I would say hold off till the Touch Version is released.
Advanced GT5 Players may realize from the graphic which was posted that I threw the race. Yeah. Humiliation.
Jenkins was actually at the back of the field. That ace pussy snuck up on me, sniffing my ass like doggone hell, now I'm glued to the rear-view . . . so I'm thrown by the curves, lost my grip, and Jenkins lost no time in shoving me into a barrier and high-tailing it off.
I'm sure it wasn't my imagination: I heard 'Meeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuow, sucker!' as that bald beast kicked me off course, and purred off with me peed off.
I abandoned the race and rage-quit.
My intention was to beat that cat and bring the graphic in here.

So much for the best laid plans of mice and men, Robbie.. . . .
That's the story behind the picture.
I'm stalking the AI regularly for that feckless feline to reappear - I've heard some stories, but this is merely gossip - that the 'I' stands for '
Inside-Job' (as in Inside Job Jenkins) and there seems to be some connection with the great
Bill Jenkins (Grandfather?). Also even more intriguing, apparently - you guys better be seated - Jenkins . . is . .
Yes! Phreaky.
Ivana Jenkins, ace racer. A.K.A.
Ivana 'Inside-Job' Jenkins. Un . . belIEVable!
So primed with this, I dropped on on my buddy the vet, and booting up GTP, showed him pics.
"That cat a female?" I ask him. One look and he nods. WTH, I'm thinking. This is getting worse. Pussy-whipped! I thought there was only one female in GT5 -
GT Gal Lola, the blonde beauty who hangs out social-networking while being voraciously photographed by all the voyeurs at the Market Street, when she isn't looking us over at the Licencing hell.
So I scroll to a picture of
Bernie - the GT Dog, and show him that, too and I ask: This is a guy dog, right?
"Uh-uh." He's shaking his head again. "Not a dog, not a dog. No testes. Okay go." He's shoving me out of the office, and there's some animal brawl going on in the waiting room. No wonder he's bitchy.
Here's the picture I showed him.
What do
you think?
That leaves me so confused. How many more females are hidden in this game?
Something else - directly connected with the game - and true - is that the Version I'm still playing (which has Jenkins) is GT5 Version 1.00, strictly unpatched. AFAIK - this was not from a download. Not on my gamesave anyway - I have still not connected the game to the Internet. Will soon.
Now - gotta rush off and attack some walls.. . .