What difference would faster cars make? My car would still accelerate at a similar pace, and I already told you that I had a lower top speed in that video, the only reason why I almost matched them on the straight is because I was able to get on the accelerator that much earlier. The same thing would happen.
The problem with the AI in that video and in the scenario you want me to run to somehow prove the AI is actually good, is that the AI is far too early on the brakes, their cornering speed is far too slow and they wait far too long to get on the throttle. That video should not have been possible, but it was. Faster cars would not make a difference, I would still obliterate them into, through and out of corners.
Feel free to go ahead and keep defending away desperately, if you feel that supporting unsatisfactory coding/performance/products is a positive thing to do. If you're happy to keep recieving sub-par results and keep promoting them, you will continue to recieve sub-par results.
If you would like, I could also post up the videos of me winning races with a car that is 150pp lower than the AI on a circuit that is mostly about power, and with three grades of tire lower with no aids or ABS. (A stock Renault Avantime on CS against high powered supercars on SS tires for example).
It would be interesting to do that race at Bathurst, 100% weather, 40% water on track, 0 weather change ( constant rain, water stays at 40% ), evening 15:30 PM, 15 time speed, grip real, use stock Avantime if you wish, set to max power and minimum weight to get max PP possible in the garage, then enter arcade mode, professional, set it to 5 laps. When on track, go to tuning page, set to stock power and weight, use comfort tires, you will have much more powerful AI cars with variety of PP ( might have NSX, M3, Ferraris or other 400-500+PP cars on the top 5 ). Disregard the AI tires, the goal is to reach 1st before finish line ( 5 laps ) cleanly.
This will make the race much harder, running shorter laps will also make it more challenging, ie 3 laps instead of 5.
I used to run arcade rain races on stock Cizeta V16T on CM tires, no ABS, at Bathurst against Saleen S7, Ferrari 430, Nissan GTR etc. 30% water, 100% weather, but I enter with stock car, so the top 5 AI cars are a few PP above me on Professional. Used to win on 3 laps races, tight but fun.