to shove people out of my way to get my ticket processed and make it to the plane
  3. Carry too much luggage and tell the people helping me that my trip is for only two days
  4. Find the most tired old Brit on the flight and ask him about landmarks in England
  5. Do the above for 10 minutes.
  6. Apologize for 5 minutes if he appears annoyed
  7. Ask stewardess to repeat herself.
  8. Ask people what their favorite things are
  9. lay seat back abruptly.
  10. laugh if i fart or burp.
  11. in england, wander around aimlessly.
  12. walk into ppl.
  13. drop luggage again.
  14. start long conversations about home appliances with black cab driver.
  15. use refrences no one understands.
  16. explain history of royal family to oxford professor i met while he was trying to eat out
  17. ask who each player in a football team is.
  18. ask 8 times which one beckham is.
  19. make joke about "bending" it like beckham
  20. put on pro american shirts
  21. sing theme to smokey and the bandit while on tour bus.
Originally posted by Talentless
My invasion of England strategy. Diabolical.

  1. Put on the loudest shirt and shortest shorts I can buy
  2. Arrive so late to the airport that I have to shove people out of my way to get my ticket processed and make it to the plane
  3. Carry too much luggage and tell the people helping me that my trip is for only two days
  4. Find the most tired old Brit on the flight and ask him about landmarks in England
  5. Do the above for 10 minutes.
  6. Apologize for 5 minutes if he appears annoyed
  7. Ask stewardess to repeat herself.
  8. Ask people what their favorite things are
  9. lay seat back abruptly.
  10. laugh if i fart or burp.
  11. in england, wander around aimlessly.
  12. walk into ppl.
  13. drop luggage again.
  14. start long conversations about home appliances with black cab driver.
  15. use refrences no one understands.
  16. explain history of royal family to oxford professor i met while he was trying to eat out
  17. ask who each player in a football team is.
  18. ask 8 times which one beckham is.
  19. make joke about "bending" it like beckham
  20. put on pro american shirts
  21. sing theme to smokey and the bandit while on tour bus.

  1. just an average american abroad...:)

    oh and you forgot....

    complain about how small things are (UK)
    how old things are (Greece)
    and how everything is much better in the states...

    the beer is warm, the meat is off, the service is bad.....

    (through gritted teeth)...if you hate it so much...just stay at home!
Originally posted by Talentless
well, we've got a point on the small things. manly men like big things!


what ever floats your boat....but please stick to the topic...lets not discuss your alternative sex-life :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Talentless
i knew you'd say that.

anyways, small cars look goofy often.

hmmm....thats true....i actually have a reltively small see, i dont need to compansate for other inadequecies in the bedroom department...if anything, its the opposite..

seriously though...what was the original topic....i forgot
sorry, to get sensitive, but i hate that joke. largely because it's used to mock gun owners and sports car and truck drivers.

topic is: why is everyone so mean to america.
Originally posted by Talentless

topic is: why is everyone so mean to america.

oohhhh....i'm sorry....are we bad men all so mean to you?....there about a cuddle.....snuggins...

why are we so mean to america....well...just guessing...your hot-dogs suck...

and i keep saying things like 'i guess' and 'you suck' and other inane phrases coz i watch too much Simpsons...
Originally posted by boombexus
Was Russias big reason to oppose the US enforcing the UN resolution was that they were selling military equipment to Iraq? A move that is banned by the UN sanctions? Oh, and wasn't France also doing the very same thing?

Yes, yes they were.

Hence the mirage fighter jets doing practice runs with the bio/chem weapons.

Originally posted by Viper Zero
Actually, the Dassault Mirage is a French fighter.

I wouldn't be surprised if the French gave Iraq some Mirages in exchange for some spiffy oil contracts.

I know that.

I was answering the question of "wasn't france doing the very same thing"?

So its cool dude, no reason to worry about corrections :D
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
that post sums up america for the rest of the world...

its this bull**** 'dont hate me because i'm beautiful' attitude...

love me, coz if you dont we'll kick your ass...

america sees itself as the champion of good causes...protecting every other country in the world against terror...the bringer of joy, culture, peace, art, philisophy....we'll wipe out blacks, arabs, irish, french, germans, indians and any other slimey scum you want us to....just ask...thats what we are here for...

but please, grateful to us....

america, the most powerful country in the world...thats what they said about ancient Egypt, then Greece, then Rome....who would have dared rise up against a nation that ruled all the known world...then the Spanish conquests...the British Empire...the Nazi Regime and now its America's turn....who next?....well, waiting in the wings is it China? they dwarf the US with their massive army and well trained assault troops...or India with its nuclear warheads with the west firmly with its sights.....what goes around come around and arrogance seeks out a slap in the face...

Yep. And the problem here is...? America is the newest Empire. We are an imperial power, albeit a watered down, more politically correct type. But comparing us to Nazi Germany is just grossly inaccurate. Please be more careful. Any thinking person understands that the American Empire is a flash-in-the-pan, historically speaking, and will someday be understood as the most recent influence of the then newest empire.

You forgot Greece. The more important thing you seem to not notice is that for over two thousand years the world has been dominated by THE WEST. America is merely the newest torch carrier, after England, after Spain, after Rome, after Greece.

Even more importantly, understanding America from a historical perspective, as enlightened as that may be, does not automatically mean dismissing America is good for anyone. At the end of the day America has helped the world more than it has hurt it. If we didn't take charge somebody else would, and then we'd be sitting around complaining like all of you. You think we're going to accept that? No ****ing way.
Why is everyone (besides Africa) so mean to America?

P*nis envy.

(or is it because we say things like that?)
Originally posted by danoff
Why is everyone (besides Africa) so mean to America?

P*nis envy.

(or is it because we say things like that?)

Africa doesn't posses the technology to communicate their hatred eliquently. 👍

I, on the other hand, am planning on moving to New York ASAP!
American Empire is a flash-in-the-pan

200 years isn't too shabby. Of course we didn't spend even the majority of that time on top.

I'm not sure that even Rome had such an unequal balance of power as America though. I think what's going on right now is really unprecedented in the history of the world. The war on terrorism battle at iraq certainly was unprecedented. I don't think an invasion has ever happened so fast and with so few casualties (though it might have happened to the french at some point... WWII maybe?). Even then I'll be the french took out more than 300 germans.

The argument about no other empires having lasted so why should America is not fair. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it wont. And how many of those other world powers had democracy and capitalism on their side?