I think you should look up what apples and oranges means.
If I really wanted to be picky here I'd define your chosen discourse as a conjunction of two different types of fruit. However, this is not an English lesson, so back to your point.
You can't have your cake and eat it on this. To say "there's 100k players of millions proves the online focus is right" then say "you can't compare it other online focused games and their audience retention."
Fact is, GT7 is a live service game. It wouldn't drip feed content at such a slow rate were it not. As a live service game with heavy online focus (again, show me where I am wrong regarding an offline career) it can, and will, be compared to other online service games. To try and grant a title immunity based on genre is being blind at best and deceitful at worst.
Not saying you’re wrong. But on aspects, no, I don’t agree. Personally I think the beauty of this game, is there’s so many ways to play it. You have dudes that more or less, only make liveries. You have the photographers (I for one enjoy scapes). Historical information…. I find it very interesting, and brilliant by PD to include this, to help usher in the new generation of car enthusiasts that are more or less very detached from the traditional ways of automotive culture.
With VR compatabilty and a rig, this does become a very good simulator. I for one wish that roulette tickets were awarded, and bonus’d by daily mileage. The amount of testing and hotlapping I do wether it’s for races, made-up shootouts, joy riding, or COTW testing is pretty substantial. To be honest, I’ll only occasionally do a grind race if there’s a legends car I’m saving up for. Much of the new content from the past 5 months, goes unused by me. I think I’ve only done the super formula races, and the WTC800 NBG and Autopolis races, as far as “recently added” content goes.
Speaking of COTW. You should check out the Car Of The Week thread on the forum. Good group of talented guys
Okay, you highlight multiple ways to play it... It's good that there's is something for photographers, it's great that for those who can afford/excuse spending more for this one game then I did for a high end gaming PC there's a tremendous driving experience. It's great there's something for those who focus on online.
So, back to my argument which I have yet to see truly challenged... Why isn't there more for those who want an offline campaign? Fourteen updates. No endurance races, no championships, no returning series from other titles. Can anyone explain why it is incorrect to highlight how much PD lied to their audience and refuse to fix things? Can anyone provide a valid argument in favour of microtransactions? Can anyone provide a clear benefit that invites provide to players?
Step up to the plate people, make me believe.
You’re still comparing apples and oranges.
Get back to me once GT7 is f2p and has an online shop that lets you buy 4 different types of cosmetics with 3 different currencies.
Yes, I know Sony and PD have used the term “live service” in regards to GT7, but I’d argue it isn’t actually live service.
The online numbers are not indicative of this games success. You have people on this forum who don’t engage with the online stuff.
And we are the hardcore enthusiast.
Nobody disagrees with the legitimate criticisms of GT7.
I do disagree with your conclusions though.
I also think you have your head stuck up your own ass so far that it’s really hard talking to you.
Why do you think we have to “step up to the plate and make you believe”?
Who do you think you are?
The game may as well be F2P given the ridiculous payouts, seemingly random rotation of invites, legends cars, etc. Saying it isn't F2P doesn't answer my question regarding what benefits these bring to the players. Is there one?
Saying the online numbers are not indicative of success is a little naive. Look at games such as Anthem, Avengers or Ark Survival Evolved. All games which were NOT F2P but which DID echo GT7 in terms of in game pushing of purchases, unfulfilled roadmaps and grindy gameplay for no reason.
As to who I am? Someone who has made valid points, weathered multiple personal insults and a failure to truly answer my points. That's who I am.