Now, when you're finished laughing, respond to my points (all of which are still valid... except for the bit about the UN agreeing with me).

I won't make anymore out of this. Your a good sport danoff. 👍 Ok, On with the show...
Don't believe Condi Rice, believe Aljazeera.
Aljazeera had nothing to do with it. I saw her speak in a news conference on the BBC.
Condi can be saddened, as am I, as are the Israelis (they have publicly stated), by the loss of civilian life during the airstrike, and believe that the only way to prevent additional loss of life is for Israel to wipe out the terrorist organization Hezbollah completely.
Agreed, except that: 'Israel couldn't hit a cow in the fanny with a bag of rice' - the civillian death toll is proof of this. Anyway, if Israel where hitting Hezbollah as hard as they claim, then why are we not seeing proof of it on the news? I can remember be bombarded with 'deathcams' when America launched it 'shock and awe' campaign against Iraq. If Israel had (as they claim) destroyed 50% of Hezbollahs weaponry, why is there so little video or photgraphic proof? The truth of the matter is that Israel's military offensive has neither focus nor accuracy.
Ex-President Bill Clinton has stated that if he were younger and fitter he'd be in the trenches fighting alongside Israel in this conflict (which I think is interesting since he was one of so many who refused to fight for America back in his day).
I've heard stories contrary to this. In fact, I was reading the Daily Mirror today in work, and noticed a graphic the paper had knocked up. on the left there were renowned world dignitaries, united in calling for a ceasefire, and on the right, ther was Tony and George on their lonesome. Bill Clinton was one of those on the left who was calling for a ceasefire. If you have proof of what you say, please post a link.
I personally hate that so many civilians had to die, but I place the blame for their deaths squarely where it belongs. With Israel? The ones who dropped the bomb? No no no. I place it with the terrorists who cowardly refuse to launch missiles at Israeli citizens until they're protected by a building full of human sheilds - the more children the better.
Why the sudden change of heart man? Up until this post, you have always been very 'matter of fact' about the conflict and particularly the civillian losses. Infact, it had annoyed me greatly, because you have not appeared to show any feelings for the loss of life, until now. Why?
Israel CANNOT simply allow Hezbollah to succeed at using their own sense of decency against them. If Israel cannot stomach the civilian loss because Hezbollah hides among them, every single outnumbered or outgunned organization with out a shred of decency will use that tactic in the future . In short, by claiming a cease fire is necessary now, you're saying to Hezbollah that the right thing to do, the thing that gets results, is to launch rockets at Israeli citizens while using human shields
I'm not disputing the fact that Hezbollah uses humans as shields, if there was reckage of rocket launchers scattered amongst the dead bodies of women and children, then I would still disagree, but I could just about stomach the carnage. The fact is, the so called 'human shields' are never anywhere near Hezbollah rocket launchers when the Israeli's stirke. If I'm mistaken, prove it.
Hezbollah is using second or third world weaponry, and it deliberately targetting civillians, but the death toll in Israel is light, despite the heavy barrages it launches every day. On the other hand, the IDF has cutting edge military equipment, and supposedly 'prescision' ordnance, and they are not apparently targetting civillians, but the death toll from Israeli strikes is almost 30 times higher. Now you tell me, who is being indiscriminate?
I don't like to make this claim. I hesitate to say it even now. I never made the claim during the Iraq war, but I make it now. The global outcry in the wake of the civilian casualties aids the terrorists. You aid the terrorists. Everyone who says that Israel should stop going after the terrorists because the terrorists tactics are too barbarous is aiding the terrorists.
I can't believe that you would suggest that we turn a blind eye at Israeli attrocities, and give our full backing to Israel. The world outcry over the indiscriminate bombing in Qana is justified.
Anyway, you got it wrong, the masacre of women and children aids the terrorists. If the terrorists are looking for ammunition, they are not going to get it from world opinion. Attacks on innocents is enough. America's, and the UK's unwaivering support for Israel is enough. Hell, the whole war on terror is enough. I want Israel to destroy the terrorists, but not if it comes with a massive civillian death toll.
I don't know how many lives you yourself, magburner (or Rally), are responsible for killing. Maybe none as of yet. But your encouragement of this kind of tactic (by claiming that Israel should bow to it), is only going to cost lives. Continue on your current path and you can be certain that you're encouraging the deaths of innocent people simply by speaking out.
WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! I'm sorry I had to say that. I'm not responsible for endangering or killing anyone. My stance is strictly anti-war, pro-life, and one of compromise.
If you support the war on terror, then we all know exaclty how many lives
you are responsible for. The tens of thousands dead, and the daily car bombing in Iraq, the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the indisciminate airstrikes by Israel,
the 37 children killed on sunday. If you support the war on terror, you are responsible for those deaths.
I'm not claiming that Israel should bow to Hezbollah, I'm demanding that they only kill terrorists. Its been 19 days now, and Hezbollah, are no weaker than the first day of the crisis. Infact, the attacks have been increasing! Its safe to say, that the Israeli military offensive has been a resounding failiure. There have been nearly 600 Lebanese civillian fatalities, many of them children, and your telling me that I'm encouraging the deaths of innocent people? Come on now!