Seriously, it's like ignorance and naivety spawned a very large family.
What did you expect?
Skimmed over the comments on the review
@Johnnypenso linked. There's stuff like this:
I'm sorry everyone i have Forza 5 as well as GT6 and have recently bought this game. It is not even close to the best racing game ever. The driving is not simulation. It is very arcade feeling, even with the wheel. The graphics are nice but the physics and replays are horrible compared to GT6. My favorite feeling racing game and best replays are still GT6. Forza 5 comes in a close second because of the ability to design car liveries. It makes for an endless amount of cars. This game has a long way to go to beat GT6 and Forza 5
I'll bet you a fiver that guys like him have never driven a car in real life. Yet, they still feel qualified to have a say in the matter. I'm not even sure whether they're the ones to blame though; probably just bought into the marketing and PR the bigger games have been receiving for years.
Thats all well and good but when Pcars kept being postponed to "polish" and get a bug free game at release, People then expected that was what they where going to get. Its failed poorly on that score. Yes its got good online and great physics and realism but has far too many bugs that where supposed to gotten rid off before release.
Two things:
1) Might be sad but true nonetheless: That's how games are these days. Not an excuse, I know. Still, PCARS is far from the worst in that regard. GTA V/Online gave me more of a headache - and that was postponed just as much...
2) Goes for the PC version, obviously, but I've managed to cut down on the amount of issues I'm having but fiddling with PCARS' settings and doing some basic troubleshooting regarding my PC. Don't know why but the game seems ridiculously sensitive to that sort of stuff; overlays like that of my MSI Afterburner or Steam caused some severe instability issues, for example.
Still, some more polish and bug fixing is definitely in order. The continuous support (or lack thereof) will certainly impact my opinion of PCARS and SMS in the long run.
I think that, in general, you guys expect way too much from online experience. Childish behaviour in public online games is a norm, not an exception and that goes far beyond from racing titles. It is some sort of GTA way of playing on everything.
If online racing is your thing you have to build up a network of friends and other players that share the same need for clean racing with you. Otherwise, no matter what you play, you'll get frustrated because online gaming is just like that and it'll be forever.
Agreed, and such behaviour isn't exclusive to racing games, either. Try playing GTA Online without someone trying to **** you over. And the lower the initial investment, the worse the players, I feel. Someone who's putting up with iRacing's pricing and the almost mandatory purchase of a proper wheel and stuff is less likely to just play the game to mess around. Then there's the diametric opposite, free to play games. Toxic, most of the time.