Is this game alone worth me buying an XBOX

  • Thread starter BoneSawTX
Glad you decided to go for it. I have also been a die hard GT5 fan as well, I've been playing the series since the first Gran Turismo... I bought an Xbox 360 just for forza, including a CSR Elite with club sport pedals and modded a thrustmaster Th8rs shifter to it using an adapter. Over the past year I have almost completely stopped playing GT5 and honestly don't miss it. What really killed GT5 for me is the clutch engagement issues when using the gated shifter, Forza just nailed it as well as chirping tires with gear changes. its little stuff like that, that makes all the difference. I don't really go for flat out speed, I just like using the clutch and shifter and overall driving expiriance. Turn 10's car selection seems to come from a "true car guys" garage. I'm so happy with the line up, and the flow of the game, rivals mode, livery editors. It's a whole new world from GT lol. Add me for some rival mode races, if you would like. Shelbyz4u2nv

This X2

You actually have to work to drive the car in FM4, GT5 is very predictable and the only challenge was if you were using the comfort tires. The lower class cars are actually fun to drive in FM4, and the AI can be a challenge here. GT5's AI is just a bunch of moving chicanes.

The car selection is much better here, i have no use for 20 versions of every Nissan made between 1980-2007. GT5 may have good graphics but FM4 isn't far behind and looks really good to me. Besides it's game play that makes the game, not the correct stitch pattern on the seats of one of you sixty Skylines.

Over all FM4 is a much better game, I should have done this long ago.

Also i play with the controller, I'm 34 so thats just what i'm used to but may be getting a wheel some time in the future.

I also agree, The list of Japanese cars in GT5 is ridiculous. At least in previous titles there was much diversity in the car list. I am just more of a American car V8 kinda guy and Forza 4 delivers on that!

Do yourself a favor though and get you a nice wheel set up, I cant stress enough how much better the game is now. I am 34 also and i was unsure about getting a wheel set up but since i did there is no looking back! Its not cheap, but imo its well worth the money!

Here is a little review i did in a different thread a few days ago, I am just going to post it here since there seems to be some people on the fence here about making the switch so this may help.

Here is my humble review of both games,

I have played GT since the start of the GT series, I have only played forza 4 and for only about 3-4 days (20 hours of play time)

I started off Christmas and a 12 day vacation with buying my self a Fanatec elite wheel, club sport vs 2 pedals, TH8 shifter, Basherboards box, and a Sim-Seat SR-X. All driving time before this was using a controller.

After spending several hours getting everything put together and some help from basher him self on the phone helping me set everything up including the wheel settings(Huge thank you for this) I was ready to play!

Going from a controller to the wheel was night and day, I spent about 30 hours of play time on GT5 and loved every second of it, Everything felt great! There is not much more i can say, It was just awesome!

So i decided to give Forza 4 a try, I have never played this game before so again all this is based on 20 hours of play time and with a wheel only. First impression was not very good, I did not like how the game started, were you are forced to drive before you get to look at the menus/car list. I also HATED it with all the assist turned on. At first glance i noticed the graphics seemed to be downgraded from what i was used to on GT5, All the tracks looked grainy and the environment in general was just not as defined.

Once i figured everything out i went to the world tour, From the time i let go of the clutch i knew this was a completely different game! You could feel the torque steer in the POS car i was driving, After a few corners i could also feel the loss of grip from entering the corner to fast and how the grip comes back in a fashion much closer to real life.

I decided to move on to the event list, bought the 93 Cobra R Mustang, Then the 03 Saleen Mustang, 11 Shelby Mustang, And now the 13 Boss Mustang. All i can say is i am impressed with Forza! This game brings the sounds of these cars to life and how they drive in the game is almost how these things drive in real life around a race track! So far i have completed all c-b-a class events.

I am also using a 4-5 year old 1080p DLP 60inch samsung tv right now, Maybe that is why things dont look so good on screen with forza. Also all aids were turned off on both games.

So the final conclusion is Forza 4 feels a lot better in my opinion after only 20ish hours of gameplay.

These are again just my opinion, but just a little back ground. I have been to a handful of open track days at VIR (Virginia International Raceway) several auto X events, and have been a drag racer since i have had a license to drive (18 years). I have owned a bunch of high powered rear wheel drive cars. This is what i am basing my opinion off of in comparison to real life.

Quick summery

Graphics in general (cars, tracks and environment)- Gt5

Cockpit view- Forza 4

Car list, options, painting, and tuning- Forza 4

Track list- GT5

Engine sounds- Forza 4

Physics- Forza 4

Game in general- I think GT5 is missing a ton of stuff, It seems like they released a demo in comparison to the previous GT games( No excuse imo for this as it took 6 years to be released). Forza 4 feels like a complete game. Although I would have liked to have seen more tracks in Forza.

Online play- I can only rate GT5 in this since i have not played Forza online yet, But i think GT5 is great racing online if you find the right room.

Overall- I really like both of the games, each have there good and bad.
If yall don't mind adding me for rival please do so, i want to see how far off i am on lap times from the community. On GT5 i could run 3:24 laps in most the LMP/Group C cars with the DS3, I'm way off here at 3:40 in the Peugeot 908 HDI with the controller.
If yall don't mind adding me for rival please do so, i want to see how far off i am on lap times from the community. On GT5 i could run 3:24 laps in most the LMP/Group C cars with the DS3, I'm way off here at 3:40 in the Peugeot 908 HDI with the controller.

I could add you for private races but unfortunately I'm banned from all online activity. Up to you.
i want to see how far off i am on lap times from the community.

You can compare your own lap times with ALL other Forza 4 players in rivals mode!

I would suggest you use rivals mode to get some credits because you will probably need a lot of credits at the beginning of the game for car buying and tuning. Just select the next best driver as rival and beat his time ... and then the next and the next and the next ...... This way you can earn a lot of credits because winning against the top players will bring you 250.000 credits for one lap (next best group is still 100.000).
If yall don't mind adding me for rival please do so, i want to see how far off i am on lap times from the community. On GT5 i could run 3:24 laps in most the LMP/Group C cars with the DS3, I'm way off here at 3:40 in the Peugeot 908 HDI with the controller.

Don't compare your lap times with GT5, its well known Forzas tracks are not the most accurate. The best thing to do s compare your times in rivals mode. To give you an idea my best time on that rivals event is a and I'm about 1100 on the leader board. A friend of mine is on and he's in the top 300.
Yes it is! Just did it myself (done everything in GT I wanted to) and Forza 4 is an awesome game (as a *game* IMHO much better designed than GT5) and a very good simulation. I'm having a ball with it!
I had a really hard time justifying buying my 360 just for Forza 4. I was lucky enough to have a friend upgrade to a newer 360 and sell me his old 60gb Pro for $100. For me, I'd say it was well worth the price considering I haven't played much GT5 since getting my 360/FM4. But I think if I had to make the decision again I would be a little harder pressed considering that we could be close to a new Playstation/XBox being released. Although I'm sure that even if a PS4 was released tomorrow, GT6 would take another 4 years or so to come out. I made the mistake of buying a console for a Gran Turismo release TWICE, just to have to wait multiple years. I won't do it again.
Yes it is! Just did it myself (done everything in GT I wanted to) and Forza 4 is an awesome game (as a *game* IMHO much better designed than GT5) and a very good simulation. I'm having a ball with it!

I agree. I've been playing GT for years and I recently got an Xbox as a Christmas present as I'd been talking about buying one to play Horizon. Anyway FM4 came bundled with it and after getting used to it I must say it is very good.

Horizon is great though, just the sort of open world environment that I hope is in GT6!
im 27 years old, i used to play GT since i was 13 in a family friend house and then i bought all the next releases.
when i was 23 i was driving my '93 toyota Supra (2JZ-GTE) leaving the work i spinned out of control (for very well known reasons - unharmed furtunatly), after that i went to a friend house when he told me play this xbox game (forza 3 i was hardcore PS3 gamer and GT4) when i played, the same car spinned after the first corner same way it did to me few hour ago. i went strait to a games shop and i bought Xox 360 for this game only (Ace Combat later).
and since then i like forza more that GT.
This X2

I also agree, The list of Japanese cars in GT5 is ridiculous. At least in previous titles there was much diversity in the car list. I am just more of a American car V8 kinda guy and Forza 4 delivers on that!

Do yourself a favor though and get you a nice wheel set up, I cant stress enough how much better the game is now. I am 34 also and i was unsure about getting a wheel set up but since i did there is no looking back! Its not cheap, but imo its well worth the money!

Here is a little review i did in a different thread a few days ago, I am just going to post it here since there seems to be some people on the fence here about making the switch so this may help.

Here is my humble review of both games,

I have played GT since the start of the GT series, I have only played forza 4 and for only about 3-4 days (20 hours of play time)

I started off Christmas and a 12 day vacation with buying my self a Fanatec elite wheel, club sport vs 2 pedals, TH8 shifter, Basherboards box, and a Sim-Seat SR-X. All driving time before this was using a controller.

After spending several hours getting everything put together and some help from basher him self on the phone helping me set everything up including the wheel settings(Huge thank you for this) I was ready to play!

Going from a controller to the wheel was night and day, I spent about 30 hours of play time on GT5 and loved every second of it, Everything felt great! There is not much more i can say, It was just awesome!

So i decided to give Forza 4 a try, I have never played this game before so again all this is based on 20 hours of play time and with a wheel only. First impression was not very good, I did not like how the game started, were you are forced to drive before you get to look at the menus/car list. I also HATED it with all the assist turned on. At first glance i noticed the graphics seemed to be downgraded from what i was used to on GT5, All the tracks looked grainy and the environment in general was just not as defined.

Once i figured everything out i went to the world tour, From the time i let go of the clutch i knew this was a completely different game! You could feel the torque steer in the POS car i was driving, After a few corners i could also feel the loss of grip from entering the corner to fast and how the grip comes back in a fashion much closer to real life.

I decided to move on to the event list, bought the 93 Cobra R Mustang, Then the 03 Saleen Mustang, 11 Shelby Mustang, And now the 13 Boss Mustang. All i can say is i am impressed with Forza! This game brings the sounds of these cars to life and how they drive in the game is almost how these things drive in real life around a race track! So far i have completed all c-b-a class events.

I am also using a 4-5 year old 1080p DLP 60inch samsung tv right now, Maybe that is why things dont look so good on screen with forza. Also all aids were turned off on both games.

So the final conclusion is Forza 4 feels a lot better in my opinion after only 20ish hours of gameplay.

These are again just my opinion, but just a little back ground. I have been to a handful of open track days at VIR (Virginia International Raceway) several auto X events, and have been a drag racer since i have had a license to drive (18 years). I have owned a bunch of high powered rear wheel drive cars. This is what i am basing my opinion off of in comparison to real life.

Quick summery

Graphics in general (cars, tracks and environment)- Gt5

Cockpit view- Forza 4

Car list, options, painting, and tuning- Forza 4

Track list- GT5

Engine sounds- Forza 4

Physics- Forza 4

Game in general- I think GT5 is missing a ton of stuff, It seems like they released a demo in comparison to the previous GT games( No excuse imo for this as it took 6 years to be released). Forza 4 feels like a complete game. Although I would have liked to have seen more tracks in Forza.

Online play- I can only rate GT5 in this since i have not played Forza online yet, But i think GT5 is great racing online if you find the right room.

Overall- I really like both of the games, each have there good and bad.

If ONLY FM4 had a track roster like GT5, it would have been a SURE winner. I don't think GT5 sacrifices any of the tracks from previous games, the way Forza does. I do not understand why they take that route. They can always throw in the additional tracks on disc 2. And I think the whole "oh it takes a year to develop each track" rant is getting a little old too.

Mate, I would highly recommend getting an LCD or LED screen to truly enjoy the visuals FM4 has to offer. I own a 40" screen, and the tracks/cars look crisp, sharp and full of automotive detail. Visual bliss! Though I must admit, some tracks looked better in FM3. You should check that out too, just for the tracks' sake.
If ONLY FM4 had a track roster like GT5, it would have been a SURE winner. I don't think GT5 sacrifices any of the tracks from previous games, the way Forza does. I do not understand why they take that route. They can always throw in the additional tracks on disc .

First to Mike R - Forza 4 does 720P rather than 1024. However, that's not the whole story. GT5 gets its high resolution at the expense of frame-rate and distracting screen tearing. For the current generation of consoles I think Forza has a better compromise. The in-car view with its movement also makes it more immersive than in-car view in GT5

Speedster 911 - GT5 misses *stacks* of GT4 tracks. Midland raceway, Hong Kong, Soeul, two Paris tracks, Infineon, the two Italian road tracks, Seattle, El Capitan and many more. In addition there's plenty of tracks from earlier GTs that haven't reappeared, examples Grindlewald and Red Rock Speedway from GT2 and SS10 from GT1 and GT3.
I'm also a Forza and GT player. For me GT5 is the better simulator, but Forza is the better game.

GT5 has amazing content. But they forgot to put an actual game in it. You practically have to make your own fun.

But Forza 4 has such a huge event list, that it can last you months.

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