italian interview...

  • Thread starter RAVELLRON

he told about damage that will change the driveability of the car...and many people could and many could not appreciate this.. I appreciate:)...
he told that gt will run at 1080p at 60fps surely..
he will speak about new brands car not now but further, i suppose tgs...
he told that will be not so different from gtmobile about challenge and races mode..
he told that there WOULD BE a worldwide release...its not sure about it at 100%...
That interview kind of.....pisses me off.

The ambiguity is killing me. Everyone here is going crazy to know if GT 5 will have 20+ tracks or not.

The "leak" definitely said 20+ tracks which make up 60+ courses.

Then in the interview the interviewers mentions the leak but reffers to "80 tracks" ( Although it felt like it took a bajillion "translations" before we arrived at that conclusion )

Now this is where KY could have ended the speculation once and for all by saying the exact number with his own mouth but instead he simply says "Yes, what was reported in the leak was true"

Grrrrrrrr :banghead:

Also 1080p 60fps is also equally ambiguous. You'd think it wouldn't be but it is. GT 5 Prologue was said to be 1080p 60fps but that's not exactly what we got now is it. What we got was 1280 X 1080p and then upscaled to 1920 X 1080p. I don't consider that to be totally honest. And yeah we did get 60fps but WITH frametearing.

So really if KY wants to be perfectly clear he is going to have to say 1080p ( 1920 X 1080 ) at 60 fps with NO frametearing.

Otherwise we are just going to have to sit back and wait for the pixel counters over at the beyond3D forums.
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That interview kind of.....pisses me off.

The ambiguity is killing me. Everyone here is going crazy to know if GT 5 will have 20+ tracks or not.

The "leak" definitely said 20+ tracks which make up 60+ courses.

Then in the interview the interviewers mentions the leak but reffers to "80 tracks"

Now this is where KY could have ended the speculation once and for all by saying the exact number with his own mouth but instead he simply says "Yes, what was reported in the leak was true"

Grrrrrrrr :banghead:

Also 1080p 60fps is also equally ambiguous. You'd think it wouldn't be but it is. GT 5 Prologue was said to be 1080p 60fps but that's not exactly what we got now is it. What we got was 1280 X 1080p and then upscaled to 1920 X 1080p. I don't consider that to be totally honest. And yeah we did get 60fps but WITH frametearing.

So really if KY wants to be perfectly clear he is going to have to say 1080p ( 1920 X 1080 ) at 60 fps with NO frametearing.

Otherwise we are just going to have to sit back and wait for the pixel counters over at the beyond3D forums.

I seriously dont understand how anyone can believe there would be only 20 tracks in GT5. PD would be committing suicide if they only released that number of tracks. (Less than GT4... I dont think so).

I think we can take it for granted (even without confirmation and/or evidence) there will be close to if not more than 80 tracks in game.
I seriously dont understand how anyone can believe there would be only 20 tracks in GT5. PD would be committing suicide if they only released that number of tracks. (Less than GT4... I dont think so).

I think we can take it for granted (even without confirmation and/or evidence) there will be close to if not more than 80 tracks in game.

Well from my "half is glass empty" skeptical mindset the evidence doesn't point to your conclusions IMO.

First we had that "leak" which was then taken down but it's hard to deny it's credibility being leaked FROM Gran Turismo .com

That part about the tracks number has been translated many times and it MOST DEFINITELY says 20+ locations making up 60+ tracks. I live in Taiwan and had to have one of my Japanese friends translate it for me before I truly believed it.

And now we have KY HIMSELF stating in an interview that the "leaked" info was all correct.

What else am I to believe based on the ONLY FACTS we have?

I'm not 100% sure but I feel 80% sure at this point. The only reason I don't fully accept it is because , like you, I also believe the number of tracks seems WAY Too low.
Fact that it was stated as "More than 20"

20million is more than 20...

Anyways - I think this has been covered in a different thread (The italian interview)

Fact that it was stated as "More than 20"

20million is more than 20...

Anyways - I think this has been covered in a different thread (The italian interview)


That's not a valid argument. More than 20 means probably 22 or 23. If it was considerably more than 20, say 33, then they never would have said more than 20, they would have said more than 30.
Really need someone from GTP to ask KY questions, seems everytime a game reporter ask him a question, KY can drive a truck through it.:lol:
I'm not dissing GT or PD, but I ask you to play GT4 after having played GT5P, if you drive Suzuka and Fuji you can see they are almost identical, as they should be, but what I mean is it won't take alot of work to upgrade GT4 tracks to GT5P quality, so of course there will be more tracks in GT5 than there are GT4.
Is that Valentino that just posted?! My F'ing HERO!! I had a dog named "Rossi." Im Glad to meet you, sir.

on topic- Apparently he says the same thing to every country. Since he keeps saying not all will enjoy the damage, Does that insinuate you cant turn it off?
Is that Valentino that just posted?! My F'ing HERO!! I had a dog named "Rossi." Im Glad to meet you, sir.

on topic- Apparently he says the same thing to every country. Since he keeps saying not all will enjoy the damage, Does that insinuate you cant turn it off?

LOL, yeah, just thought I'd post a quick comment before hopping on the old M1 for a few laps, you watching the race tomorrow? Win number 103 I hope.
I havent missed a race since 2000! I missed the 500cc days, I didnt catch on to MotoGP unti I was 16 or 17. Anyways, I am off to go buy a Fiat, since that is on the side of your bike.:)
Is that Valentino that just posted?! My F'ing HERO!! I had a dog named "Rossi." Im Glad to meet you, sir.

on topic- Apparently he says the same thing to every country. Since he keeps saying not all will enjoy the damage, Does that insinuate you cant turn it off?
I think he meant that it will be so complex and realistic that the car will have many issues after a certain number of collisions...and obviously not all the players will like that cause many are still used to arcade or semi-arcade games where the car keeps going like the mechanics are not damaged at all.
I'm being optimistic I know, but that's the way I see it.
Surprise factor is still in the air.
I suggest you look in the mirror and laugh if you believe PD will only have 20 tracks available for GT5...and with 60 variations - which is simply ridiculous for such a small number of tracks.

I think people are just lost in translation. Or PD simply made a little mistake with the published info. I myself is not sure, but i firmly believe PD is not stupid enough to disappoint us with just 20 tracks. I bet my left testicle on that.

My take: 20 real world tracks, 60 fictional
Guys, I've found a new Yamauchi interview on an italian site.
Beware that I can give you a faithful italian translation, I hope they translated correctly from the japanese...

Here is the GT5 meat; it is not a 'big steak' but you may find something interesting:

GT5 Release?
KY "The game is still under development but its release is not too far, it will be after the PSP GT release and, very probably, it will be a simultaneous world release"

What about the game features that were published on the official japanese site, 1000 cars, 80 tracks and YouTube download?
KY "We would like to wait to publish them, but what you read on the site is true."

Is there something new in the single player mode
KY "If you look at the PSP version, you'll see that the game is very different from the previous Gran Turismo versions. The 5th episode will have many similar features to the PSP version"

How the damages will influence the gameplay?
KY "The damages are not only visible, they will affect the driving style.
It depends on the player, some players will like it, others will not"

Will we have Nascar and WRC championships in the game or just the cars?
KY "There will be real Nascar races in the game. Nascar had necessary to be included in the game. Regarding WRC championship we have been trying to add it to series since long ago. Now we got it."

At the end KY confirmed 1080p and 60 fps.

Here is the link:

I know... maybe i should take it back. I lower my raise to a fingernail dammit.

I have some experience here... Having crashed a motorcycle and losing about 3/4 of my index fingernail and having road rash over my entire back and arms... the fingernail was by far the most painful thing I have ever felt! My back, arms, legs, head all hurt, but my finger was so painful that everything else felt like bumps and bruises. With that said, I would take that pain over losing a single go nad.

KY "There will be real Nascar races in the game."- Do you guys think he knows that Real NASCAR races means 43 cars? Is he hinting at 43 car fields? That would be epic!!!!
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I have some experience here... Having crashed a motorcycle and losing about 3/4 of my index fingernail and having road rash over my entire back and arms... the fingernail was by far the most painful thing I have ever felt! My back, arms, legs, head all hurt, but my finger was so painful that everything else felt like bumps and bruises. With that said, I would take that pain over losing a single go nad.

KY "There will be real Nascar races in the game."- Do you guys think he knows that Real NASCAR races means 43 cars? Is he hinting at 43 car fields? That would be epic!!!!

You would take the pain of losing a go nad, but in reality, You'd rather keep that go nad and loose that fingernail.

Edit: I completely misread your last sentence...I'm having a really weird day today. Ignore what I said IsmokeGT.:dunce:
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I suggest you look in the mirror and laugh if you believe PD will only have 20 tracks available for GT5...and with 60 variations - which is simply ridiculous for such a small number of tracks.

I think people are just lost in translation. Or PD simply made a little mistake with the published info. I myself is not sure, but i firmly believe PD is not stupid enough to disappoint us with just 20 tracks. I bet my left testicle on that.

My take: 20 real world tracks, 60 fictional

I have to agree with this, i can easily see how the translation can get that into what peeps are saying.

I have some experience here... Having crashed a motorcycle and losing about 3/4 of my index fingernail and having road rash over my entire back and arms... the fingernail was by far the most painful thing I have ever felt! My back, arms, legs, head all hurt, but my finger was so painful that everything else felt like bumps and bruises. With that said, I would take that pain over losing a single go nad.

KY "There will be real Nascar races in the game."- Do you guys think he knows that Real NASCAR races means 43 cars? Is he hinting at 43 car fields? That would be epic!!!!

I love my go nads.

I had a similar painful experience to share. I rolled my car over 3 times down a mountain road (tire puncture). I survived with minor injuries. Both shins were bleeding and bruised, had a minor concussion, and my chest was bruised. But at that moment, the most painful thing was a plastic object (shaped like a bbq stick) jammed underneath my big toe nail. Yes, i was stabbed. It was at least 2 inches deep. It was very painful.

Anyway, im not sure if that is possible at all. 43 cars is just too much for GT. Frame rate and poly count is just too high to be able to accommodate anywhere close to that number.