Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
I'm under no obligation to tolerate a culture/religion whose views oppose mine. Especially when they move into our country and still consider their law system to be above ours.

Question. How do you know it's not you that's been brainwashed?
I have to imagine how Carbonox has posted nothing but nonsense since he saw the thread is a pretty good indicator.
Just going to leave this here...


Why can't we all just get along.
I'm under no obligation to tolerate a culture/religion whose views oppose mine. Especially when they move into our country and still consider their law system to be above ours.
Carbonox, is this you?
http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/22948208.jpg
I have to imagine how Carbonox has posted nothing but nonsense since he saw the thread is a pretty good indicator

I aren't read Carbonox's other posts on the matter so i can't comment on those but i'd have to agree with him on this, its easy enough to start mentioning the EDL and discrediting arguments against islam because the EDL use the same points but looking at the members of these groups, how likely is it that the EDL thought up these points instead of just hearing them then started throwing them around.
Did anyone see the program on BBC3 with stacey dooley (yes she's annoying) where she approached a muslim group (the majority of which seemed to be immigrants) that were protesting and they told her that she should be ashamed because she was showing more than they would like and that for this she'd be punished under sharia law, well to paraphrase tornado's last post 'if you don't like it, get out!'. I asked a few of my muslim colleagues at work the day after i saw it and they all told me they do believe sharia law should be instated in this country they just don't riot about the fact that it isn't.

I wonder how many people defending islam or christianity in this thread are actually followers?
I wonder how many people defending islam or christianity in this thread are actually followers?

I'm not sure that really matters. If you follow it then you'll want to defend your own religion, but even if you don't, you can still defend someone's desire to follow something as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

People shouldn't be automatically persecuted for following a religion, even if you happen to think that religion is a load of old balls. Which I do, for the most part.

I wonder if a better question would be, "I wonder how many people attacking Islam or Christianity in this thread have actually ever been affected by it?"
I aren't read Carbonox's other posts on the matter so i can't comment on those but i'd have to agree with him on this, its easy enough to start mentioning the EDL and discrediting arguments against islam because the EDL use the same points but looking at the members of these groups, how likely is it that the EDL thought up these points instead of just hearing them then started throwing them around.
Did anyone see the program on BBC3 with stacey dooley (yes she's annoying) where she approached a muslim group (the majority of which seemed to be immigrants) that were protesting and they told her that she should be ashamed because she was showing more than they would like and that for this she'd be punished under sharia law, well to paraphrase tornado's last post 'if you don't like it, get out!'. I asked a few of my muslim colleagues at work the day after i saw it and they all told me they do believe sharia law should be instated in this country they just don't riot about the fact that it isn't.

I wonder how many people defending islam or christianity in this thread are actually followers?

You aren't read? Is that what they teach you in Scotland? :lol:

Of course the media is going to show people who are extremist and say things controversial. No one would watch the news if it were all sunshine and rainbows because it's human nature to like negative stories.

Christians get portrayed as being nut jobs that want to ban anything that they find immoral, in fact we have two people like that right now trying to become president and vice president. However, I can assure you a vast majority of Christians are just average people going about their lives no trying to change anything at all. Same goes for Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. Only a small fraction of Muslims want to enact Sharia Law, kill infidels or carry out jihad against another group.

I honestly can't believe the hate in this thread, especially from Finland where I just thought everyone sat around in the snow eating lutefisk and driving Saab's.
I honestly can't believe the hate in this thread, especially from Finland where I just thought everyone sat around in the snow eating lutefisk and driving Saab's.

Well, over in my country, many immigrants (including some Muslims - a few Iraqis have been returned to their country) are more or less parasites, so from the honest people that live around here, you can't really expect to hear anything good about them.
Well, over in my country, many immigrants (including some Muslims - a few Iraqis have been returned to their country) are more or less parasites, so from the honest people that live around here, you can't really expect to hear anything good about them.

There's probably a very small group of Muslims who, are what you call, "parasites". Painting an entire group with the same brush makes you look incredibly foolish and hateful.

Why have a similar situation in America where a certain percentage of the population thinks all Muslims are terrorist looking to take down America. The thing is though I've probably met hundred of Muslims in my line of work and I've never once met one that hates this country. I could easily replace Muslim with the Finnish and make a similar statement, although more often than not I hear Europeans in America talking about how much they hate it here.

I suggest taking the blinders off and stop being prejudice. Extremist != the entire group. I bet if you actually looked around you'd find Muslims who are just about the same as you, except they have slightly different holidays and traditions. Hell, even on GTP there's Muslims and all they do is talk about cars and play video know like the rest of us non-Muslims do.
I aren't read Carbonox's other posts on the matter so i can't comment on those but i'd have to agree with him on this
That's kind of a shame, because anyone who equates the hateful teachings of a specific church of a specific sect of a religion with an entire other religion and says they are therefore the same because of reasons that he never bothered to give (probably because they don't exist) is pretty obviously clueless on the issue.

how likely is it that the EDL thought up these points instead of just hearing them then started throwing them around.
Pretty likely, actually. It's rare that hate groups and/or ultra-nationalist groups have any logical basis.

I honestly can't believe the hate in this thread, especially from Finland where I just thought everyone sat around in the snow eating lutefisk and driving Saab's.
That must be it. Carbonox is mad that Saab is pretty much dead, and he is blaming Muslims for it.

Well, over in my country, many immigrants (including some Muslims - a few Iraqis have been returned to their country) are more or less parasites, so from the honest people that live around here, you can't really expect to hear anything good about them.
Immigrants, eh? I bet they take your jobs and everything.
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I didn't say "all immigrants are parasites" - however multiculturality has brought its problems to our remote land and I haven't really met anyone who thinks it's a good thing. Heck, on the news right now is stuff about different Muslim groups declaring war on each other at Facebook. Well, that could be bollocks, but if they indeed were to begin massive fights on our streets, would Islam gain any support from the West? Nope.

Have you heard about the Muslims who are demanding that a part of town in Norway would be turned into an independent country with Sharia law? Totally unbelievable.

For the record, I despise Christianity, Judaism and Islam, all of them. Without them, I think the people in this world could get along better.
Right... religion...

Over where I live there is a very large asian community and I myself know a lot of people who are muslim. I myself am not religious at all, but I have no issue with people speaking about their faith as long as they do not end up pushing it on other people. Also the press I reckon always blow things out of perspective. In fact, a lot of people do. There's a Facebook group trying to stop a Mosque being built in my town, and a lot of the people there are just going on racial hate slurs about "get out our country" and the like... I think...

Serious? Everyone has a right to live where they wish to, we open up our borders to people, they come in. By saying we shouldn't allow people in this country is like saying we shouldn't be allowed to go to France because its got french people in it.

Also the media does always slant things a little, the middle east unrest does nothing to help it. A friend of mine she's a muslim, she fled from Iraq when the war started and nowadays she does make little remarks when people say about "get out our country" about, I've always interpreted it from her as a case of: "Well we'll get out when you get out of our countries, we didn't come here by choice, it was your fault."

A religion is a belief, I do find the thought that a belief in one being or god or deity that can unite millions truly terrifying. But if we preach about being a democracy and being so much better than other countries with our system, how come we still have so many issues with racial hate and equality?

I've listened to my friend and a few other muslim friends and when you actually cut through things, its very interesting to find out about people and their religions (in this case islam).

Also the Western views are often biased by the things like the 9/11 bombings and London bombings, which of course is Extremism. You can't tar everyone with the same brush. Just because someone is a Muslim, you can't call them a "terrorist".

I've got no issues with Islam, as long as it causes no problems for me. People believe in what they believe, we try to allow that and that's the right way to go about things.

In Japan there were trained warrior monks that were used in battle.

16th century Ikko-Ikki sect of monks , fanatical fighters who often challenged the samurai, the dominating Oda clan in the 1570's spent 10 years fighting them at their cathedral fortress, The Ishiyama-Honganjyi I think it was called...
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And my last point in this topic is about the perceived bias against Islam in 'western' media. This is such a patent lie that I find it insulting. Most news outlets and channels bend over backwards to not depict Muslims in a bad light. The liberal media especially is extremely ill-liberal when it comes to criticism of Islam. Show me one article by BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Guardian, NYT etc. that criticizes Islam or muslims. I'll use the general tactic shown in this thread here and say that whatever bias is perceived is written in obscure, small-time publications or if major news organisations (FOX?) are doing it, they appeal to a small demographic compared to the rest of the world.

Reporting about conflicts in the middle-east or muslim countries is not anti-muslim bias. If the middle-east is volatile, news organisations can't help reporting about it. If anything, atrocities against muslims are magnified in the news even if the situation may have been exacerbated by radical elements in Islam. This may not affect the common people of western nations that have never been under Islamic rule but for people who have witnessed generations or centuries of Islamic extremism, such extreme bias is an insult.

I couldnt help but ROTFLOL. 'news outlets bend over backwards not to depict muslims in a bad light' Lemme give you a few examples.

1. The orlando dark night shooting. Was this guy branded a terrorist? Certainly not in UK

2. Tottenham court road earlier this year, a man apparently holding hostages and throwing office equipment onto street was branded a 'nuisance'

1. 9/11, we all know what happened here. The terrorists were given the name 'muslim terrorists' instead of just 'terrorists'. Why add 'muslim'? Why not they're hair colour or any other property? Why say muslim? Islam certainly doesnt allow this.

2. Same thing with 7/7 london.

3. Mumbai terrorist attacks were also branded 'muslim'. Ask any indian and they will tell you that this is to do with pakistan vs india pollitical rivalry. Some people just despise each other.

4. Muslim burmans massacre by buddhists. BBC article (btw this is all the UK media covered, a flimsy article) explaining 10,000 muslim rohingyans on the border between bangladesh and burma being eliminated. They did however state 'a muslim man raping a buddhist woman' in the article. So they basically suggesting that this rape triggered it. Ask any burman person, the rape has absolutely nothing to do with it. This is a fues stretching into the 50's 60's.

If it were muslims slaughtering buddhists then it would be on the news 24/7. And dont deny it.

I am not in any way suggesting buddhism condones killing or anything like others here (carbonox) are suggesting about muslims. I know for a fact that most buddhists are nice and kind people. Fact, not an opinion.

I'm under no obligation to tolerate a culture/religion whose views oppose mine. Especially when they move into our country and still consider their law system to be above ours.

No ones saying to tolerate it. One thing islam teaches is to spread the teachings of islam and educate (which is why im glad this thread has been created) isnt this similar to pollitics? Labours vs torries? Do you see labour mp's telling torrie mp's to get out if they dont like it? Also the law system, megaupload owner gets 50 years imprisonment, michael jacksons doctor gets 3 years i believe. Justice?

You dont have to agree with islam, all we are doing is giving our opinions based from facts and what we believe is right. You make the choice. You dont have the right to hate on islam and base your 20 stupid points from an even pathetic source with URL have you ever read any books about islam? Unbiased books is what I mean.


I had a feeling it was EDL

I aren't read Carbonox's other posts on the matter so i can't comment on those but i'd have to agree with him on this, its easy enough to start mentioning the EDL and discrediting arguments against islam because the EDL use the same points but looking at the members of these groups, how likely is it that the EDL thought up these points instead of just hearing them then started throwing them around.
Did anyone see the program on BBC3 with stacey dooley (yes she's annoying) where she approached a muslim group (the majority of which seemed to be immigrants) that were protesting and they told her that she should be ashamed because she was showing more than they would like and that for this she'd be punished under sharia law, well to paraphrase tornado's last post 'if you don't like it, get out!'. I asked a few of my muslim colleagues at work the day after i saw it and they all told me they do believe sharia law should be instated in this country they just don't riot about the fact that it isn't.

I wonder how many people defending islam or christianity in this thread are actually followers?

Yeah exactly. Spread the teachings, but rioting and creating a nuisance is unacceptable.

Joey D
You aren't read? Is that what they teach you in Scotland? :lol:

Of course the media is going to show people who are extremist and say things controversial. No one would watch the news if it were all sunshine and rainbows because it's human nature to like negative stories.

Christians get portrayed as being nut jobs that want to ban anything that they find immoral, in fact we have two people like that right now trying to become president and vice president. However, I can assure you a vast majority of Christians are just average people going about their lives no trying to change anything at all. Same goes for Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. Only a small fraction of Muslims want to enact Sharia Law, kill infidels or carry out jihad against another group.

I honestly can't believe the hate in this thread, especially from Finland where I just thought everyone sat around in the snow eating lutefisk and driving Saab's.

You're misusing the word jihad. It means to strive and struggle. Another misconception fes by the media.

Well, over in my country, many immigrants (including some Muslims - a few Iraqis have been returned to their country) are more or less parasites, so from the honest people that live around here, you can't really expect to hear anything good about them.

Well I've heard that finnish people are pretty ignorant and I've heard nothing good about them. Should I then therefore believe that all finnish people are ignorant and bad?

Right... religion...

Over where I live there is a very large asian community and I myself know a lot of people who are muslim. I myself am not religious at all, but I have no issue with people speaking about their faith as long as they do not end up pushing it on other people. Also the press I reckon always blow things out of perspective. In fact, a lot of people do. There's a Facebook group trying to stop a Mosque being built in my town, and a lot of the people there are just going on racial hate slurs about "get out our country" and the like... I think...

Serious? Everyone has a right to live where they wish to, we open up our borders to people, they come in. By saying we shouldn't allow people in this country is like saying we shouldn't be allowed to go to France because its got french people in it.

Also the media does always slant things a little, the middle east unrest does nothing to help it. A friend of mine she's a muslim, she fled from Iraq when the war started and nowadays she does make little remarks when people say about "get out our country" about, I've always interpreted it from her as a case of: "Well we'll get out when you get out of our countries, we didn't come here by choice, it was your fault."

A religion is a belief, I do find the thought that a belief in one being or god or deity that can unite millions truly terrifying. But if we preach about being a democracy and being so much better than other countries with our system, how come we still have so many issues with racial hate and equality?

I've listened to my friend and a few other muslim friends and when you actually cut through things, its very interesting to find out about people and their religions (in this case islam).

Also the Western views are often biased by the things like the 9/11 bombings and London bombings, which of course is Extremism. You can't tar everyone with the same brush. Just because someone is a Muslim, you can't call them a "terrorist".

I've got no issues with Islam, as long as it causes no problems for me. People believe in what they believe, we try to allow that and that's the right way to go about things.

You couldnt have summed it up more...👍

Also one thing about immigration. Noone can say that they are fully english or fully german or fully finnish or whatever. Your ancestors have travelled from one place to another. Especially with americans. Only native americans can say that they are fully american. They DID NOT STAY IN ONE PLACE. If you are a strong believer against immigration, then you wouldnt be the way you are now.
You're misusing the word jihad. It means to strive and struggle. Another misconception fes by the media.

Indeed, a friend of mine who went to Israel many years ago said that he learned that Jihad means "to rise against being oppressed" (not his exact words, but meaning was pretty much the same.). It's the western media who use it as an inflammatory term. Malaysia? I'd expect something like that in Saudi...not Malaysia.
Yeah, but the Islamic law only applies to Muslims though.

Okay so, my further thought's on Islam. Personally, I think it sucks to not be able to choose your own religion. When you're born a Muslim, you'll forever be a Muslim. Religion is just something that people choose to believe and there exist people who don't believe in religion at all. So why get all serious over it and be like, 'Once you're in, you can never get out. Neither can your children or your children's children.' I mean, everybody deserves the right to make their own choices, so why can't your child choose his or her own religion, or to even believe in religion for that matter? Also, I don't know about Islam elsewhere but over here, it's the law. For Muslims of course. Authorities can take action against you judging based on the Sharia law, which covers even personal matters like adultery and such. I mean, come on, leave the man's personal life alone. He definitely have thought of the consequences when he decided to fool around so he's made his decision. All in all, I see it as a religion which deprives you of freedom. Only reason I would convert to a Muslim would be if my future wife was Muslim.

Having said that, I do not see Islam as some kind of evil religion. I do love the Eid-ul-Fitr celebration and the Arabic dates which tastes so very good, you have to try them if you haven't already. I also love the traditional clothing Muslim women wear around here as I find they look rather elegant. :)
I couldnt help but ROTFLOL. 'news outlets bend over backwards not to depict muslims in a bad light' Lemme give you a few examples.

1. The orlando dark night shooting. Was this guy branded a terrorist? Certainly not in UK

2. Tottenham court road earlier this year, a man apparently holding hostages and throwing office equipment onto street was branded a 'nuisance'

1. 9/11, we all know what happened here. The terrorists were given the name 'muslim terrorists' instead of just 'terrorists'. Why add 'muslim'? Why not they're hair colour or any other property? Why say muslim? Islam certainly doesnt allow this.

2. Same thing with 7/7 london.

3. Mumbai terrorist attacks were also branded 'muslim'. Ask any indian and they will tell you that this is to do with pakistan vs india pollitical rivalry. Some people just despise each other.

4. Muslim burmans massacre by buddhists. BBC article (btw this is all the UK media covered, a flimsy article) explaining 10,000 muslim rohingyans on the border between bangladesh and burma being eliminated. They did however state 'a muslim man raping a buddhist woman' in the article. So they basically suggesting that this rape triggered it. Ask any burman person, the rape has absolutely nothing to do with it. This is a fues stretching into the 50's 60's.

If it were muslims slaughtering buddhists then it would be on the news 24/7. And dont deny it.

I am not in any way suggesting buddhism condones killing or anything like others here (carbonox) are suggesting about muslims. I know for a fact that most buddhists are nice and kind people. Fact, not an opinion.

Here we go again. He-did-this-they-did-that-why-are-they-not-branded-terrorists-these-guys-didn't-do-anything-especially-evil.

This argument gives special meaning to the word ad-nauseam.

The carelessness with which you have just put in a few examples and attempted to justify/explain them without any obvious knowledge of the circumstances makes me fume.
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Here we go again. He-did-this-they-did-that-why-are-they-not-branded-terrorists-we-didn't-do-anything-especially-evil.

This argument gives special meaning to the word ad-nauseam.

The carelessness with which you have just put in a few examples and attempted to justify/explain them without any obvious knowledge of the circumstances makes me fume. But I must not feed trolls.

When you say 'we', DONT put me as the same category as the bombers. I am not saying they didnt do anything evil at all. 9/11 was one of the worst attacks. If you were to actually understand my point then you would understand this.

I am telling you from my point of view. When was the last time that a non-muslim terrorist attack has been branded as 'non-muslim terrorist'? there may have been, but not in BBC, sky news, the sun, daily mail, the guardian etc...
I didn't say "all immigrants are parasites" - however multiculturality has brought its problems to our remote land and I haven't really met anyone who thinks it's a good thing. Heck, on the news right now is stuff about different Muslim groups declaring war on each other at Facebook. Well, that could be bollocks, but if they indeed were to begin massive fights on our streets, would Islam gain any support from the West? Nope.

You live in one of the most homogenous countries in the world. Which oddly enough, doesn't keep ethnic statistics like most countries, so checking the exact numbers isn't easy.

However, I did find that in 2011, there were a whole 11,252 Arabic speakers. In a country of 5.4 million. If you feel that many people pose a serious economic threat or military threat to your populace, I think you're just suffering from xenophobia. Which tends to go closely with ignorance, which I'm going to say you've done a solid job making yourself seem with your 20 "facts."

Oddly enough, the more I look up stuff on Finland and ethnic stuff, the more I find foreigners and immigrants discussing how racist the Finnish.

The carelessness with which you have just put in a few examples and attempted to justify/explain them without any obvious knowledge of the circumstances makes me fume. But I must not feed trolls.

You've actually contributed nothing with this post besides attempts to get people raging, with the troll comments and more or less declaring everyone is too daft to formulate a real argument. Many people have pointed out why parallels are drawn, yet you just keep repeating yourself.
I have to say, it's shocking to read Carbonox's posts as a Canadian. Racism still exists in Canada, of course, but as a society we've just...moved on from that. Roughly 50% of people in Toronto are immigrants, 50% of people in Vancouver are a visible minority, and shockingly enough the country hasn't collapsed into anarchy. Multiculturalism isn't a problem, it enriches the culture of a country and makes for more interesting cities. I find it hard to believe that Finland has a problem with (as Azuremen pointed out) roughly 11,000 Arabic speakers, while Toronto, the biggest city in Canada, continues to grow and thrive with a population consisting of 50% foreign-born people.

It's xenophobia, plain and simple. You can try to justify it with silly arguments on Facebook all you like, but cities like New York, Toronto, Vancouver, and Los Angeles show that ethnic diversity within a city (including Muslims) doesn't have to cause problems. Perhaps the problem lies with your government (which I assume is made up primarily of Finns).
My history teacher has told that Canada's multiculturality doesn't pose a threat because immigrants have actually been assimilated.

Not the case around here, mates. We're just told to tolerate their culture as it is, even when it conflicts with our legal system. Considering that, it's not hard to see myself as a racist.
Not the case around here, mates. We're just told to tolerate their culture as it is, even when it conflicts with our legal system. Considering that, it's not hard to see myself as a racist.

What conflicts with your legal system?
My history teacher has told that Canada's multiculturality doesn't pose a threat because immigrants have actually been assimilated.

Not the case around here, mates. We're just told to tolerate their culture as it is, even when it conflicts with our legal system.

How about you try to help them assimilate then, rather than viewing them as the enemy? You'll never get the immigration game right if you all you do is tolerate foreigners. Really not that hard to figure out.
We're just told to tolerate their culture as it is, even when it conflicts with our legal system.
Why is it that I think any example you would be able to come up with would be one of those laws put in place after the fact purely to discourage immigration?
What conflicts with your legal system?

Well, based on what I've seen on the media (variable source, I know) those Somalis who clearly haven't found civilization have been committing multiple rapes recently... although it should be noted that when a Finn does that, it might not make the news... however statistically a higher percentage of the Somali population commits rapes than Finns, and it generally feels like immigrants get away with stuff more easily than Finns do :rolleyes: There are even Romanis begging for money in some bigger towns, and now it became revealed that they're not trying to scratch a living, but are working for some crime ring and getting money for them. Go figure.

But, most of them have been driven away from the streets.

Shouldn't a multiculturality thread be founded?
My history teacher has told that Canada's multiculturality doesn't pose a threat because immigrants have actually been assimilated.

Not the case around here, mates. We're just told to tolerate their culture as it is, even when it conflicts with our legal system. Considering that, it's not hard to see myself as a racist.

Your history teacher is wrong. Assimilation really doesn't describe the approach Canada takes to immigration and culture. We're a cultural mosaic, not a melting pot. If you walk around in Toronto, you'll find China Town, Portuguese and Italian neighbourhoods, African neighbourhoods, Caribbean neighbourhoods, and they all have their own distinct culture and feel. They all contribute to the culture of the city and country as a whole.

We don't "assimilate" in the sense that we get immigrants to adhere to "our" culture. Of course, most immigrants do take on aspects of Canadian culture (Nazem Kadri for example), but it's not that way. "Their" culture doesn't trump Canada's legal system, but we generally appreciate and celebrate different cultures, rather than get them all to act the same as us. It might just be semantics, but I don't really like assimilation as a word to describe Canadian multiculturalism. It has connotations of elevating one Canadian "culture" above all else, when the reality is a variety of cultures and people living together with some common elements that are distinctly Canadian. Just as an example, Soccer has dramatically more Canadian players than Hockey, mostly due to the rising number of immigrants.
This is the kind of negative hysteria. This is currently plastered all over my Facebook new feed.

Not the case around here, mates. We're just told to tolerate their culture as it is, even when it conflicts with our legal system. Considering that, it's not hard to see myself as a racist.

Tolerate, or tolerance to be exact. I hate that word so much. My country's Prime Minister keeps going on and on about how Malaysia is a wonderful multicultural country because of tolerance BS. But truth is, there still is a gap between people of different race/religion. Racism still exists, people just ignore it. People could live their daily life alongside one another peacefully without conflict, but they don't get to know the other person's culture. Majority of the population tend to 'hang with their own crowd', and I don't mean people who share the same interest, I mean people of the same skin color. Only in the older generation and in some cases, cool people who couldn't care less about what language you speak, exists a truly multicultural society.

Tolerance, I'd say it's just another word for ignorance.

PS: Neither against nor supporting your stand, something you wrote just sparked an urge.
Shouldn't a multiculturality thread be founded?

No, considering your attitude.

And the more research I do, the more I find racism is a serious issue with Finland that dramatically impacts foreigners' ability to obtain jobs. Which ultimately pushes them towards crime and other means to make ends meet. Basically, the attitude you hold generates problems for minorities, and then the media feeds those back to you with sensationalism, and then it just goes round and round.
Tolerate, or tolerance to be exact. I hate that word so much. My country's Prime Minister keeps going on and on about how Malaysia is a wonderful multicultural country because of tolerance BS. But truth is, there still is a gap between people of different race/religion. Racism still exists, people just ignore it. People could live their daily life alongside one another peacefully without conflict, but they don't get to know the other person's culture. Majority of the population tend to 'hang with their own crowd', and I don't mean people who share the same interest, I mean people of the same skin color. Only in the older generation and in some cases, cool people who couldn't care less about what language you speak, exists a truly multicultural society.

Tolerance, I'd say it's just another word for ignorance.

PS: Neither against nor supporting your stand, something you wrote just sparked an urge.

I agree, a truly multicultural society does more than just "tolerate" different cultures. This is basically what I'm saying about Canada, we've by and large gone beyond that point and are into the stage where people get to know one another and outside of language barriers race and culture aren't barriers to friendship and cultural gatherings, etc etc. That doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't a "glass ceiling" with regards to executive positions in Canada, but that's more indirect and socioeconomic in nature, rather than racism or discrimination. It's also something that appears to be going away with time.
When you say 'we', DONT put me as the same category as the bombers. I am not saying they didnt do anything evil at all. 9/11 was one of the worst attacks. If you were to actually understand my point then you would understand this.

I am telling you from my point of view. When was the last time that a non-muslim terrorist attack has been branded as 'non-muslim terrorist'? there may have been, but not in BBC, sky news, the sun, daily mail, the guardian etc...

I did not mean to label you as one of them, which is why I've modified my post to make it clearer.

But I am just not going to fall into the never ending spiral of providing proof of this, of that, of these people/that people's involvement/non-involvement, what have you. Because, quite simply, no amount of proof will ever be enough.

People can make their own conclusions and I've said my piece in this thread. You can believe what you like but others who have suffered will be damned before they let history repeat itself.


BTW, Islam is not a race. I wish the 'self-proclaimed' liberals in this thread would remember that.