Your nothing if not through in your comments. You've picked a few holes in my comments, some that are right, but some that I feel are wrong.
You read Aljazeera right?
Yes I do, but its not the only news service I read. When I first started commenting in this thread, I made some claims that I had not throughly looked into. You said:
You're gonna have to make that case, not just assert it.
Since then I have used news articles from a number of websites to corroborate my claims. I thought that to accurately gauge the views of the different sides of the conflict, I would use news services from different points of view. Since I'm British, I use the BBC mainly, but I cross-reference that with reports from CNN, and Aljazeera.
I will point out, that just using the news services I have stated, gave me little or no clue about what the Israeli's really think about what is going on in Lebanon. It's taken me a while to find sites that were written in English, but from now on, I will be also using the
Jerusalem Post,
Haaretz, and the
International Herald Tribune.
Is it? Given the amount of destruction going on over there, the number of buildings, bridges, powerstations, etc. that have been hit, I think the death toll is proof that Israel is not targetting civilians.
OK, I'll agree with you on this one, but I still have a gut feeling that they are not really trying to minimize civillian deaths. Dropping leaflets, and fore-warnings of their strikes is no defence.
You're think they're just a bad aim, but it's difficult to hit your target without hitting civilians when your target hides behind civilians at all times. You don't even know how many of these "civilians" are in fact civilians. Let alone how far they were from the terrorists.
If it is so difficult, then why bother? What Israel need to do, but is scared of doing, is launch a full-blown land invasion. I think that the ordinary Israeli hasn't got the stomach for another protracted guerilla war in the Lebanon, and that is why the military is backing away from a land war, and his is why the airstrikes are and will remain a failiure.
What exactly are you looking for? A dead guy with a suicide belt on in the middle of a bomb crater?
Yeah, pretty much. If Israel can justify attacking civillian areas, it also has to hold up the proof that there was a threat there, not just a percieved threat, but a real threat.
This video shows proof of Hezbollah activity in Bint Jbeil where the Israeli's lost nine soldiers. Although it also shows the suffering of civillians, I can see that the attacks in that town were justified. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about.
Civilians flee southern Lebanon
You've made this mistake several times, so allow me to correct you (hopefully for the last time). Israel is NOT America.
Your right, but Israel is using American weaponry.
Looked it up. The actual quote is that if Israel were attacked during HIS presidency he'd grab a gun and fought with them.
Can I see the link please? When did Bill Clinton make this statement? was it when he was in power? Was it during this current conflict? Your being a little vague with you answer, unless you can provide a link to his statement, Im going to pass this one by.
I don't tend to discuss issues like this on an emotional level. It's not until someone makes a ridiculous claim - like saying that Condi is faking when she says she mourns the loss of innocents - that I'm willing to dive in.
Hey, I wasn't critisizng you, I was surprised to be honest. You have kept you cards very close to your chest. I though at times, that you were almost emotionless in the way you were posting your comments. It's good to see that you have some feelings towards the death of civillians, and I now know that this is your style of debating. 👍
Maybe I was a little strong in my condemnation of Condi, but it still is a little late in the day to be showing sympaty when there are nearly 600 innocents dead.
Oh I see. Then why is it that EVERYTHING I've been reading and seeing on television has said that the Israelis return fire directly to locations of rocket attacks. The Israelis have admitted that the latest accident was a mistaken target, but maintain that the actual target was a nearby building.
Its all well and good returning fire, but there is always a margin of error. That margin was shown on sunday.
Crappy weapons = light casualties.
No, crappy weapons=no real threat. I'm sure it must be terrifying for Israeli's to wonder if they be killed by a rocket fired by Hezbollah. But it isn't on the same scale as the Israeli attacks. How terrified do you think the ordinary Lebanese civillian is at the Israeli air assault?
Newer weapons = Bigger boom = more difficult to prevent collateral damage.
Indiscriminate? As in Israel doesn't care who they're bombing? That's a big statement, would you care to back that up? You're claiming that Israel and the terrorists have the same tactics and goals.
OK, maybe not indiscriminate, but it isn't prescision - 600 dead civillians tells a story of its own. At times I have wondered if Israel was mirroring the tactics of Hezbollah, but I can't be sure, so I'll give you this one for now.
If Israel is pressured to appease the terrorists by world opinion, they will be signing the death warrants of countless future terrorism victims and sanction decades of terrorists using human shields as a legitimate means of acheiving their goals.
So you say that they bomb Lebanon into oblivion? Do you think that will reduce the likelyhood of another terrorist attack? I feel that Israels attacks are creating a false sense of security for their own people.
Your stance is pro-death and appeasement. You're one for negotiating with terrorists - a stand that will result in death. Appeasing the terrorists now is the same thing as telling them they can get what they want if they simply use human shields and launch rockets randomly into Israel. War can save lives, I know you don't understand that but it is true.
War can save lives, but war also costs lives - dearly. If it was only as easy as killing terrorists, I would agree whole heartedly with you, but the war on terror is not a conventional war. We are fighting a war of ideology, and its a war I fear we cannot win. It doesn't matter that the terrorists are Hezbollah, Al-qaeda, or Hamas. As long as there is Musilim extremism, the war will never end.
Do you remember when Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was killed? It was claimed at the time that it would significantly reduce the insurgency and sectarian violence in Iraq. We now know that it was a falacy. We killed him, and another stooge has taken his place. Further proof of this is the fact that America is sending
MORE troops to the region, at a time when there were supposed to be withdrawals. The attacks are still continuing, and will do so for the foreseable future. We cannot defeat terrorism, we can't even contain it, so the only other option is to remove the causes.
The Israeli airstrikes are far from indiscriminate. And I'm fully aware of how many deaths I've supported. I'm aware of the collateral damage in the Iraqi war I support. I don't have a problem with that because I'm aware of the justifications for action. You, on the otherhand, are supporting the death of innocents BY TERRORISTS. I'd find that quite a bit more difficult to get behind.
Maybe, but the ratio of innocents killed to terrorists killed is heavily stacked in favour of the innocents. Your arguement seems to hinge on the fact that its ok for thousands of innocent civillians die, as long as you are safe. Thats a selfish point of view. What about the safety of those innocent civillians? don't they have as much right to life as you or I?
Well, until it is possible, I will be forever critical of Israels tactics.
It most certainly is not safe to say that. 19 days is nothing, and you don't know how seriously the terrorists have been weakend. Increasing attacks is not an indication of increasing strength. It may be an indication that hezbollah have mobilized to meet the threat and finally have brought the remainder of their full force to bear. Or perhaps they're getting weapons at a faster rate. Or perhaps they've spread their ranks thinner to achieve wider coverage. Or perhaps, as you suggest, they've gain support. Which is fine, those people can die as well.
Or Israel has failed miserably in its attempts to stop Hezbollah? There is no proof at all, other than the speculation by Israel that Hezbollah has been even slightly weakened by the attacks. What your saying may be true, but likewise, what your saying may also be false. There is very little known about the strength and composition of the Hezbollah militia.
Yes. You are. By advocating that Israel allow their own sense of decency to be used against them and appease the terrorists.
Me and the rest of the civilised world then! Condi says she is aiming for a ceasefire, is she (and George Bush) also appeasing the terrorists?