JGTC S1 Round 1 Qualif + Results

Errrrr **** i have to go out now with some friends so i won´t be back until the deadline, i will have to post my actual time. =/

I saw 0.5 left tho, but its a good time.

If needed, i have the maxdrive file. :D
I'm going to submit around 10 or 11 PM EST ... an hour before the deadline, but I want one more stab at it to see if I can find another .2 ... I know it's there, I've been ahead of my ghost by that amount or caught it up when I've been that much behind ... not going to waste too much time on it, just want to do as well as I can.
Time submited.
There was some strange thing happening...:
I got ma submited lap about 3h before submision and within those 3h i couldnt overtake my best lap although i had T1 everytime 0.5:0,7 better o_O o_O
I've managed to beat my personal best every time I've sat down at the wheel ... and that's how I like it. Ultimately I'm not bothered where I place, I just want to know that I did as well as I could (something sorely lacking in the WRS recently :P). I'm going to throw it around for half an hour more, but I suspect that I have my final qualification time now and will be submitting in the next 40 minutes or so (just before Seinfeld comes on :P)
Times about to be submitted. I'm still not a fan of the track, and the fact that this is an arcade race is almost torture to me; I could make the Calsonic have much better handling coming out of the corners if I could just tweak the LSD! :mad:

My time won't be too impressive probably. Hatred for the track, getting used to the car, exams, and issues in Travian to top it all off. Hopefully I can find a good consistent pace for the race.
Man, I'm happy with my run! I imagine that you fast-types will have me truly beaten, but I'm really happy with what I got out of this ... great car and a fun track.

Time submitted.
Damm I'm still shaking after that last and final run. :eek: So much stress and adrenaline rush it's close to a non sense. :lol: Must of screwed about 4-5 solid laps that I was ahead of my ghost and ended up behind. When I'm ahead on the ghost on a lap I always get that sudden pressure boost and nervousness takes the lead. Anyone feeling that? I'm still very happy with my result, it could be maybe a little faster with a DFP but with the DS2 I'm using I'm pretty much at my skills limit.

2 hours left boys and girls :)
Tell me about it, man. If I hit my target and I'm way ahead of my ghost, my heart starts to pound through my chest and my hands shake ... if I then screw it up, I'm cussing and shaking and wide eyed all at the same time ... but if I can nail it, man it's like I've just won the lottery or something.

Quite a rush!
What she said.

Tell me about it, man. If I hit my target and I'm way ahead of my ghost, my heart starts to pound through my chest and my hands shake ... if I then screw it up, I'm cussing and shaking and wide eyed all at the same time ... but if I can nail it, man it's like I've just won the lottery or something.

Quite a rush!

Yeah I did started to yell like a retarded kid when I finally beat my target time :D Good thing I was the only one home!
Time submitted....barely had an hour but I really wanted to aleast submit a time. My team still doesn't have a name, any ideas anyone in the next few min???

Tell me about it, man. If I hit my target and I'm way ahead of my ghost, my heart starts to pound through my chest and my hands shake ... if I then screw it up, I'm cussing and shaking and wide eyed all at the same time ... but if I can nail it, man it's like I've just won the lottery or something.

Quite a rush!

DITTO !!! :eek:
Times ready to submit just in case of emergency. The life of a backup, y'know? ;)
Time submitted....barely had an hour but I really wanted to aleast submit a time. My team still doesn't have a name, any ideas anyone in the next few min???


Team JAZ :yuck:

Zoxxy & Ace

Smoke me a Kipper (sorry, one for the English Red Dwarf fans, really)


Fluff, I don't know ... I want to start saying things like "Fluffy Bunnies" and "Screaming Squirrels" :dopey:
Nice pics ... although you have my number there, buddy ... that's copyrighted by ... um ... ME ... so get yer dirty mitts off!

LOL...you know I was thinking about that...it has your color too! wanna trade?

Mine is too slow for me....:mischievous: ....or is it?:mischievous:
Time submitted after only 20 min. and usingthe wrong hp and weight....ARGH!!! LOL@ME EVERYONE!!!!...hehe Not the best of times but as goes life right?

Our team name as it stands (because my teammate never thought of another one, AND didn't submit a qualifying time; not to judge, sorry Adam....) is SKILLZ DAT KILLZ


EDIT: Apparently eatsviper forgot to tell me that Adam though of another name...sweet! TFB for "Two Fare Blokes" good one!
Results up, congrats to every single one of you. 👍 I have both my pre-season and round 1 qualif replays saved so as soon as I get my MaxDrive I will post them up. Now on with the real stuff, the actual race. I'm working on the Round 1 Race Thread right now, maybe it won't be posted until tomorrow morning.