A photomode shot of Forza doesn't even represent what the game looks like in game.
It's not exactly the fact that GT6 is better than FM5 while being on less capable hardware, that's a shallow argument. You're really just saying that GT6 is better because of a couple of images. That Image of FM5 is honestly terrible, as well as that GT6 image. The things going on in FM5 are actually more complex than GT6. Just because it has dynamic lighting doesn't exactly mean anything. Turn 10 could turn around in FM6, hire new artists and people that are much better with shaders and make everything a bit more
bland to match the lighting of GT6. There is nothing wrong with FM5s lighting but you decide to write it off because it isn't dynamic which is something that is completely wrong. You can have static lighting and have it be miles better than the lighting that the GT series has.
Sure, that image you uploaded of GT6 is realistic within terms of lighting but
there are many things in the image that are holding it back as well as the image in FM5. When it comes to a image being taken in FM5, consider the fact that the image may have been tampered with in it's photo mode.
Truly, all you're really talking about is the color palette.
Much better, yeah? The top one looks
sooo much
better than the lighting in FM5, which is basically what you're are assuming with the two shots you're comparing.