Is America that Bad?

  • Thread starter KosmikFool
i just have 1 thing to say

in sport. thats it. i dont hate america for their political things and stuff. they helped save my country in WWII
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Meh the town of Boston, MA could kick all of Scotland's <a onMouseOver="self.status='';return true;" onMouseOut="self.status=''; return true;" onClick="'','_new', 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');" href="#">ass</a>, too.

We rule!

your a bit of a dick actually , aren't you !
Originally posted by Talentless
Turbo, you're Scottish, aren't you? Since when has a Brit not easily perceived sarcasm. As I said, leftist ideologies can cloud your mind.

"Americans look to be on thewar path to control oil, et al."

"Damn right! We raid Aberdeen tomorrow. We rule! *flex* *flex*"

listen you clueless piece bum muck , have you ever been to Aberdeen? you little w#nky yanks would touch down on the ground and start complaining about the cold... the scots would kick your ass before you managed to get your little gloves and body warmers on !! " raid Aberdeen " ... ?? sure you will... tell you what my little american cowboy , stick to raiding your big refridgerator like all your other fat ass american friends !! i'll give yous something , your good at flexing your big mouths :dunce:
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I'd love to agree with you but I'd rather not. And to tell you the truth I do agree with. Except I don't because I want to.


take your time little one and think about what your trying to say, cause none of what you just wrote makes any sense.
Originally posted by Zrow
Wow. Way to be completely hateful for no reason.

for no reason? i have just read most of this thread for the first time and the majority of it is full of America Rules , we'll raid any one , we'll kick your ass !! one of them even slammed another country saying " we're not poor and forgotton " .. bla bla bla ... i know these idiots that are saying that don't represent all americans but in saying this kind of bullsh#t they are asking for a hateful answer.. they are also tarnishing the country of the USA with a very bad reputation.. that of a school yard bully
Originally posted by jay wilkie
take your time little one and think about what your trying to say, cause none of what you just wrote makes any sense.

Chalk up another one who doesn't get it.

I shed a tear for you. :(

My country > your country.
what you shedding a tear for me for? I am delighted with the country I live in and my life in it.. I don't feel the need to try and be-little anybody else's country because we are all content with our way of life. If you guys feel that need then it's your business but do us all a favour and keep your clouded opinions to yourselves..

" I'm bigger than you, and better ..0h , yes we are.... "

sad people:guilty:
listen you clueless piece bum muck , have you ever been to Aberdeen? you little w#nky yanks would touch down on the ground and start complaining about the cold... the scots would kick your ass before you managed to get your little gloves and body warmers on !! " raid Aberdeen " ... ?? sure you will... tell you what my little american cowboy , stick to raiding your big refridgerator like all your other fat ass american friends !! i'll give yous something , your good at flexing your big mouths

I know that it's difficult to be objective about this but... it is a statement of fact that America is the sole superpower left on the planet and could take out anyone we wanted to. We're much too worried about what other people think to actually do it, but it is a fact.

Saying that your country could fend us off, however, is not a fact. It is nationalistic idiocy. If you're so happy with your own country, you should be content with the fact that its military is inferior.
The proper response to the phrase "America could kick your ass" is, that's not all that is important. "My country has..." insert phrase here... "going for it. Your country does not."

You could also say, "we've got allies" or something along those lines.
And I mean, how about the fact that Talentless wasn't saying that in a literal way? Or did I miss something?
Originally posted by danoff
If you're so happy with your own country, you should be content with the fact that its military is inferior.

Listen you fat American cowboy!

Our Scottish military is inferior to no-one's!

Plus, they can handle the cold up in Aberdeen!

By the way, the average yearly temperature in Aberdeen, Scotland, is 45.8 degrees farenheit. In Chicago, which contains more than half of the amount of people contained by all of Scotland, the average temperature is 49.0 degrees - that's just 3.2 degrees warmer than Aberdeen. Chicago is far from the coldest city in America, and I'd say many places are, in fact, colder than Aberdeen.

But still, ol' Jay, absolutely brilliant quote. 👍
Originally posted by M5Power
Listen you fat American cowboy!

Our Scottish military is inferior to no-one's!

Plus, they can handle the cold up in Aberdeen!

Originally posted by M5Power
Listen you fat American cowboy!

Our Scottish military is inferior to no-one's!

well if you want to count how many Canadian, Italian, British, soldiers that american army has killed in recent years compared to the now many allies the Scots have killed then your army makes a lot of mistakes

america has killed more allies during this war than it actually killed Iraqi soldiers.....

man, talk about more of a hindrance than a help....

the scottish army was on the front line of almost all major conflicts of the past 200 years including peace keeping duties....

sure you make fun of us because we are a small country but when it comes to professionalism no one, including the americans, can seriously argue that the British Armed Forces doesnt lead the way..
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
well if you want to count how many Canadian, Italian, British, soldiers that american army has killed in recent years compared to the now many allies the Scots have killed then your army makes a lot of mistakes

america has killed more allies during this war than it actually killed Iraqi soldiers.....

man, talk about more of a hindrance than a help....

the scottish army was on the front line of almost all major conflicts of the past 200 years including peace keeping duties....

sure you make fun of us because we are a small country but when it comes to professionalism no one, including the americans, can seriously argue that the British Armed Forces doesnt lead the way..

okay and just a few examples to back up this statement..

March 21 - Eight British soldiers from 3 Commando brigade and four U.S. Marines killed when U.S. Marine CH-46E helicopter crashes in Kuwait.

- U.S. Army reserve soldier killed in vehicle accident in Iraq.

March 23 - U.S. Patriot missile brings down British Tornado jet near Kuwaiti border, killing two crew.

- One U.S. Marine killed, three injured in vehicle accident in Kuwait.

March 24 - Marine killed by accidental discharge of .50-caliber machine-gun at an undisclosed location in Iraq.

March 26 - One U.S. marine killed and another injured in southern Iraq when U.S. armoured vehicle accidentally runs over them.

March 28 - U.S. soldier killed when a Bradley Fighting Vehicle rolls off a cliff in Iraq.

March 29 - One British soldier killed and five injured in "friendly fire" incident north of Basra.

U.S. Marine from the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force drowns when the Humvee he is travelling in rolls into canal in south-central Iraq.

March 30 - Three U.S. troops killed and fourth injured when Marine helicopter crashes in southern Iraq.

- U.S. soldier killed when his weapon discharges at Camp Coyote, Kuwait.

April 2 - F/A-18 Hornet single-seat fighter-bomber downed in southern Iraq, pilot missing. Possibly downed by Patriot missile.

- Sleeping U.S. Marine killed near the city of Kut when his gun accidentally fires into his chest.

- U.S. marine travelling on top of a truck in Nassiriya is killed when his rifle gets snagged in low-hanging power lines.

April 3 - Three U.S. soldiers killed when F-15E Strike Eagle accidentally bombs a U.S. artillery position south of Baghdad.

U.S. soldier of the Army's 5th Corp killed by possible "friendly fire" in central Iraq. It appears he was mistaken for an enemy soldier while investigating a destroyed Iraqi tank.

April 3 - American soldier (and U.S. journalist) killed in accident involving their Humvee military vehicle.

April 5 - Two U.S. Marines killed when their AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopter crashes in central Iraq. Central Command says it was not result of hostile fire.

April 6 - BBC correspondent says at least 10 people, including U.S. special forces and senior Kurdish figure, killed when U.S. plane drops bomb on their convoy. U.S. military says it is investigating.

do i really need to go on?...

all this within the space of two weeks....some of it sounds like sketches from a roadrunner cartoon....but its far too real and tragic for that....i am not making light of the deaths of these soldiers....but you always ask me for it is..

there's your answer...
YES. America is THAT BAD
There are lies, there are damned lies and then there are statistics.

Yes, go on and fetch these statistics for us: how many combat aircraft sorties have been flown in the Gulf region in support of Operation: Iraqi Freedom in this two week time period? What is the total number of free fall munitions dropped in these sorties? What is the average total number of guided munitions dropped? What are the total number of enemy casualties estimated in the entire Theater of Operations in this two week time period? What is the total number or friendly and civilian casualties?

How many coalition troops are currently stationed in Iraq? How many military vehicles are there? How often do these troops and vehicles move around in the course of daily operations? What is the daily operational range of each unit? How many guns are there in Iraq? How many rounds have been fired in combat? How many have been fired for training puroposes?

How many hostile engagements involving enemy action have occured in the last two weeks? What is the precentage of these hostile actions that involve other friendly units in the immediate area? What is the percentage involving nearby media personel? What is the percentage of media personel that adhere to US Army rules regarding safe zones and other operational safety restrictions designed to protect them?

I figured you can complete your analysis and look these up for us, since your list of fatal incidents is meaningless without them.

Originally posted by TurboSmoke
well if you want to count how many Canadian, Italian, British, soldiers that american army has killed in recent years compared to the now many allies the Scots have killed then your army makes a lot of mistakes

america has killed more allies during this war than it actually killed Iraqi soldiers.....
Wrong. Prove it.

sure you make fun of us because we are a small country but when it comes to professionalism no one, including the americans, can seriously argue that the British Armed Forces doesnt lead the way..
Well they have a long history of global domination to draw from, so it stands to reason.

the topic of conversations is

'Is America that Bad?'

i only pointed out the relevant parts pertaining to the topic...

why dont you start a thread pointing out the good things about America?
This thread is a debate about whether America is that bad. So it should contain two sides of an argument.

Now, as for your statistics... Mspec was trying to point out something that I think you are still not quite getting.

If American troops are more numerous and more active than British troops, it stands to reason that they will be the ones getting hurt more often. The percentage (and therefor overall success rate) could still be lower. The point is that American troops are highly active and in large numbers. We need to see statistics that show whether the British troops were as highly active (possibly) and were in as large numbers (not a chance) before you can make a 1 to 1 comparison of casualties and try to draw the conclusion that American troops are inferior to British troops.
i never mentioned the word inferior, your getting the posts muddled up danoff...i mentioned professionalism...lets get that clear....

i dont think the might, firepower or weaponry of the american army is inferior to anyone...

they just need to start pointing it at the enemy...not at us...
they just need to start pointing it at the enemy...not at us...

I addressed this criticism. Just change the last phrase on my previous post to be:

"... draw the conclusion that American troops are less professional than British troops."
Originally posted by danoff
I addressed this criticism. Just change the last phrase on my previous post to be:

"... draw the conclusion that American troops are less professional than British troops."

okay, first off it wasnt a was an observation....and you didnt address made an excuse...and since you attempted to dress this excuse up by using hypothetical statistics rather than facts, its invalid as a reason....

secondly, i stand by my statement the the US armed forces are not the most professional in the world....
Originally posted by TurboSmoke

the topic of conversations is

'Is America that Bad?'

i only pointed out the relevant parts pertaining to the topic...

why dont you start a thread pointing out the good things about America?

I don't feel the need to start a thread defending America because I don't feel such a thread is warranted. Doing so would imply that I need to somehow justify America to you, which I do not.

You took great pains to try and prove that the American military are a bunch bumbling of idiots who can't figure out who to shoot at. But your analysis is meaningless has has no merit without giving complete information on theater-wide operations to give these data points the proper context from a statistical standpoint. 10 positives out of a set of a potential set of 10,000 is still better than 1 positive out of a set of 10. Its a very basic statistical concept that you should try grasping.

Fraticide has been a major problem on battlefields since the begining of warfare. I don't think any other armed forces on earth goes to as great a length to avoid them as the US military does.

Besides, I think people like you should be a little more appreciative of the United States armed forces and Americans on the whole, without which right now, you would be speaking German and doing the goosestep everywhere you go.

Originally posted by TurboSmoke
okay, first off it wasnt a was an observation....and you didnt address made an excuse...and since you attempted to dress this excuse up by using hypothetical statistics rather than facts, its invalid as a reason....

secondly, i stand by my statement the the US armed forces are not the most professional in the world....

Danoff has no need to address it. He has no need for excuses because he didn't make a statement that needed any evidence. He simply pointed out you don't have any proper support for your argument, which you don't.

You have no facts. You have an opinion, but nothing substantial to back it up.

///M-Spec, there are members on this board who Hate America. They can't be reasoned with and they won't accept facts because they erode the justification for their Hate. Why they cling to it I can't say. But I wouldn't let put too much energy into arguing with them because you'll only go in circles that they draw. All the rational among us can do is present facts and refute garbage. Intelligent people will read and know what is right and wrong. Basically, you don't even have to try very hard.

But one amusing observation is that in this global anti-American climate, I can't understand why they feel the need to lie about it. They deny Hating America, and then take every opportunity to prove the opposite. It's like saying four does not equal two plus two, but 2+2=4, as if some opaque smoke screen has been put up. It's absolutely transparent, mostly tedious, but occasionally amusing.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
He simply pointed out you don't have any proper support for your argument, which you don't.

You have no facts. You have an opinion, but nothing substantial to back it up.


whats this BS?

the facts i stated were exactly that...FACTS... taken from a major american website by the you want its address?

and exactly which part of my post needs backing up mspec??

be precise now...

and also please be a little more imaginative with your ill informed comments about WW2....i have heard that about 6 times on this forum alone and it still makes me laugh....america seems to forget that the british invasion failed before the americans joined the war and you conviently forget that it was a WORLD wasnt about Britain against Germany...there were many nations involved including australians, indians, filipinos, and africans...we interviened to stop the genocide of the Jews...we could have stayed out but we didnt...we sent hundreds of thousands of our young men to thier death....

but america stood by for several years...missed the worst of the conflict and flew in to get the means nothing to most British or Eurpeans for that matter....

you should be grateful....dont make me laugh....

should the Japanese be grateful for you 'ending' the war on the eastern from by nuking them?

should Iraqis be grateful for you invading thier counrty, stealing all thier oil and handing out the rebuilding contracts to american companies.......yes, there a bunch of ungrateful bastards....

oh thank you america...thank you...thats all you care about...forever the caring and giving nation....paahh!!

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