...here what I have noticed for myself, with friends and generally acquaintances into Sim Racing:
on PS3 with (GT5) & GT6 - most loved it because of the many cars, and it was low budget investment console, game, TV and maybe wheel setup to play it.
BUT many of my network, would get bored more quickly, because there is missing realism and limited options in GT6, at least for their/ our taste in a racing game (since it is called: the real driving simulator) missing proper tire wear, fuel, damages, other mechanical break downs. (moon missions?? why? could have done something more productive here and maybe I just don't understand the moon stuff), here though just to insert, GT6 does offer personalization and modifications to cars). either way, mainly this was the problem and then comes the PC with its games available, from LFS, GSCE, rFactor2, R3E, Assetto Corsa, SimRaceway, iRacing and GTR2 (now also PCars across almost all platforms). yes, these games are not highest standards, but are indeed racing games with their own fan bases and pulling away console gamers back into the PC market. (some great articles in the financial sector of news and analysis, yes, i know myself being a console user until recently, hard to believe and hard to admit, last PC built over 10 years ago, and had PS2, PS3, PS4, XB360 and XBONE)
Realistically PC has more options and think will overcome most issues and give game developers (racing sims/ racing games) the edge over consoles, also in regards to compatibility with available hardware (wheels, button boxes, shifters and etc). (this is more so for the hardcore racers than casual Sunday drivers)
of course, it’s not all sunshine and roses on the PC, however. While the PC is, in my opinion at least, the premiere gaming platform. And while the PC clearly offers superior image quality, it suffers from annoying anomalies that require turning down the image quality to smooth out hiccups and stuttering. (depending on hardware, budget $$$ for PC) also, reading in some other forums about people ranting and being annoyed with PCars, best of all was: one person complaining that PCars does not run on Mac OS. (come on people...really??? as if GT & Forza and etc run on Mac OS????...got to be kidding me! no complaints there, but just to find something to complain about with PCars...)
so not to defend any of the devs and/or game publishers, I think Kaz (PD) has done a tremendous job pushing to where GT is, and where others are wanting to get to and pushing and developing to get a great game into the market and into the hands of gamers where they can enjoy their drives and feel like they own that car (race, normal or concept) to hear the sound, feel the cars movement and response to throttle, braking and shifting. for all of us gamers, it is a bright and great future ahead with games and OF COURSE bugs, glitches and problems will be part of games forever, some more and some less, as frustrating as it might seem. In all honesty, I think we should all still be thanking any of the game developers, creative minds, car manufacturers and game publishers, standing behind the products and helping them to deliver to end users/ customers like us, being arcade racers, sim racers or real driving/ virtual driving simulator and whatever else you might like to call it. (also including here, F1 2012, 2013, 2014 and coming 2015, NFS, Dirt, DriveClub, PG Racing, TOCA and still for me Microprose GrandPrix, GrandPrix2 and GrandPrix4...which set standard in my opinion! thank you Geoff Crammond!!!!! virtual racing's...true legend! what is he up to now?)
still think many of us are looking forward to new racing sims, racing games and other simulators, because it gives us as the end user/ customer the choice and possibility to play what we like to play. (race/ drive) GT7 is coming, Forza 6 is coming and surely many other games will be coming and all trying to set the bar higher and higher, and of course along with it (for the more negative people

more bugs along with it!) still think we should all stay positive, be constructive and try to give credit to all who deserve credit.