Is America that Bad?

  • Thread starter KosmikFool
Originally posted by danoff
Maybe they don't hate anyone because they're secure in their manhood.

Maybe Africans have bigger concerns like who's next to meet the machete :(

Sad, sad, situation over there.

Nothing but starvation, genocide and political turnmoil.
i'm sorry that i analyze issues more on a person to person level than a poitical standpoint. and i'm sorry to call everyone war hungry, and yes i am ****ed and so are you. about the WMD, would you really hesitate if you had adequate information that a lunatic like saddam had something capable of killing large numbers which would be easier than killing his own people one by one.
Originally posted by milefile
Yep. And the problem here is...? America is the newest Empire. We are an imperial power, albeit a watered down, more politically correct type. But comparing us to Nazi Germany is just grossly inaccurate. Please be more careful. Any thinking person understands that the American Empire is a flash-in-the-pan, historically speaking, and will someday be understood as the most recent influence of the then newest empire.

You forgot Greece. The more important thing you seem to not notice is that for over two thousand years the world has been dominated by THE WEST. America is merely the newest torch carrier, after England, after Spain, after Rome, after Greece.

Even more importantly, understanding America from a historical perspective, as enlightened as that may be, does not automatically mean dismissing America is good for anyone. At the end of the day America has helped the world more than it has hurt it. If we didn't take charge somebody else would, and then we'd be sitting around complaining like all of you. You think we're going to accept that? No ****ing way.

Milefile..I don't always agree with everything you say but I have to say that I liked this one.
Wow, didn't know this would generate so much response! Its fun (and sometimes a bit irritating :irked: ) reading other people's views on our country politically.
Originally posted by KosmikFool
Wow, didn't know this would generate so much response! Its fun (and sometimes a bit irritating :irked: ) reading other people's views on our country politically.

dont get placed your 'country' into the public forum for political discussion...if you dont like what you hear, dont read it..
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
dont get placed your 'country' into the public forum for political discussion...if you dont like what you hear, dont read it..
Please identify the defensiveness in KosmikFool's post.
Good Morning Milefile....ive been waiting for you...

ermm..defensiveness....i didnt say that he was defensive...i believe i said 'dont get defensive'...emphasis on the word GET....that is different than 'dont be so defensive'....

i was pre-empting his next post in which i slag off the US and he defends them...

do you ever read my posts all the way through milefile...even the ones with only 2 lines?:)
Originally posted by milefile
I read the whole thing. I only wouldn't have expected you to do something so blatantly American as pre-emption.

he he...very good...

at least when i pre-empt, i actually hit the target...:lol:
Meh, I have no reason to get defensive, I know my country makes mistakes and I know that all countries make mistake.

My country makes mistakes all the time. Iraq wasn't one of them.
Originally posted by danoff
My country makes mistakes all the time. Iraq wasn't one of them.

The war itself wasn't a mistake, the "exit strategy" was.

And if you're looking to prove me wrong on a technicality, I've got one for you: there was no exit strategy, so technically, it wasn't a mistake.
Hmm, I agree with Hanker, but someone is going to come along and reel off one big speil about why we're wrong.

What's the point? Any clear-thinking person who's spent any real time in this country knows you're wrong. Your statements have no basis in fact and you've spent no actual time in America to back them up with personal experience. In fact, your statements are more arrogant than the Americans you talk about.
Originally posted by M5Power
The war itself wasn't a mistake, the "exit strategy" was.

And if you're looking to prove me wrong on a technicality, I've got one for you: there was no exit strategy, so technically, it wasn't a mistake.

hold on, lemme get this right....

you make a statement, 'The war itself wasn't a mistake, the "exit strategy" was.'

then pull the carpet from under your own feet by saying, 'there was no exit strategy'

what kind of arguement states one point of arguement, then tells you that the whole basis on which the agrument is founded never existed!!!...and then expects people to take it seriously?

you say i post confusing posts....this is a classic..
Originally posted by milefile
Classic irony, yes. It is common knowledge that socialists don't get sarcasm.

and its also common knowledge that americans got understand his statement is doublly flawed..
Originally posted by danoff
... and all New Zealanders don't undertsand impressionism.

that may be true but i doubt it....i am sure the New Zealanders in here would disagree with you...

is there anyone from NZ in here?
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
and its also common knowledge that americans got understand his statement is doublly flawed..

"Got understand irony"?

Doug is by far one of the most intellgent members on this forum. Like anyone who is enlightened and knows it, he refrains from spelling out every little point for those who are not quick and subtle enough to appreciate the satire, irony, and manifold meaning a few words can have. He also is not bothered at the prospect of being misunderstood by some, and even expects it.

It's sad that you have apparently only met a small handful of idiots who happened to be American, but America has no monopoly on Stupidity. The fact that you assume all Americans are dense (all two-hundred-something million of them) because of where they live is simply ignorant. Your comments repeatedly deonstrate that. However, identifying and describing a trait of a particular political philosophy (socialism), which is chosen by the individual and independent of nationality or locality, is entirely different, and not ignorant.

The more off-the-cuff remarks you make the less I'm able to take you seriously. In fact, I'm disappointed because I thought you were a worthy intellectual adversary, and I resent the inconvenience of having to change my mind about that.
Originally posted by milefile
"Got understand irony"?

Doug is by far one of the most intellgent members on this forum. Like anyone who is enlightened and knows it, he refrains from spelling out every little point for those who are not quick and subtle enough to appreciate the satire, irony, and manifold meaning a few words can have. He also is not bothered at the prospect of being misunderstood by some, and even expects it.

It's sad that you have apparently only met a small handful of idiots who happened to be American, but America has no monopoly on Stupidity. The fact that you assume all Americans are dense (all two-hundred-something million of them) because of where they live is simply ignorant. Your comments repeatedly deonstrate that. However, identifying and describing a trait of a particular political philosophy (socialism), which is chosen by the individual and independent of nationality or locality, is entirely different, and not ignorant.

The more off-the-cuff remarks you make the less I'm able to take you seriously. In fact, I'm disappointed because I thought you were a worthy intellectual adversary, and I resent the inconvenience of having to change my mind about that.

you pulled me up because of a typo? now i feel bad..

i dont think everyone in the US is stupid...there are some that i respect and admire as some of the smartest and heroic in the world...but i fear you will never understand...

you call me a socialist...thats just great, whatever makes you feel that you have insulted me personally will do...i ahve told you repeatedly that i am no socialist and still you call me it....its not having the effect that you desire despite me bringing up the topic, its only to inspire you to keep calling me a dog a cat as many times as you wish but it changes nothing....

i too have strong policical views like you and danoff and i wasnt getting personal in my comments about any of you including M5....

his comments were directed at me and they are personal which i think is against the Terms and Conditions of this board, but i dont care...i just wanted an exchange of political views...not a slanging match....

with respect my friends i have to go now...

speak with you later....
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
you pulled me up because of a typo? now i feel bad..

i dont think everyone in the US is stupid...there are some that i respect and admire as some of the smartest and heroic in the world...but i fear you will never understand...

you call me a socialist...thats just great, whatever makes you feel that you have insulted me personally will do...i ahve told you repeatedly that i am no socialist and still you call me it....its not having the effect that you desire despite me bringing up the topic, its only to inspire you to keep calling me a dog a cat as many times as you wish but it changes nothing....

i too have strong policical views like you and danoff and i wasnt getting personal in my comments about any of you including M5....

his comments were directed at me and they are personal which i think is against the Terms and Conditions of this board, but i dont care...i just wanted an exchange of political views...not a slanging match....

with respect my friends i have to go now...

speak with you later....

Now there is some irony.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke

you say i post confusing posts....this is a classic..

There was no exit strategy - that's why it was a mistake.


I'd suggest you go sell Acuras, but I don't find you smart enough to even do that.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
i too have strong policical views like you and danoff and i wasnt getting personal in my comments about any of you including M5....

his comments were directed at me and they are personal which i think is against the Terms and Conditions of this board, but i dont care...i just wanted an exchange of political views...not a slanging match....

When were his comments directed personally at you? He had said that we made the mistake of having no exit strategy, and you told him that his post didn't make sense.
Originally posted by Zrow
When were his comments directed personally at you? He had said that we made the mistake of having no exit strategy, and you told him that his post didn't make sense.

jumping on the m/f and danoff bandwagon eh?...

i refer to this comment by m/f (its a cross thread reference)

Originally posted by milefile
And these are yours:

"Ignorant", "misinformed", and "stupid" are all directed at this conspiratorial comment of yours.

which refers to a post i made disagreeing with M5....boy was that a mistake...

Originally posted by milefile
In fact, I'm disappointed because I thought you were a worthy intellectual adversary, and I resent the inconvenience of having to change my mind about that.

yes, and i am dissapointed that our discussion has degenerated on both sides to the state that is now in....i was enjoying it while it lasted.....i respect you milefile my friend and your views...

there you go...i said it....

but i dont know where you picked up this danoff character from...he is only bringing you down is in no way your equal....he is riding proud on the crest of your wave...tagging on your coat tails taking the glory....

i really have to go this time....

catch you later my friend....:)
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
jumping on the m/f and danoff bandwagon eh?...

i refer to this comment by m/f (its a cross thread reference)

which refers to a post i made disagreeing with M5....boy was that a mistake...


What are you talking about? In order to prove that I insulted you personally, you quoted a post made by milefile that referred to a post made by yourself? Oh my God leave these forums forever.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
jumping on the m/f and danoff bandwagon eh?...

I suppose that I am "jumping on the m/f and danoff bandwagon", I completely disagree with your argument. I suppose you would accuse me of "riding milefile's coat tails to get glory". I just wanted to know what the hell you were talking about. I still don't.

Danoff is trying to look good by agreeing with Milefile? You have got to be kidding. Bringing him down? In no way his equal? I don't know how an online discussion forum is going to make someone look better, but to me Danoff was giving his political opinion, just as you were.