Originally posted by milefile
Yep. And the problem here is...? America is the newest Empire. We are an imperial power, albeit a watered down, more politically correct type. But comparing us to Nazi Germany is just grossly inaccurate. Please be more careful. Any thinking person understands that the American Empire is a flash-in-the-pan, historically speaking, and will someday be understood as the most recent influence of the then newest empire.
You forgot Greece. The more important thing you seem to not notice is that for over two thousand years the world has been dominated by THE WEST. America is merely the newest torch carrier, after England, after Spain, after Rome, after Greece.
Even more importantly, understanding America from a historical perspective, as enlightened as that may be, does not automatically mean dismissing America is good for anyone. At the end of the day America has helped the world more than it has hurt it. If we didn't take charge somebody else would, and then we'd be sitting around complaining like all of you. You think we're going to accept that? No ****ing way.