- 34,106
- Mile High City
You have no facts. You have an opinion, but nothing substantial to back it up.
I feel the need to point out that Turbosmoke's likely reaction to this will be to say that all the facts about US soldiers getting killed or friendly fire are his facts and that they back up his claims.
In truth, what this statement "You have no facts" means is that you have no context for your incident reports.
Turbo, in spite of my instinct to ignore this and move on, I'm going to try to make the statistic argument to you painfully obvious.
Let's say you are a racecar driver (since this is a board about cars). The last 20 races you ran, you didn't get first place only twice. So out of the last 30 races you ran, you got 28 first places. Let's say there's another race car driver out there who has won 9 out of 10 races.
Now... I could say that you suck compared to that guy because you ran two races that you lost wheras that other guy has only lost once. You are twice as bad as him right? Cause you've lost twice as many races as he has.
Or you could look at it in terms of percentages. You've won 28/30 races so that's 93.333% victory rating (good job!). The other guy has won 9/10 races so that's a 90% victory rating. So you see, you can't say that just because he's lost fewer races than you means that he's a better driver. Because he hasn't driven as much. What if that one race he lost was really easy too! And the two that you you lost were really tough. What if he's competing against a different set of either less or more talented drivers. There's a lot to consider.
The same thing is true with your friendly fire cases. You can't say that American troops are less professional because they have 200 friendly fire incidents out of 20000 incidents (1%) and the British only have 2 incidents out of 200 (1%).
Even if the British didn't have any incidents out of 200, you'd have to look at the first 200 incidents of the iraq war and see if America had had a perfect record. You'd also have to look at how many simultaneous activities were going on, and underwhat circumstances. You'd have to look at everything mspec mentioned. There's a lot to consider.
Let me know if you still have questions.
Edit: By the time I finished writing this, turbo had slipped his previous post in... proving exactly what I pointed out up top.