KinLMSeriously makes you wonder where their priorities are though. I mean, imagine Kaz in the studio thinking "Hmm.. So we make more premium cars, or we put a cat in the game... GUYS, SCREW THE NEW ASTON AND DESIGN A CAT!"
McClarenDesign1 cat says nothing about PD's priorities. It's not like one cat cost you any tracks or cars.
KinLMIt was a joke, grow up.
McClarenDesignNot sure what you mean by 'grow up', considering 1. I've been here awhile 2. my actual age.
Jokes should be funny. That didn't seem funny, but the humor was likely lost in translation. Hard to tell what's serious and what isn't when you see the constant nit picking throughout here.
Jp love cats, they appear almost everywere. Maybe part of their "pop culture"??
And about the monkey/nessie/dog... its quality it's poor compared to the cat.
Yeah, they love cats!
Tested and approved.
Lewis_Hamilton_I wonder if anyone has gone to the effort of making a PSN ID such as GTP_Jenkins or Jenkins_The_Cat?
photonriderTrust Jenkins' Godfather to locate that runaway pussy. Proven now that Jenkins can bi-locate. How many lives has this cat got?
Jenkins tune
As somebody asked for a tune for Jenkins some time ago: Well – here you are!
Unfortunately there is no BM (big cat modification) available for Jenkins, so we will have to be content with common street cat tuning.
While it's true there is no BM Mod, there is a CB one available (Catbus Mod). I think Jenkins has had the Catbus mod & gone walkabout!
The resemblance is uncanny!![]()
I'm signing him up on Google+ tonight, and will update regularly.
Where did you see Jenkins in GT5????