What was it recycled from? Honest question.
It was out of date 6 months before release yet wasn't "fixed" til weeks after release.
I'm thinking more as a "placeholder" deal, or possible carry-over from GT5. I don't know how these assets were made, but someone has to manage all the words in the game, and localisation at least is handled outside of PD (according to the credits), as is the website itself. Plenty of scope for cock-ups.
I'd say the fact that the image was changed shortly after it was first made public says quite a lot, and maybe racing mods were never meant to return.
Incidentally, I've always thought they were sub-par relative to what we should be able to do, but what I'm thinking of requires a substantial investment of ground-up work, much like the sound overhaul. There was also that "build your own car" comment some time ago.
That's not necessarily for GT6, in the end, but it hints at the direction PD are at least thinking, which, going by previous performance, implies that's also the direction they're working (even if it won't come off in the long run, such that we never see actual evidence of it). These things are always clearer in hindsight, of course, so one day it'll all make sense!
I chuckle when I hear people mention pushing the ps3 to the limits.
The truth is games have been pushing the limits of hardware forever... It's not a linear vessel like a cup or bucket.
Optimization is how you improve the use of the hardware and is a never ending pursuit... And that is where the real limits are...
You should see the early demos of games... You can use 100% of hardware resources in a 10x10 box...
So pushing the limit is a misnomer that impresses and placates the uninformed... No offense but don't start making excuses for PD based on hardware... Yes, it's impressive how much they can do, but it's equally as unimpressive how they fail so hard on simpler more fundamental things like design... Such poor design that it nearly undermines their technical achievements...
But that's PD's legacy... They will react to another game looking better much faster than a better designed game... Locked in the 90's where esthetics were king.
Yep, but who's pushing the limits of optimisation? Surely you can't put more bits through the silicon than it was theoretically designed for. At that point, you're basically working at the byte level, cleverly packaging instructions and data and taking advantage of esoteric behaviours of the physics governing the control of the processors. Or you're just saturating some draw call in a high-level API and saying "it's maxed out!".
There's a fundamental difference, and I think it's obvious which Kaz implies when talking about their battles with the juxtaposition of forward-thinking high-level computing paradigms and the somewhat backward on-chip coding requirements that the Cell represents.
I'm pretty sure that aesthetics are still king, just of a different kind. I remember playing some immensely compelling games in the '90s, in fact many of my all-time favourite games are from the '90s - I'd say "Dungeon Keeper" is a name that ought to illustrate the point nicely. Today's industry is consistently failing to deliver upon the promise that was shown at that time, a time when technology was just about allowing greater levels of "realism", and thus a departure from the traditional "computer-based" programming and mechanical / game design ethics (that evolved from board games, which themselves evolved from truly ancient "games"), into the more cinematic approach that now dominates.
(Sound is an area I'm most familiar with in this respect; it's all event and sample based, nothing had changed in that regard since the '90s - well, things are moving forward now at last, with middleware companies finally getting the message and encouraging non-technical developer types to evolve toolsets and processes into more sensible systems for the possibilities today's hardware offers.)
This "cinematic" domination, obviously heavily influenced by the film industry (every game design team is supposedly headed by a failed film director), is to my eyes ultimately because of the trend to a general homogeneity of experience (which players are encouraging), and games being distinguished by brand rather than true creative intent and player-driven interactions. That's as opposed to film-like scripted experiences that are easier to create and control to ensure the player "gets", but are experientially shallow by comparison. There are many exceptions, certainly, but the trend is obvious.
How do racing games fit into that? Well, the cinematic part is obvious if you've played a recent Codemasters game, or something like Shift or Horizon etc. For sims, the demand for homogeneity between "rivals" (they ought to be complementary products, really, to suit different tastes) is causing the ambition and untapped potential in the genre to wane from sight somewhat. "No BMW E30 M3? No dice." No sense, more like. There is so much more to automotive culture and motorsport to be explored in video games than what is currently lauded as the gold standard.
Where does GT fit into that? We won't know until the fullness of time, but our not being aware of PD's plans does not mean they don't have any. I would much rather see what interesting, scary or potentially disastrous direction PD will go of their own volition than simply force them to be like everyone else. As long as Sony is happy to fund that (they are probably aware of the long term plans), there surely can't be a problem!