Israel - Palestine discussion thread

I heard there was something going on in the Mediterranean, something with fugitives and sinking boats, but it's not that important for the EU.
What two words can be used for the EU to describe their complete uselessness yet also fit the E and U?
As a result of the continuous Israeli settlements agression inside the Occupied Territories, European Community is intending to implement a "new" kind of economic sanction.

This is an extreme initiative to try to affect Israels economy, and it allignes to many other protesting forms adopted by concerned people around the world. One of the easiest ones is to recognise the barcode on the products sold everywhere.

Ignoring the awarning

from EU states renew call to label Israeli settler goods

This is not a new kind of sanction.
Germans defend yourselves dont buy from jews.jpg

Translation: Germans defend yourselves. Don't buy from Jews.

What you are showing there is the German response to Jewish boycott.
Check the date on the scan from my post - Friday March 24th 1933

Yours is from Saturday April 1st 1933


The Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany began on 1 April 1933

So Jews boycoted first and seeing germans abusing jwes in the '30 wont be a big surprise, but aknowledging how jews had the initiative to declare war to germany, is quite interesting.

Sorry... I've seen your post earlier, but took me 20 minutes to answer because I had a short discussion with a gentlemen that fought in Mosul as US military and knows the Peshawar Kurds.. He has super interesting stories, I might share with you here... maybe..

What you are showing there is the German response to Jewish boycott.
Check the date on the scan from my post - Friday March 24th 1933

Yours is from Saturday April 1st 1933



So Jews boycoted first and seeing germans abusing jwes in the '30 wont be a big surprise, but aknowledging how jews had the initiative to declare war to germany, is quite interesting.

Sorry... I've seen your post earlier, but took me 20 minutes to answer because I had a short discussion with a gentlemen that fought in Mosul as US military and knows the Peshawar Kurds.. He has super interesting stories, I might share with you here... maybe..
If I didn't know better, I'd think that you're trying to blame what happened to Jews in Germany in the 30's and 40's on the Jews themselves. I'm sure you have a back door you can escape through though.

I suspect you don't even read the links that you quote:

The Anti-Nazi Boycott of 1933 was a boycott of German products by foreign critics of the Nazi Party in response to antisemitism in Nazi Germany following the rise of Adolf Hitler, commencing with his appointment as Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Those in the United States, the United Kingdom and other places worldwide who opposed Hitler's policies developed the boycott and its accompanying protests to encourage Nazi Germany to end the regime's anti-Jewish practices

Following Adolf Hitler's appointment as German Chancellor in January 1933, an organized campaign of violence was undertaken by Hitler's Nazi Party against the Jews of Germany. Jewish stores were picketed and shoppers at these stores were harassed. Protests by the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens (the Jewish communal organization) against these systematic tactics were ignored, with Hermann Göring stating that "I shall employ the police, and without mercy, wherever German people are hurt, but I refuse to turn the police into a guard for Jewish stores".[2]

Goebbels announced a one-day boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany of his own to commence on April 1, 1933 that would be aimed by Aryan Germans against Jewish-owned businesses, which would be lifted if anti-Nazi protests were suspended.[3] which was the German government's first officially sanctioned anti-Jewish boycott. If the protests did not cease, Goebbels warned that "the boycott will be resumed... until German Jewry has been annihilated."[2][10][11]
Declare war on Germany? No, not even close, are you serious? You seem to be in saying it's 'interesting', it's not interesting and there was no declaration of war. Is the EU going to declare war on Israel? No, even if that boycott initiative is taken seriously by them they will not declare war.

How hard did you have to work to find the first tabloid rag in existence anyway, that is unbelievable but if anyone can do it, you can. :bowdown:

To say that the headline was an overstatement is, well, an understatement. Never mind the language used in the article (there was no geographical entity called "Judea" in 1933 and certainly none that had the power to declare war, and the world's Jews are referred to as "Israel," which is not even a liturgical usage), it is riddled with inaccuracies. The largest of these is that the entirety of the world's Jews took part in this boycott. It should be borne in mind, e.g., that Germany's Jews themselves (numbered at 600,000 in the article itself) certainly could not participate in the boycott. Furthermore, the yishuv (pre-state Jewish settlement in Palestine) entered into negotiations with the Third Reich, ultimately entering into the Transfer Agreement in 1935, which would have been in flagrant violation of any worldwide Jewish boycott of Germany, real or imagined. The Jewish population of Palestine in 1931 was 175,000; it is only logical to assume that the population was larger in 1933, and, in fact, another 50,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine before WWII as a direct result of the Transfer Agreement. Thus we have nearly a million Jews in Germany and Palestine alone not honoring any boycott of German goods.

, the Duke of Edinburgh described the Express as "a bloody awful newspaper. It is full of lies, scandal and imagination. It is a vicious paper."At the height of Beaverbrook's time in control, he told a Royal Commission on the press that he ran his papers "purely for the purpose of making propaganda"

What is the point of these sorts of wild posts anyway :lol:
But very few of you know how, the Jews've done the same thing in 1933 to Germany, to protest german authorities abuses against jewish minority.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that you're trying to blame what happened to Jews in Germany in the 30's and 40's on the Jews themselves.

Because of its agression, Israel is getting the same treatment from the EU, as Germany got from the the Jews around the world back in 1933.

Declare war on Germany? No, not even close, are you serious? You seem to be in saying it's 'interesting', it's not interesting and there was no declaration of war. Is the EU going to declare war on Israel? No, even if that boycott initiative is taken seriously by them they will not declare war.

You are a funny lad. Do you see the manifest on the left? War is an eufemism for boycott... a stronger word, to get the readers attention and trigger their emotions.
They got the boycott on the first page of a tabloid to get the message out to the masses... Who is a tabloid's target? Educated people, or not educated people?
Here is a larger picture where you can actually read the top part of that article... click on it

I give you the 100% credit for the Duke's of Edinburgh opinion, but you need to use your simple logic again. Who was, and even today - who is, buying the majority of goods and the scum of the media? Rich educated people, or the cheap feeding with media's filth, ones?

How about this american store?
Are you actually trying to argue that the Holocaust was justified?
How about you read my comments?
Because of its agression, Israel is getting the same treatment from the EU, as Germany got from the the Jews around the world back in 1933.
But very few of you know how, the Jews've done the same thing in 1933 to Germany, to protest german authorities abuses against jewish minority.

Do yo see the area of the underlined text on that front page... remember, how I posted that!
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I'm not hiding, I've made my points clearly and I never run out of logic. It's not a cheap joke, you are the one posting pictures and links to the media in question to support your claims.
you are the one posting pictures and links to the media in question to support your claims.
You are hurting yourself with these words.... why?... because you're posting silly cheap childish colorfull emoticons, while innocent people and entirely innocent children are killed inside the Occupied Territories every single day.
Why? Because you choose to hide under the bed and praise the aggressors, too scared to confront yourself with the realities recognised and accepted by the vast majority of the world. Those yellowish emoticons are warm and safe to play with... Respect!
Because of its agression, Israel is getting the same treatment from the EU, as Germany got from the the Jews around the world back in 1933.
So you're saying that the dirty Jews took it upon themselves to boycott the innocent, benevolant Nazi regime. The Nazi's, in spite of themselves, couldn't help but get angry at the dirty Jews and ended up killing 6 million of them because the dirty Jews boycotted them in 1933 for no reason at all?

Since you raised the issue yourself, I'd like you to clearly draw a line, tracing the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany, the Jewish Boycott, Nazi reprisals for said boycots, and ultimately leading to the Holocaust. You brought it up, you have essentially blamed the beginning of chain of events that almost led to the extinction of the Jews on Jews instigating a boycott. I'd like to see how you explain that chain of events.
Lets see, you post a picture of a newspaper front page and say "see? the jews boycott first" big deal, I have no idea what you are talking about but I guess you are angry I called it the first rag in history?

Whatever :rolleyes:
Lets see, you post a picture of a newspaper front page and say "see? the jews boycott first" big deal, I have no idea what you are talking about but I guess you are angry I called it the first rag in history?

Whatever :rolleyes:
hahahahaha... angry? I am amazed but I understand. You are contemplating how Israel is raping the Palestinians out of their land, their dignity and their lives, Literally! and do what? Do you want to understand what I am reffering to? Watch this

Are you a red ice player or a yellow one? (rhetoricall question, of course)

You like something but you lack the taste, in other words you go to the Arts Museum and stare at the ticket in your hand sort of thing. I respect what you like but is irrelevant to me.
Read my words again... and again... and again....
Because of its agression, Israel is getting the same treatment from the EU, as Germany got from the the Jews around the world back in 1933.

If you are so stressed out by the subject, create a thread and have fun with it. And if I like, I might say something, but don't count on it.
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You like something but you lack the taste, in other words you go to the Arts Museum and stare at the ticket in your hand sort of thing. I respect what you like but is irrelevant to me.
Read my words again... and again... and again....
If you are so stressed out by the subject, create a thread and have fun with it. And if I like, I might say something, but don't count on it.
I didn't think you'd actually answer the question and I think it's because you're afraid the truth will reveal your true nature. It's obvious you blame the Jews for what happened in Nazi Germany.
I didn't think you'd actually answer the question and I think it's because you're afraid the truth will reveal your true nature. It's obvious you blame the Jews for what happened in Nazi Germany.
Please stop hurting yourself first time in the morning. Would you?
Off topic - you are becoming entirely conspiratoid...
Please stop hurting yourself first time in the morning. Would you?
Off topic - you are becoming entirely conspiratoid...
Duck, dive, bob, weave, juke, jive, that's you. It wasn't me that made the link between the current events and Nazi Germany that was you, and it wasn't me that blamed the Jews for the start anti-semitism in Nazi Germany that eventually led to the Holocaust. I responded to your accusation. If you don't like it, don't bring it up in the first place.
You are hurting yourself with these words.... why?... because you're posting silly cheap childish colorfull emoticons, while innocent people and entirely innocent children are killed inside the Occupied Territories every single day.

I haven't seen you post in the Africa thread that I made, do you have any idea how many people die there everyday? Or does that not fit in your propaganda?
At this point, with all due respect, I think you lost it... Can you provide an actual quote to proove how I've said that? Or you are just inventing whatever scenarios because you had a too short sleep last night?
Don't forget how, metaphorically speaking, right now you're holding a grenade in your hand and I am asking you to help yourself. 10, 9, 8......

off topic
I haven't seen you post in the Africa thread that I made, do you have any idea how many people die there everyday? Or does that not fit in your propaganda?

You can ask me to take a look at that in private. I will try to see what you are reffering to.. if you tell me what thread is that... Africa is probably the saddest story of them all....
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At this point, with all due respect, I think you lost it... Can you provide an actual quote to proove how I've said that? Or you are just inventing whatever scenarios because you had a too short sleep last night?
Don't forget how, metaphorically speaking, right now you're holding a grenade in your hand and I am asking you to help yourself. 10, 9, 8......
Already did, link is above. Feel free to go on pretending you meant something different without explaining yourself.
a quote.... 7, 6, 5... look who
It's already laid out for you above, I'm not going to repeat myself for someone who never answers a direct question anyway. You'll just throw up a bunch of YT videos and links to people advocating Zionist conspiracies and other tripe, without actually forming an opinion or thoughts of your own. Combine that with some condescending "haha's" and "you're so silly's" etc. and that's pretty much every post you've ever made on GTP in this forum.
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hahahahaha... angry? I am amazed but I understand. You are contemplating how Israel is raping the Palestinians out of their land, their dignity and their lives, Literally! and do what? Do you want to understand what I am reffering to? Watch this
Are you a red ice player or a yellow one? (rhetoricall question, of course)

I can assure you I am not contemplating how Israel is raping the Palestinians out of their land, dignity and lives. You post a rag headline from 1933 that is a complete lie, I pointed that out is all. I do want to understand what you are referring to, as in, why did you post that news paper and how does it relate to the discussion. What is up with all your rhetorical questions? I'm neither a red nor yellow ice player, I can answer that without even watching the video.

You never present your idea in a straight forward manner, and when asked for clarification you come back with snide remarks, false assumptions, and unrelated videos. This whole boycott Israeli goods in an attempt to create a two state solutions is moronic.
I can assure you I am not contemplating how Israel is raping the Palestinians out of their land, dignity and lives. You post a rag headline from 1933 that is a complete lie, I pointed that out is all. I do want to understand what you are referring to, as in, why did you post that news paper and how does it relate to the discussion. What is up with all your rhetorical questions? I'm neither a red nor yellow ice player, I can answer that without even watching the video.

You never present your idea in a straight forward manner, and when asked for clarification you come back with snide remarks, false assumptions, and unrelated videos. This whole boycott Israeli goods in an attempt to create a two state solutions is moronic.

Nice and cozy under the bed... Complete lie? So.... what The Jewish Virtual Library - Everything you need to know from anti-semitism to zionism states is fiction then...

On March 27th, the AJCongress and its allies convened simultaneous protest rallies at Madison Square Garden in New York, inChicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland and 70 other locations. The New York rally was broadcast worldwide. An overflow crowd of 55,000 inside the Garden and in the streets outside heard AJCongress president Bernard Deutsch, American Federation of Labor president William Green, Senator Robert F. Wagner, former New York governor Al Smith and several Christian clergy call for an immediate cessation of the brutal treatment being inflicted on German Jewry.

Phantasmagoric saucery happened all around the world.... Witchcraft... Black magic sort of thing! hahahahaha
Actually is called history.
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Nice and cozy under the bed... Complete lie? So.... what The Jewish Virtual Library - Everything you need to know from anti-semitism to zionism states is fiction then...
What part of this don't you understand? The Jewish Boycott was in response to the Nazi Party's anti-semitic attacks on Jews and their businesses. What did you expect them to do, just lay down and let the Nazi's do what they please, ruin their businesses, their families and their lives?

In late January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the German Reich. Immediately, members of Hitler’s Nazi Party began a campaign of violence against German Jews, socialists, communists and other Nazi opponents.

That the Jews initiated a boycott isn't in dispute. It's the "declaring war" part that is a gross overstatement of the situation, an obviously sensationalistic headline designed to get attention and sell newspapers. If you had an open mind and could set aside your own agenda for a minute, you'd see this for yourself. Perhaps you could start with reading your own links, instead of just linking everything with a headline that you think agrees with your agenda.
According to the parallel he's drawing, Israel is going to go berzerkoid and start invading nations, triggering WWIII.
What part of this don't you understand? The Jewish Boycott was in response to the Nazi Party's anti-semitic attacks on Jews and their businesses. What did you expect them to do, just lay down and let the Nazi's do what they please, ruin their businesses, their families and their lives?

If you take this out of context, sounds off topic. If you consider the context, you will see how EU does the same thing jewish community've done, today because Israels ... how did you say?... attacks. It is another way to signal a ferm position against Israels abuses...

This is European Community (many civilised nations) deciding to apply a sanction to an abusive regime, in response to its crimes in the illegal Occupied Territories.


According to the parallel he's drawing, Israel is going to go berzerkoid and start invading nations, triggering WWIII.

They are already illegaly occupying land which needs to be returned, that means they've already went "berzekoid" under US long protection?