Israel - Palestine discussion thread

I'm no expert, and I'm sorry to hear about the Turkish casualties, but you must first understand that Israel is an U.S. ally. United States acts & sounds as though if they are World Police, but they are extremely political, like most any other nations. It's unrealistic to expect the U.S. to treat anything related to Israel without bias.

As for Israel reacting to, or retaliating to attacks, they often seem to go overboard, but having said that, I've never lived in a environment where your country is routinely attacked by military & terrorists, so I'm not really in the position to judge them.

The United States is an example for any other country. Its not that I dont like the US, I really like most of their ideals.

Before WWII there was no Israel, the US let this happen theirselves. They have let Israel gain too much power in that area. I'm not saying jewish people dont deserve to live their, imo they belong there, but so do the people of Palestina. Israel has a very advanced military equipment, most weapons from the US army are designed by Jewish people. I think that mainly that is the reason for not doing too much there. If you'd look on wikipedia and search for the people who designed the weapons, you'll see yourself.

Leaving this on a side, if the US even cant stop Israel, no one can...
The United States is an example for any other country. Its not that I dont like the US, I really like most of their ideals.

Before WWII there was no Israel, the US let this happen theirselves. They have let Israel gain too much power in that area. I'm not saying jewish people dont deserve to live their, imo they belong there, but so do the people of Palestina. Israel has a very advanced military equipment, most weapons from the US army are designed by Jewish people. I think that mainly that is the reason for not doing too much there. If you'd look on wikipedia and search for the people who designed the weapons, you'll see yourself.

Leaving this on a side, if the US even cant stop Israel, no one can...
I think it goes both ways. It's not just United States letting Israel roam free, but just like the Chinese using North Korea in the Far East Asia, while I have no proof, I suspect some give & take between Israel & the U.S. Strong Israel also give the U.S. some added negotiating power in the region.
I think it goes both ways. It's not just United States letting Israel roam free, but just like the Chinese using North Korea in the Far East Asia, while I have no proof, I suspect some give & take between Israel & the U.S. Strong Israel also give the U.S. some added negotiating power.

Indeed, I hate these stuff. The only difference between China ans US is that the US get something back , China gets nothing. North Korea has barely anything to give.

I hope the Chinese wont keep making a problem about those Islands Japans bought, if there starts a war there , im 100% sure that the middle east will explode then as well.

Nice speaking with you, I should wander here more often lol.
The United States is an example for any other country. Its not that I dont like the US, I really like most of their ideals.

Before WWII there was no Israel, the US let this happen theirselves. They have let Israel gain too much power in that area. I'm not saying jewish people dont deserve to live their, imo they belong there, but so do the people of Palestina. Israel has a very advanced military equipment, most weapons from the US army are designed by Jewish people. I think that mainly that is the reason for not doing too much there. If you'd look on wikipedia and search for the people who designed the weapons, you'll see yourself.

Leaving this on a side, if the US even cant stop Israel, no one can...

The big mistake is that the Jewish people should have been sent to West Germany not Israel, this way we could be complaining about some other group in Palestine:ouch:.
Indeed, I hate these stuff. The only difference between China ans US is that the US get something back , China gets nothing. North Korea has barely anything to give.
North Korea is useful in keeping not only the U.S. in check, but also Japan & South Korea. They are useful political chip to China.
I hope the Chinese wont keep making a problem about those Islands Japans bought, if there starts a war there , im 100% sure that the middle east will explode then as well.
If China invade(from their perspective, take back what's theirs :rolleyes:), I couldn't begin to guess what might happen next. I hope they resolve the issue peacefully.
Nice speaking with you, I should wander here more often lol.
Thanks for the "friends" add . :)
The parallelism is uncanny.

No way, Jose. There are some similarities in the situation, but North Korean's are bastards. They don't kill much anymore, because simply, they've ran out of people to kill. They already imprisoned, tortured, and killed anyone who opposed long ago.

As for the Chinese claim on the Japanese island, that one's just ridiculous. As soon as they discover natural gas deposits in the area, they play the "historical" card when they waited until the 1970's? Historically, much of the United States belong to the Native Americans. Cry me a river.

Similar, but different. :D
Maybe within the UN, but not the kind of "backing" the USA does for Israel.

I don't think the Chinese will spend their hard earned money on someone else's fight for a strip of sand and rock they have no use for and therefore have no interest in.
That is impressive stuff. I didn't know anything about it, just assumed it was Patriot, or based on the Aegis missile defense.

I sure am glad I'm not a Jew, and really feel for those guys. I don't know how people can live like that. And it probably won't end until significant portion of the population from one of the sides are dead. Makes friction in the Far East Asia look like a walk in the park. These terrorists & militias, they seem to possess very little restraint.
It would seem that a number of prominent Israelises don't think that Hamas should be the only one allowed to indulge in 'lets wipe them out' rhetoric.
There is a extreme-right in every bunch. I guess the race I consider one of the most intelligent is no exception. :lol:
All I can say is that I feel so bad for all the civilians. It is ridiculous what they have to go through.
All I can say is that I feel so bad for all the civilians. It is ridiculous what they have to go through.


But like I said, when they don't want you to exist, but they won't admit to it on the record, resort to taking shots at you from middle of the town & crowds, or sneaky terrorist attacks, how do you resolve a conflict like that? It sure seems impossible.
Such is the great irony of the Holy Lands Omnis.

Each religion, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam tries to instill peace into the lives of their members. Unfortunately, we are only but men, and can only strive for perfection but can never attain it.

That said, Hamas can start on that road to perfection by stop firing into civilian areas. The Israelis are guilty as well, but their hand is forced in the manner because Hamas likes to blend in with the crowd.

Israel and Hamas are never going to reach their objectives, and it would be wise on Hamas's part to stop playing lil' terrorist and learn they are causing more harm than good.
Such is the great irony of the Holy Lands Omnis.

Each religion, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam tries to instill peace into the lives of their members. Unfortunately, we are only but men, and can only strive for perfection but can never attain it.
Not asking for perfection. Just learning to coexist, and not blowing up civilian's all I'm asking. :D
Despite the Jewish people making up the IDF, they are not to be blamed for the conditioning they receive from their government or their governments actions.

7 days on and who is any happier or safer?
my mind is wide open to reading between lines. The police need criminals as much as Israel needs Hamas. Was Arafat gaining international support? I felt it was worth googling 'did Israel create Hamas' and was not too surprised to find other people questioning the same.

Don't know how credible Ron Paul is though?

Mainstream media is even open to accept that the Elite backed Hitler because they were so frightened of communism, how far the backing went I have my thoughts. I wonder if there are variations of Judaism like Islam and Christianity has. As happy as Saudi Arabia is to cause chaos and kill Syrians, does Judaism work the same?

The world would be a much safer place if a two state solution was resolved and both states were allowed to prosper, but that is not the Zionists dream. They have come to far and would probably nuke something before they gave up ground now.
Well one thing that's on the good news front, Egypt thinks the negotiations will produce a truce soon. 👍

In other news, A UN attack chopper attacked rebels in the Congo.

When did the UN started getting attack choppers?:crazy:

UN will be the new world army. Expect to see more UN troops on streets in towns near you. ;)