Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
I know its a free choice. We've established that. What Im saying is, what if everyone chose to be a monk?

I am sure there will be smart people who will choose not to be a monk for the sake of mankind :scared:.
Now what if everyone choose to become a murderer, rapists and overall bad people, which would be better ?
I remember hearing on NPR once a discussion regarding a Muslim Bill Cosby show. They talked about how the Bill Cosby show taught people that black people are just like anybody else, and they should try this for Muslims. I don't think it would work with TV nowadays, but would be nice to hear what other people think about that.
Well, thanks to science we do not need to indulge in pleasures of the flesh to keep the species going...

.. just sayin'

This is pretty new. They didnt have this 300 hundred years ago.
This is pretty new. They didnt have this 300 hundred years ago.

Well, that's kind of one of the great things about science, from a human point of view it evolves, as we learn more about it...

.. religion, well that's kind of stuck back when it was written.. until people try to re-interpret it,... and then there's a war... bravo 👍

edit: I realise I'm sounding cynical about religion, it's not that I entirely object to it, it's just best left as moral compass, not a way of life.
No women means sexual abstinence for those who choose to do so, I knew this would happen:ouch:, but yeah in Buddhism, there's no enforcement to be a monk/nun, it's all up to the person, but the teachings are all positive things. Like not indulging one self to the pleasure of the body ( self control ), avoid addiction to harmful habits, be mindful in words and actions, respect to elders, caring to the environment and animals, and so many other good stuff.

Head over here if you want to know what a lovely friendly caring people they are :

They never look into your religion or race, they just want to spread the love and blessing, and they will never persuade or force you into their religion, something that other religion kept doing ( sometimes rather badly ).

I think you're missing the point slightly. There are no 'rules'. Things like abstinence and vegetarianism aren't 'part' of core Buddhism, but many Buddhists live by one or both of those things because they believe it's the right path for them. Different Buddhists in different parts of the world live by different forms of Buddhism in different ways - there is no one set way of life for being a Buddhist.

Buddha didn't want people to give up what they enjoy, or enslave themselves to his teachings. All he wanted was for people to be free from a life of suffering - to be present and truely happy. You can live your normal life, drink alcohol, have sex, kill animals and then eat their meat and still be a Buddhist.
You can live your normal life, drink alcohol, have sex, kill animals and then eat their meat and still be a Buddhist.

Never really look into it, but most of my Buddhist friends are well mannered people, they still eat meat, drink alcohol, have sex, kill animals ( like mosquito or hunting ), but they are obviously different than most other people's from other religions. I can't really put it in words ...
I know its a free choice. We've established that. What Im saying is, what if everyone chose to be a monk?
Start a new thread:), a few more posts on this subject will probably end up with this thread getting closed:scared:.
It's a religion. A majority of its followers are just average people who are doctors, bankers, car salesmen, etc. and a very small fraction are crazed fanatical, sort of how every group on the planet is, no matter what the subject matter is.

I know quite a few people who follow Islam and they are some of the most caring and compassionate people I know, especially the ones who are physicians. People who think all Islamic people are hate mongers or terrorist are just idiots.

People who follow a religion for the most part aren't dangerous people at all, sure they might be a little pushy to get you on their side but that's no different than an Atheist chiding you because you do believe, a PS3 fanboy flaming you for owning an Xbox, or any Japan-fan thinking the GT-R is the second coming of Christ and you are a blasphemous heathen if you think otherwise.

If you don't want to actually learn about Islam, at least take 10 minutes and read about it on Wikipedia so you have a vague clue as to what your are talking about. I'm reading quite a few posts in here that clearly have zero clue as to what you're talking about, and it makes you look foolish.
My view of Islam? Well.. When was the last time we even heard or read something good about islam?
My view of Islam? Well.. When was the last time we even heard or read something good about islam?

By your logic I could say my view of Finland is well, when was the last time you heard or read anything good about Finland?

My point is if all you are doing is looking for the negative stories you'll never even be bothered with the positive ones. Remember bad news sells so your typical channels like CNN will rarely cover anything positive, but positive stories do exist, it just takes an extra 35 seconds online to find them. A quick Google search revealed several websites highlighting positive stories involving Muslims and even a few awareness groups that speak out against Islamophobia.
My view of Islam... Catholicism... Capitalism... America...(screw that... insert random creed/philosophy/nationality)? Well.. When was the last time we even heard or read something good about Islam... Christianity... Capitalism... America...(screw that... insert random creed/philosophy/nationality)?

This is not to say the militaristic bent of the Qu'ran doesn't have its harmful effects... but that's the same fire and brimstone from the source material that US Politicians have been using to demonize their "Godless/Soulless" enemies for the past hundred years or so.
Not looking to pick a fight, but i don't see a point in it or any religion for that matter, from what i can tell religions seem to have been invented for or by those looking for guidance. Why? And why worship a 'god'? I've never needed guidance or worshiped anything and I seem to be doing ok, now again why is it that i should burn in hell (and in extremists cases be killed) for not believing in a 'god' or never needing guidance?

God Thread, more relevant there.

I think people believe in a god out of confusion

You think wrong, I think. Also, God Thread.

Note to self: I'm doing a lot of thinking today. Stop it.

What concerns me about Islam is that the 'verse of the sword' in the Quran, the one that obligates a muslim to kill or suppress non-believers, is chronologically the last revelation pertaining to non-believers. By the rule of abrogation, it cancels out every preceding revelation regarding infidels/kafirs that are used by 'moderate muslims' to show how 'peaceful' Islam is. The source for this is the Quran and Islamic texts themselves. Additionally, the Quran isn't arranged chronologically, but starts with the longest chapter and ends with the shortest. So you won't find this verse at the end.

So the book of Revelation of St John about fire and brimstone brought down by God to those who aren't pure of faith wasn't as bad as a verse about a sword?

The best way to make money or cause a war is to make you're own religion.

I hear that! Jewdiantiyism here I come!

My view of Islam? Well.. When was the last time we even heard or read something good about islam?

Seems like a very misinformed answer to me, I'm personally ignorant because of what is read and hear about it which surely can't be 100% accurate most of the time as it's told usually by either those against or those for, not anybody who is neutral.
Joey D
It's a religion. A majority of its followers are just average people who are doctors, bankers, car salesmen, etc. and a very small fraction are crazed fanatical, sort of how every group on the planet is, no matter what the subject matter is.

I know quite a few people who follow Islam and they are some of the most caring and compassionate people I know, especially the ones who are physicians. People who think all Islamic people are hate mongers or terrorist are just idiots.

People who follow a religion for the most part aren't dangerous people at all, sure they might be a little pushy to get you on their side but that's no different than an Atheist chiding you because you do believe, a PS3 fanboy flaming you for owning an Xbox, or any Japan-fan thinking the GT-R is the second coming of Christ and you are a blasphemous heathen if you think otherwise.

If you don't want to actually learn about Islam, at least take 10 minutes and read about it on Wikipedia so you have a vague clue as to what your are talking about. I'm reading quite a few posts in here that clearly have zero clue as to what you're talking about, and it makes you look foolish.

My view of Islam? Well.. When was the last time we even heard or read something good about islam?

Read comment above.
Buddhism ftw :) I have quite many Buddhist friends, I learned some of their teachings, no meat, no women, no booze, no killing, forgiveness, self cultivation, wisdom .... so many good things, I wonder if everyone is a Buddhist monk or nun, there won't be any more war ever ...

Unfortunately the answer is yes there would be war.

In Japan there were trained warrior monks that were used in battle.

I have to admit I don't know much about Islam but I have no hate against it. People have a right to believe what they choose.

I try to keep an open mind.
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I have to admit I am a bit ignorant to the teachings of Islam but I have no hate against it.

Well thats better than the people who post 20 of the most stupidest comments from a website with URL keeptonyblairpm.
So the book of Revelation of St John about fire and brimstone brought down by God to those who aren't pure of faith wasn't as bad as a verse about a sword?

Yet again, an attack aimed at another group/book to defend a violent part of a text. Maybe we should start telling the sufferers of any ethnic crisis around the world that their attackers are no more harmful than any other hate group. That should sure placate them.

The religions of the world also don't begin and end with the Abrahamic religions. So this continual look-at-that-verse-of-that-book-it's-just-as-bad-we're-just-the-same-religion argument is so juvenile it's not funny.

And my last point in this topic is about the perceived bias against Islam in 'western' media. This is such a patent lie that I find it insulting. Most news outlets and channels bend over backwards to not depict Muslims in a bad light. The liberal media especially is extremely ill-liberal when it comes to criticism of Islam. Show me one article by BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Guardian, NYT etc. that criticizes Islam or muslims. I'll use the general tactic shown in this thread here and say that whatever bias is perceived is written in obscure, small-time publications or if major news organisations (FOX?) are doing it, they appeal to a small demographic compared to the rest of the world.

Reporting about conflicts in the middle-east or muslim countries is not anti-muslim bias. If the middle-east is volatile, news organisations can't help reporting about it. If anything, atrocities against muslims are magnified in the news even if the situation may have been exacerbated by radical elements in Islam. This may not affect the common people of western nations that have never been under Islamic rule but for people who have witnessed generations or centuries of Islamic extremism, such extreme bias is an insult.

At some point, people just run out of cheeks to be offered for hitting.

My posts in this thread were not meant as a tirade against muslims or Islam. I too know muslims that are friendly. But I also find the continuous-as-a-rule bashing of the majority population of a country which happens to have a minority muslim community to be simply close-minded.
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Well thats better than the people who post 20 of the most stupidest comments from a website with URL keeptonyblairpm.

I'm under no obligation to tolerate a culture/religion whose views oppose mine. Especially when they move into our country and still consider their law system to be above ours.
maybe a poll should be included - just to see how well the evil media machine is doing at making all the ignorant people fear Islam and Muslims.
You think wrong, I think. Also, God Thread.
It's an opinion, nothing 'wrong' about it
I wonder if everyone is a Buddhist monk or nun, there won't be any more war ever ...
There's a couple of Catholics in my family so I can tell you first hand that in my experience, nuns are evil

But there's good and bad people in every group, that's my point (and there's usually more good than bad)
I'm under no obligation to tolerate a culture/religion whose views oppose mine. Especially when they move into our country and still consider their law system to be above ours.
You've been brainwashed
I'm under no obligation to tolerate a culture/religion whose views oppose mine. Especially when they move into our country and still consider their law system to be above ours.

Carbonox, is this you?
http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/22948208.jpg
I'm under no obligation to tolerate a culture/religion whose views oppose mine. Especially when they move into our country and still consider their law system to be above ours.

So there is Sharia in Finland? That's new to me...
Yet again, an attack aimed at another group/book to defend a violent part of a text. Maybe we should start telling the sufferers of any ethnic crisis around the world that their attackers are no more harmful than any other hate group. That should sure placate them.

What I said was not an attack nor a defense against religion or religious violence, I merely pointed out that while it's easy to point out the violence in one religious book while, seemingly bad mouthing it for what it is, one should remember that many religious books contain some form of violence which should also get a mention.