Is PCARS as Good as GT6?

  • Thread starter TT92
I could go over to the GT forums and only focus on all it's known bad aspects so i can make it look like a dogs dinner too (and believe me i will have more inspiration than just focusing on bugs and out of the box controls).

Isn't that what you have been doing for the past 18 months? what I have noticed for myself, with friends and generally acquaintances into Sim Racing:

on PS3 with (GT5) & GT6 - most loved it because of the many cars, and it was low budget investment console, game, TV and maybe wheel setup to play it.

BUT many of my network, would get bored more quickly, because there is missing realism and limited options in GT6, at least for their/ our taste in a racing game (since it is called: the real driving simulator) missing proper tire wear, fuel, damages, other mechanical break downs. (moon missions?? why? could have done something more productive here and maybe I just don't understand the moon stuff), here though just to insert, GT6 does offer personalization and modifications to cars). either way, mainly this was the problem and then comes the PC with its games available, from LFS, GSCE, rFactor2, R3E, Assetto Corsa, SimRaceway, iRacing and GTR2 (now also PCars across almost all platforms). yes, these games are not highest standards, but are indeed racing games with their own fan bases and pulling away console gamers back into the PC market. (some great articles in the financial sector of news and analysis, yes, i know myself being a console user until recently, hard to believe and hard to admit, last PC built over 10 years ago, and had PS2, PS3, PS4, XB360 and XBONE)

Realistically PC has more options and think will overcome most issues and give game developers (racing sims/ racing games) the edge over consoles, also in regards to compatibility with available hardware (wheels, button boxes, shifters and etc). (this is more so for the hardcore racers than casual Sunday drivers)
of course, it’s not all sunshine and roses on the PC, however. While the PC is, in my opinion at least, the premiere gaming platform. And while the PC clearly offers superior image quality, it suffers from annoying anomalies that require turning down the image quality to smooth out hiccups and stuttering. (depending on hardware, budget $$$ for PC) also, reading in some other forums about people ranting and being annoyed with PCars, best of all was: one person complaining that PCars does not run on Mac OS. (come on people...really??? as if GT & Forza and etc run on Mac OS???? to be kidding me! no complaints there, but just to find something to complain about with PCars...)

so not to defend any of the devs and/or game publishers, I think Kaz (PD) has done a tremendous job pushing to where GT is, and where others are wanting to get to and pushing and developing to get a great game into the market and into the hands of gamers where they can enjoy their drives and feel like they own that car (race, normal or concept) to hear the sound, feel the cars movement and response to throttle, braking and shifting. for all of us gamers, it is a bright and great future ahead with games and OF COURSE bugs, glitches and problems will be part of games forever, some more and some less, as frustrating as it might seem. In all honesty, I think we should all still be thanking any of the game developers, creative minds, car manufacturers and game publishers, standing behind the products and helping them to deliver to end users/ customers like us, being arcade racers, sim racers or real driving/ virtual driving simulator and whatever else you might like to call it. (also including here, F1 2012, 2013, 2014 and coming 2015, NFS, Dirt, DriveClub, PG Racing, TOCA and still for me Microprose GrandPrix, GrandPrix2 and GrandPrix4...which set standard in my opinion! thank you Geoff Crammond!!!!! virtual racing's...true legend! what is he up to now?)

still think many of us are looking forward to new racing sims, racing games and other simulators, because it gives us as the end user/ customer the choice and possibility to play what we like to play. (race/ drive) GT7 is coming, Forza 6 is coming and surely many other games will be coming and all trying to set the bar higher and higher, and of course along with it (for the more negative people ;) more bugs along with it!) still think we should all stay positive, be constructive and try to give credit to all who deserve credit.
Is Project cars as good as GT6? Well, as previously stated its all about subjectivity isn't it? My personal feeling is that Pcars is better than Gt6. Now, granted I haven't played Gt6 since I sold my Ps3 about 6 months ago and got my Ps4, but I personally feel that Pcars outshines Gt6 in several areas.

Firstly, the realism. I loaded the game up and decided to take the Rs500 Sierra around Bathurst. Being a bit lairy, I whacked the wastegate setting up to maximum and took it out for a spin. The tyre modelling is excellent and soon put me back in my place, as I managed to lose control coming out of the pits with a boot full of throttle. I personally love the way that you actually have to drive the cars to get the best out of them. Yes, I'm a lame so and so for using the pad, but even with that you have to be gentle and respectful of the car that you are driving, just like you would in real life. For me, the realism alone outstrips Gt6. Cold tyres, cold brakes, crash damage, mechanical failure (blew the engine on the Merc 190 DTM car after five laps of the Nurburgring GP circuit), aggressive AI that doesn't ease off the throttle and disappear once you've passed them and some pretty damn good weather effects.

So, personally speaking its Pcars all the way for me. I haven't noticed these bugs and glitches that people are going on about. Calling it a POS (as someone else did earlier in the thread) is harsh in the extreme. It is a very good, very complete game. I do miss the car collecting aspect that Gt6 brought, but I don't miss having to grind through races to earn credits, nor do I miss having 97 different versions of the same car. I do like the way that Pcars has picked some of the rarer cars to represent (Lotus 49 anyone?), instead of acres and acres of not very exciting road cars.

Of course, my view is subjective to me, so if you disagree that's fine. It's my personal response to the question, "is Pcars as good as Gt6"?
Personally, I'm taking it as read that SMS fixes all the major bugs, just like PD did with GT5. If they don't, it's all over and there's no point even talking about this stuff because it'll be an awful game, on console anyway.
Liked the rest of your post but this isn't true. In its current state, on XB1, I encounter two bugs: sometimes it's stuck on loading screen when starting a career race after turning on the XB1, in which case I need to restart the console. And I had an AI driver go through me twice when leaving the pits. These annoy me much less than all the limitations by design in GT. Even if it would remain at 1.0 forever, it's a good game.
I can't think of any game that would be worth spending $1000+ to play. No game is that good.

Unless you're so rich that you're wiping your arse with hundreds, you buy a console (or a PC) for more than one game. If your friends are so rich that they'd actually consider dropping $1000 on one game, then money isn't a consideration.

If you're really, really into simulators, you buy a decent PC. It's not even a question. For the money it costs you to get a PS4, a PS4 compatible wheel and the one simulator that exists you can get a decent PC, a decent wheel and access to dozens of good sims.

If you just like simulator-ish racing games, and like playing some other games on console to go along with it, suddenly you're not investing $1000+ into one game any more. And you should probably buy an X1 so that you can have FM5, FM6, FH2, and pCARS.

pCARS sounds like it's pretty buggy on console at the moment, but on PC it's working just fine for me, and all the complaints I've heard so far have been from console users. Tell your rich friends to use that money to buy a PC and get it on there. While they're there they can pick up Assetto Corsa, iRacing, Game Stockcar, rFactor 2, RRRE and expansions, GTL, GTR2 and it's infinite expansions, Race 07, maybe some of the Codies F1 games, maybe some Grid Autosport if you want something a bit less serious, maybe even some Euro Truck Simulator 2 if you just want to relax and drive.

If they're serious enough about driving games to even consider spending $1000 on one, they should have PCs.

No, they are not rich and this is the problem. Also most of them do not want or need a PC and the PS3 is fine for what they do now. They all agree that one day they will need to migrate to PS4 when GT7 is released though but by then they are hoping that the console prices and wheel will be lower.

For me, I started off as a PC gamer and got sick and tired of the constant upgrades and spiralling costs associated with it and I chose the console path.

BTW I am not the only one that feels like this either as PC sales only account for 7% of sales and PS4 sales out number all other sales combined. So I would suggest that you and SMS actually listen to what the market wants.
Sales of Project CARS on the PS4 Leading With a Substantial 63%
The format of sales on Project CARS show clearly that consoles are a major choice for players in gaming. With PC lagging behind with quite a distance at 7% of total sales. The consoles take the major chunk of the sales where the Xbox One claims 31% of the rewards whereas the PS4 console game is the primary selling platform with 63% of all sales.
This one is very subjective, to the point that it's the total opposite of how I feel. This part of GT has (from the very first title) been a total drag for me, and one that's gotten worse. In the early titles we at least had qualifying and real races; now the vast majority is just a 'chase the rabbit' event that even manages to get rolling starts wrong (everyone can go for it as soon as the lead car passes the start, you don't have to wait until you reach it).

Everything open with race events that actually mirror the structure of real events is just ideal in my mind and exactly what I have been missing since the days of the TOCA series.

I'm the exact opposite. I'm finding the mirroring of real series in pCars is incredibly boring and I don't think it's fair to TOCA to even compare the 2. At least in TOCA 2, you got to jump around to different series often while in pCars, it rarely happens other than invitationals, and even those end up dragging on.

The only thing keeping me playing pCars is the fast AI, great graphics, and great physics. The ridiculous amount of bugs is slowly killing it for me though and I seriously hope SMS stops talking about pCars 2, and starts talking about patch number 2 because this game has way too many problems right now.
The PS4 selling so much better may be in part due to this site where the game has been talked about and hyped up a lot and most users here are PS fans.

The only reason I even own a console is because some of the games I want to play are only available on a console. GT and Forza are prime examples. I bought a PS2 just for GT as well as the PS3 just for GT. The Xbox 360 I bought for Forza.

If GT was available for PC I would not own a PS and if Forza was available for a PC then I would not own an Xbox.
To be honest, I don't even put this game and GT6 in the same category. Project Cars is much more focused on racing and less on collecting and modifying cars (not that GT6 does that particularly well anyway). Subjectively though, Project Cars is the best racing game I have ever played. The graphics, the sound, the car/track models and the AI are better than any other game. The AI could use some tweaking in future patches but on the whole is far better that GT or Forza. Plus Project Cars gets a lot of the little details right that racing fans have been begging for for years.

I will be owning both once GT7 arrives because GT will satisfy my love of cars while PCars satisfies my love of racing
Sales of Project CARS on the PS4 Leading With a Substantial 63%
The format of sales on Project CARS show clearly that consoles are a major choice for players in gaming. With PC lagging behind with quite a distance at 7% of total sales. The consoles take the major chunk of the sales where the Xbox One claims 31% of the rewards whereas the PS4 console game is the primary selling platform with 63% of all sales.
Sounds about right. GT consistently outsells Forza more than 2:1 and pc sales are insignificant next to either one. I'd sure like to know what the totals are though, not just the percentages.
PS4 taking the lead in sales doesn't surprise me, considering the PC sim crowd will mostly stick to Assetto Corsa, iRacing, GSCE, and/or rFactor(2) no matter how good PCARS is, while Xbox fans have FM5 and are already looking forward to FM6 this fall.

Slightly Mad had lucky timing in that GT7 isn't already around, or else they'd be butting up against a brick wall no matter how good/bad GT7 turns out to be. As critical as people are of GT6, I'd be shocked if GT7 didn't carry on the usual sales momentum.
Sounds about right. GT consistently outsells Forza more than 2:1 and pc sales are insignificant next to either one. I'd sure like to know what the totals are though, not just the percentages.
Which makes me wonder out aloud again, because of the apparent sales success of PCars will some sim developers now realise that there is a market for their sim product on consoles and decide to release on them where it wasn't even a consideration before? I would like to see R3E on PS4.
I would like to think that SMS creating a Sim on consoles will get the ball rolling but until more wheel support is available on consoles it would be risky for other developers.
Sounds about right. GT consistently outsells Forza more than 2:1 and pc sales are insignificant next to either one. I'd sure like to know what the totals are though, not just the percentages.

I was just using this to demonstrate that the people that want to use a PC for gaming are by far in the minority now.

And yes, I would love to know what the exact sales figures are too.
Sounds about right. GT consistently outsells Forza more than 2:1 and pc sales are insignificant next to either one. I'd sure like to know what the totals are though, not just the percentages.

While I don't disagree with the bulk balance of figures some titles are skewed if they're included in bundles - the sale is registered at the moment the bundle leaves the supplier (MS) rather than at the point the buyer gets her/his grubby mitts on it. No PC game gets that advantage that I'm aware of.., although I do agree that PC sales like-for-like are generally far in the minority.
No, they are not rich and this is the problem.

So it's not even an option for them. Why is this even an issue then? Even if it were the greatest game in the world they couldn't afford it.

Also most of them do not want or need a PC and the PS3 is fine for what they do now. They all agree that one day they will need to migrate to PS4 when GT7 is released though but by then they are hoping that the console prices and wheel will be lower.

Or they could get a PC and keep using their current wheel, which is a big discount right there. That, and all the best racing sims are on PC.

Like I said, if they just like to race and play other stuff as well, console is fine. Although apparently not an option for them at the moment, because of cost. I can sympathise, I haven't got a next gen console and I have no intention of doing so any time soon.

If they're sim nuts, then PC is the only option. It would seem by your description that they just like to race, and so they're not dropping big amounts of money to race anyway.

For me, I started off as a PC gamer and got sick and tired of the constant upgrades and spiralling costs associated with it and I chose the console path.

Whatever works for you. In the last 5 years I've bought one $300 graphics card, and even that was probably strictly not necessary. Given that I've probably saved several hundred dollars buying games it works out cheaper for me.

Given that more and more stuff seems to be going multiplat these days all I'm missing out on is the first party exclusives, which aren't nearly as desirable as they used to be.

BTW I am not the only one that feels like this either as PC sales only account for 7% of sales and PS4 sales out number all other sales combined. So I would suggest that you and SMS actually listen to what the market wants.

Do you think that I work for SMS or something? I don't.
Sales of Project CARS on the PS4 Leading With a Substantial 63%
The format of sales on Project CARS show clearly that consoles are a major choice for players in gaming. With PC lagging behind with quite a distance at 7% of total sales. The consoles take the major chunk of the sales where the Xbox One claims 31% of the rewards whereas the PS4 console game is the primary selling platform with 63% of all sales.

Consoles have been the choice for gaming pretty much since they were invented.

PC is a better platform if you're a sim gamer. The difference in cost isn't as big as most people think, especially if you take into account that most people have some sort of computer in addition to their console anyway.

If you're just into racing (as your friends seem to be), then you'll just have to wait until the cost of consoles comes down, by which point either the game will have been patched or SMS will have crumbled under the weight of the internet's mighty fury.

I don't honestly get what you're complaining about.

That's like saying the only thing I like about Scarlett Johansson is her looks, her personality and her money.

And dat ass. :crazy:
Those could be derived I guess, if you subtract the WMD owners baseline:
If I'm reading that right, and they used similar numbers here to get the 7/93 split, it looks like around 80,000 pc sales. That would translate to over 1 million console units sold in less than 2 weeks, less than on week in the U.S. :eek:
Well, it would on the assumption that all numbers involved are somewhat correct, which we can't actually verify accurately. ;) The numbers from Steam Spy should be taken with some margin, and with the huge leverage factor (6-7% from 100%) any deviation creates a huge difference in numbers. So some caution is advised with taking these numbers for real.
BTW I am not the only one that feels like this either as PC sales only account for 7% of sales and PS4 sales out number all other sales combined. So I would suggest that you and SMS actually listen to what the market wants.
Sales of Project CARS on the PS4 Leading With a Substantial 63%
The format of sales on Project CARS show clearly that consoles are a major choice for players in gaming. With PC lagging behind with quite a distance at 7% of total sales. The consoles take the major chunk of the sales where the Xbox One claims 31% of the rewards whereas the PS4 console game is the primary selling platform with 63% of all sales.
You can't be the elite if you are part of the majority

That's like saying the only thing I like about Scarlett Johansson is her looks, her personality and her money.
Haha look who's back :D
I have always preferred PC over consoles or at least I have since the PC was able to do more than 4 colors. Unfortunately some of the games I used to play a lot have moved away from the PC and are now only on consoles which is to bad as the PC versions were always better than the console versions. Two of the games that I used to play that are now only on consoles are Madden NFL and Tiger Woods Golf. I much prefer these games on PC especially so with the golf. Using the mouse for the stroke is just so much more natural than using an analog stick and of course on the PC version there was always mods that you could download for free and expand the game.
I never played GT6 but do have GT5 and in my opinion PC is in a completely different league in terms of racing and physics.

GT is fantastic homage to cars in general but the racing was always a bit take it or leave it i thought, the sheer volume of cars was fantastic and the photo mode has kept me busy for hours at a time but surely the whole point of a racing game is to race and PC has that nailed.

Every race I've had thus far has been pure adrenaline from green light to finish with no time to relax its a constant battle all the way it's fantastic and very exciting.

GT could learn a lot about how to make a racing game from this.

PC is so good its made me go out and buy a wheel so I can enjoy it more, something no GT game has ever done.

PD/GT will have to go a long way to better PC in terms of the racing experience for me at least.