Israel, who really owns it?

  • Thread starter Delirious
Well didn't the creation of Israel have to do with the ending of the WWII? I'm trying to remember my history class.
Well didn't the creation of Israel have to do with the ending of the WWII? I'm trying to remember my history class.

I read somewhere that Israel was created out of an agreement with the UK and later US during the late 1800's and the early 1900's. During then, wealthy Jew businessmen helped finance US and UK war efforts against several countries in exchange for helping Jews help build their country. Obviously, US and UK didnt keep that promise until the WWII, because they were preoccupied with Japan, Nazi Germany and Mussolini Italy. But then after WWII those Jews begun to press US and UK to keep their forgotten promise, and at that time the world sympathized with them because of the Holocaust, so UN agreed to split up Palestine into Israel.

Thats what I remember :ouch:
Ya that sounds about right, but really I can see where Palestine gets pissed, I mean the UN did take a large chunk of their land to put a people they hate in it. I can't understand what the UN was thinking on that one.
We probably bought the land off the Japanese for you know, the price of rebuilding part of the country after we showed them the hand of god by the force of "the bomb".

Actually, Japan had to pay reparations to the US (but not the Koreas, China, or Taiwan) and the full cost of the occupation of their own land. America didn't 'buy' or have to 'pay for' anything there.
Ya that sounds about right, but really I can see where Palestine gets pissed, I mean the UN did take a large chunk of their land to put a people they hate in it. I can't understand what the UN was thinking on that one.

LOL yeah, UN was stupid in that one. Methinks that they were trying to establish themselves because they've been only in existance for 3 years at that time and was trying to earn some credibility.

(Rogue btw its OK to forget apostrophes, use lol or btw, but thats about it ;) I always do so; adjust it according to what kind of abbreviations other members are using and youll be fine :))
Well I'm sure there was some agreement on how we got the land, most US bases are that way. I mean we hate the Cubans but have the Gitmo base.
Well all who want me to go away say 'aye'
Cause obviously Im not helping. At all.

Hmm Ill go do some research and get back to you. Thank god for the apostrophe thing or I would be gone by now
Alright heres what Ive found-Before the First World War Palestine was a district ruled by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were defeated by Britain and its allies in the war.
After WWI Britain took control of Palestine, but there were too many troubles between the Arabs who lived there and Jews who wanted to live there too.

After the Second World War, Britain decided to let the UN decide what to do with Palestine.

The UN suggested separating Palestine into two countries, one Arab and one Jewish.

The Arab leaders said no to the plan, but the Jewish leaders accepted it and declared the state of Israel. The President of the United States gave his support to the new state.

However the Arab leaders were not happy. War broke out between and Israel's Arab neighbours, (including Egypt and Jordan) and the new country.

After months of intense fighting, Israel and her Arab neighbours agreed to stop the war. However relations between them were still tense and more wars followed. :(

Egypt's Arab? Wow this is fun AND educational!

@GT4_RULE--Well Im helping now and Im not leaving. I would because pointless posting is annoying but I wont
Well I'm sure there was some agreement on how we got the land, most US bases are that way. I mean we hate the Cubans but have the Gitmo base.

You should look into the history of Guantanamo.
Ya that sounds about right, but really I can see where Palestine gets pissed, I mean the UN did take a large chunk of their land to put a people they hate in it. I can't understand what the UN was thinking on that one.

The Palestinian Muslims had no reason to hate the Zionists... it was the way the Zionists treated the Muslims that bred the hatred. There was a lot of anti-Semitism in Russia and Europe in the late 19th and early 20th century. From this, a small group of people decided that the safest thing to do would be to establish their own homeland. The location they chose was Palestine for its Biblical roots... despite the fact that Muslims already lived there.

Again, read up on "Deir Yassin" ... and how land was "acquired"... puts things into perspective.

Obviously there's a lot more to it than that... I'm trying to keep it short because I have to go.
I agree, WTF (can I legally say that, GT4?) was the UN thinking?! I mean it was a good idea, in theory, but it just had too many downsides to be accepted in my vision. hmm....

What are Zionists? :?
Rogue Ssv
What are Zionists

A Zionist is a follower of Zionism.

Zionism is a Jewish movement that came up in the late 19th century (again, because of widespread anti-semitism) that wanted to create a homeland for Jewish people...
Isnt Israel the name of Jacob in the Hebrew Bible?

But werent the Jews there first?

Well if you were the UN what would you have done?

Thz Mkaejaj whatever. I also just found that on Wikipedia.
Authorities agree that the amount of land rightfully purchased from the Arabs by the Jews was about 6-7%. The article "The Jewish National Fund Land Purchase Methods and Priorities, 1924-1939" by Kenneth W. Stein states that "by May 1948 Jews acquired approximately 2,000,000 of Palestine’s 26,000,000 dunams." This is approximately 7.69% of the land, not 92%.

^^Yeah but are they counting the UNs purchase?
Rogue Ssv:

1) Age isn’t an excuse; when you enter a discussion in the Opinions board, you are expected to know what you’re talking about, have valid data or reasoning for backing up your opinion, and to have at least a decent understanding of the broad issues being discussed. We’re not expecting anybody to have a PhD in History, but we also don’t expect people to barge in and ruin a thoughtful conversation.

2) Please don’t ask semi-trivial questions. It would have taken you two seconds to Google “definition of Zionist” or to look it up on Wikipedia.

I understand that you’re young and probably don’t get involved in heavy political debates, but keep in mind that that’s exactly what we’re doing here, so it’s a whole different ballgame than, say, talking about cars in GT4.

[edit]: Note that I took a long time to type this up, so I hadn’t seen your last 3 or 4 posts, which have been better. :)👍
Rogue Ssv
Alright heres what Ive found-Before the First World War Palestine was a district ruled by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were defeated by Britain and its allies in the war.
After WWI Britain took control of Palestine, but there were too many troubles between the Arabs who lived there and Jews who wanted to live there too.

After the Second World War, Britain decided to let the UN decide what to do with Palestine.

The UN suggested separating Palestine into two countries, one Arab and one Jewish.

The Arab leaders said no to the plan, but the Jewish leaders accepted it and declared the state of Israel. The President of the United States gave his support to the new state.

However the Arab leaders were not happy. War broke out between and Israel's Arab neighbours, (including Egypt and Jordan) and the new country.

After months of intense fighting, Israel and her Arab neighbours agreed to stop the war. However relations between them were still tense and more wars followed. :(

Egypt's Arab? Wow this is fun AND educational!

@GT4_RULE--Well Im helping now and Im not leaving. I would because pointless posting is annoying but I wont

Nailed it!

I say wtf sometimes; at the Funny Pics thread someone said "Major WTF" and didnt get busted for it so I think its OK.

But that doesnt mean that you can slack off around mods. Pays to be careful and nice to the mods! ;)
Rogue Ssv
Authorities agree that the amount of land rightfully purchased from the Arabs by the Jews was about 6-7%. The article "The Jewish National Fund Land Purchase Methods and Priorities, 1924-1939" by Kenneth W. Stein states that "by May 1948 Jews acquired approximately 2,000,000 of Palestine’s 26,000,000 dunams." This is approximately 7.69% of the land, not 92%.

^^Yeah but are they counting the UNs purchase?

The Jewish National Fund specified that land could not be sold (or even rented!!!) to Arabs. Some of the land that was "rightfully purchased" resulted in peasants getting kicked off the land; the rest of the (6-7% of the) land was flat out stolen.
The Jewish National Fund specified that land could not be sold (or even rented!!!) to Arabs. Some of the land that was "rightfully purchased" resulted in peasants getting kicked off the land; the rest of the land was flat out stolen.

Which sounds just like the modern version of the natives getting kicked off their land.

What a pity, we're killing and discriminating our own families! Think about it, we all came from one, not just the Jews and the Arabs.
Everyone ditched us GT4!

Yeah another reason about that-- we took over half the western hemisphere

I have learned now not to come blazing into things that i dont know about with not much info, thx this has bin fun and educational

So... now what?
Which sounds just like the modern version of the natives getting kicked off their land.

What a pity, we're killing and discriminating our own families! Think about it, we all came from one, not just the Jews and the Arabs.

Precisely. But you have to understand the zeitgeist:

Many felt "entitled" to a homeland because of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.
Hey GT4 Rule your Japanese and Chinese? Cool Im half Taiwanese and Irish! I speak Mandarin. Sorry if this is a triple post, I cant tell bcause it only shows for me after I post new,
You go to bed and come back tomorrow.

EDIT: Or not. Oh, and Rogue, there is a handy "edit" button in the corner of your post so you don;t have to keep making new posts. And you don't have to write "EDIT" like I did, unless you want people to know you edited it. But it has little green texties in the bottom once you edit anyway. Look down.
I shoulda went to bed 2 hours ago. And Keef i know about that Ive done it, but my problem is seeing new posts. Edit doesnt make new posts appear while a new post does. Correct me if Im wrong, I want to know this
Just click the refresh button every now and then. F5 refreshes the screen also. I usually just sit and look at the screen for a while then hit F5 and, hey, there's somebody's new post.
Rogue Ssv
Hey GT4 Rule your Japanese and Chinese? Cool Im half Taiwanese and Irish! I speak Mandarin. Sorry if this is a triple post, I cant tell bcause it only shows for me after I post new,

Im Chinese ethnically but I speak Japanese cuz I lived there for my whole life :)