jgda9rs gt4 gallery -PMC Week 190 entry

  • Thread starter jgda9rs
it does actually. it can't be the music i was listening to, which is "Lymbic Systym" and they do pretty mellow song. though their album is called "Love your Abuser". anyways, to me i think it's rather dramatic. like those old mafia movies :D where they play classical songs after running away after killing someone :D

glad you liked it though. thanks for the feedback.
The Buick special shot looks great. The rx-7 look really clean and i like those pics too. The nsx shots are a bit so so to me, not that its a bad shot, i just think the background looks 10x better than the car and really takes your focus off of the car.
Personally, I'm not feeling the first shot much, but i really like the the color of te second.

Now on to the Buick, its pure awesome IMO, i really like the toned down feel to it, an you did a great job on the different blurs.👍
i think i screwed up pretty bad with the blur here. can someone help ?
the first one i mean. ...

besides the skyline vs. evo vi, i'm not at all very happy with this update.
not even close. i'm not surprised if no one likes them at all :D it looks so amateur and cheap. out of all of them, the skyline has to be my favourite.
i still need to get used to zoom blur and stuff like that in ps. any advice would help. thanks :D
First picture looks out of place, mostly because of one reason. You might know that all lines in a picture that point back into the center of the picture, actually point towards the horizon. It's what makes the picture look like 3D. You selected the background, and zoom-blurred it into the buildings instead of into the horizon. That's why the car seems to be in a completely different world as the background is, because the depth this way doesn't make any sence. You should always point radial blur towards the horizon in order to make the car fit in the picture. Because the lines of the car are also in connection with the horizon, the whole pic should remain like that.

With blurring in photoshop, you can just copy the background/original layer, and then blur the picture. Then you can erase the blur on the copied picture wherever you want, and maybe completely erase the picture if the blur doesn't look appropriate at all. It's an undo function thats always there. I always copy a layer before I do any adjustments, so that when I have messed around for too long, and it looks like crap, I can still delete that whole layer with everything I did to it, and get back to the pic I had when I copied the layer.
I can see where you "screwed up big time" :lol: The main problem is that your picture does not comply with some requirements a radial blur has. The first problem is that you have taken your shot in a corner. Radial blur cannot blur a corner, a special "curved blur" technique has to be used. Secondly is that the car has the wrong angle towards the camera. If you had taken this picture on the straight just after this corner, you could've blurred this picture perfectly. I always blur towards the point my eyes look first on a picture, in this one it would be the point where the barriers meet the tarmac but your in a corner so a radial blur delevires nothing good. Don't point your blur towards a sky, try to think in a way that you blur from a point the car has already been so that you blur the distance it has already travelled 👍
Yeah well it's quite complicated ;) Don't worry though, I'm giving a tip on whats wrong, but to be honest I never really pulled off corner blurs either. You could try and radial blur several "depths" of the picture, moving the point of center to the left as you go across the depth of the road, so it curves around and points at an area of the road you can't really see because of the rails on the side, but the point is still there.. However the buildings are at such a significant distance that they shouldn't be blurred I think. It's a bit of a feel really.
The shot isn't really good to be radial blurred that way.

Keep on learning though :) Who knows you might find a way to do it after all, I can't say I'm right all the time. I know how suprising other people can be when it comes to learning things quickly ;) 👍 Seen it too many times in the galleries!
thanks so much for the tips guys. i really appreciate it. i'll do more practice and hopefully get it right next time. for now, here's another shot of my buick.
it was supposed to be a part of the last buick special shot that i did long ago,
just never got around to working on it. let me know what you guys think. and i have bad news. i dont think i could go and take new photos for now, that's until i get a new ipod or a usb stick to transfer my photos in. i lost my ipod somehow a few days ago, and i have no idea what on earth i did with it. someone's been targeting my car for the last few days and it's really pissing me off. if i do update after this, chances are it's an old stock photo that i have so many of. anyways, here's the new update.

Part I of my Acura 3.2 CL Type S update.

I kind of regret taking off the 'Acura' badge. now the car looks like a base model CL :(
Nice shots there dude! the blur doesn't look messed up to me, it seems to have a lot of noise in it though. I like it though. I like the angle of the evo skyline shot too, gives me a good feeling.

Can't wait to see this next "Special" update, I'm sure it'll be great.👍
thanks everybody! that car was inspired by my very old audi shot, i tried to re-work it, but it was just so messed by the stupid resizing, that it's just almost impossible to re-do. so i just thought i'd rather do a new one. the second part of the 3 part series will be up either wednesday night pacific time or sunday, around midnight. for now, i just realized my gallery has already reached a 1000 posts! i didn't realize it until TVR&FF posted about it.thanks man! i almost forgot. i have to say thank you to everyone that has and will visit and comment or has commented on my gallery. i've learned so much since i've first started, and still has a lot of room for improvement. And to celebrate the great 1000th post, I've worked on something last night, but i did not know i was gonna use it for this occassion. anyways i'm tired of typing, so here it is. one of my old stock photos,

Subaru Impreza WRX STi

1000 posts!!! Congrats mate!!! You really know how to make great shots...continue like that and U will reach 2000 posts in no time:)
Now about the shots, love the last update, the Impreza is just amazing!! I also like a lot the RX7 and NSX sets a lot:tup:
Once again congrats, and keep up your amazing work in GTP!!
Great shot of that car!

I like the angle a lot. Also, those rims are awesome and a great choice for that car, in that color.

The background also looks good, with the tree in the back looking almost real, which adds to the overall feeling of realism.

Nice and congrats on the 1000 posts! 👍

I'll rep you up as soon as I spread it around. :)
Congratulations mate on post 1000! Sounds very nice isn't it?

The shot is really great! Nice and smooth hood and rims which just fit the car perfectly. I love the style you put into your last shots. Keep em coming! I'm happy to see more from you mate...

"Subarau" :lol:
man, that was funny. I'm still wiping my tears...

JD, I was just reviewing some of your previous shots and I noticed something. you had $45k to pay for a car?! Damn!...
What's your current ride?

btw, sweet Buick. Even though the blur is a bit off it is a great shot, specially due to the angle and wide lens, but the tones are great too. 👍
The Buick shot and the SLR shot before it are both brilliant pieces of work, the Buick looks especially artistic with the varied colours and lighting, and the SLR looks stunning against that vivid, blurry background. 👍
thanks so much for the great comments guys! i owe my improvement to you guys, for all the comments and help that i got from everyone. you all know who you are. i'm surprised some of you actually liked the SLR shot. i'm not a big fan of that picture, i dont know why. seriously. dont ask me why. and Beerz, yes i did have money to buy it, but through finance. those were the times when i worked two jobs and had nowhere to spend the money on, so i just kept on modding my integra back then. it eventually got stolen back in '05, so now i drive a chrysler. big gas guzzling monster! anyways, i'm glad u guys liked the update. it's for all of you here to enjoy. now on to my next one. these two cars are my favorite time attack and practice cars. i've had this shot for a while too, like the rest of my updates here, just waited till i got ps until i worked on it. here i present my time attack monsters. both are very capable cars, with the integra being able to lap tsukuba under 55 seconds, on all motor. the silvia is my favorite drift car, and am thinking of importing a jdm version of it here in canada one day when i have the money.
so yeah, enjoy the pic!! the part 2 of my 3 part Acura 3.2 CL update will be up tomorrow at midnight. so stay tuned for it!

colored version:

Two nice shots. Well executed two car picture. I really like the tone of the first one. The cars themselves look nice as well. Maybe the hoods would look better if they weren't that soft. 👍
Wow, I gotta say that you have some amazing updates lately. I am really liking the Buick shots, both look awesome with great angles and superb lighting, very cool RX-7 shot as well. I also love the WRX shot, that is a stunner. One of your best imo. Keep it up buddy. 👍

Sorry about the small post, I am getting tired. :dunce:

Also, congrats on reaching 1000 posts. Your gallery is going strong.
Wow that updates like a dream! those two cars look amazing!!!:drool:
I love the first shot the most it reminds me of a scene of a film ive seen!👍

Keep up the good work mate!👍

p.s CONGRATULATIONS on 1000posts!👍