Just Raced Under The New Algorithms and Rules

  • Thread starter GTFraker
As a high S/S driver (normally), I'm not enjoying the new system at all. In a lot of ways, it kills the art of racing.
Just raced at Blue Moon Infield B (Race C), SR rating went from about 92 S to 70 A.
In that race, a guy in front slammed on at the first corner, tapped him, 2 second penalty.
Exiting the same corner, he locks up, spins off, 5 second penalty for somehow ignoring yellow flag.
A few laps later, a guy infront hits inside barrier on 90 corner, hit him, 3 second penalty.

The race before at Brands, I went from 99 to 92, because I was cleanly defending a guy behind me, one of the fastest on the game. So you're telling me that I must let past a faster driver when we're fighting for position? No, that's not racing. It's like being a lap behind.

So in my opinion, the new system kills the fun and art of defending.
Therefore, the game will just lose a lot of regular drivers because they will get tired of innocent penalties.
All they need to do is change the algorithm for taps at A/S level and it's a big improvement over the previous lax penalty system. My last 2 FIA races have been great but only because I started top 3 and was racing against guys I know and trust (all fellow Brits as well). Start in the midfield with people you don't race often and it's Penalty Simulator 2018.

Agreed, and for that reason it will probably encourage me just to compete in FIA races and the Superstar races (if I achieve a slightly higher rating). It's a shame for us though as we would like to compete in daily races for the fun factor.
For people who are S/S A/S drivers this new system is complete trash. Getting penaltys for other people running into me is a joke. Also for the lightest touches. The system has ruined so many peoples races its disgusting. Can we start a petition? lol
Well you can search and find many people's, but some folks here don't use the same nick or haven't updated their PSN ID, or maybe you just get one with hardly any data so presumably they have other account(s). Still, funny how some claiming S/S status got there through the DR glitch when SR falls a long way :lol: :banghead:

Mine: http://www.kudosprime.com/gts/stats.php?profile=1373472 :D

You see, straight away, I'd value your input from your chart. I think some will have Christmas tree looking stats and if they are complaining, I would not value that input as much, because I feel they got those high stats through bad/overly aggressive driving.

Thanks for sharing bud.

So come on the rest of you DR:A/S and Sr:S drivers. Lets see those kudos stats to back up your claims :)
So come on the rest of you DR:A/S and Sr:S drivers. Lets see those kudos stats to back up your claims :)

There you go http://www.kudosprime.com/gts/stats.php?profile=1054337

The odd slight dip to low S but generally very consistent. The people this system frustrates most is high ranked players who do actually understand clean racing, but get penalised for contact which wouldn't even chip paint. And then when trying to slow down and get rid of the penalty, end up getting more penalties due to being involved with less safe racers.

I wouldn't mind getting just a SR down for the faintest of touches tbf (except for on ovals, bumpdrafting needs to be allowed). But an extra 2-5 second penalty, plus even more if the penalty (or penalties) accumulate and then increase...is ridiculous.
I was "faster" and i made a mistake, he saw an opportunity and took it. A bold but well executed action. It may shows a "clean" move but i see "smart enough" players not being morons to each other.

As many as already say sr alone in not a good indicator but i tend to believe dr is and before the update races were closer with "innocents contacts" than now.

In all actuality the DR ranking is a cumulative effect of finishing position with the amount of gain loss dependent on the strength of the race lobby.

DR does not always give an accurate indication of a persons maintainable controlled race pace nor has the past system taken overly aggressive bulldozing style of racing or making smart racing decisions rather than bonzai maneuvers in consideration concerning a DR assignment.

The new system seems to be changing that and the new system seems to be more demanding of its pinnacle level racers expecting better racecraft and decision making to remain in the utmost top levels.

Now it seems SR and DR do work more in unison with each other to assign the ultimate classification of S S as it should.

Again S S should be the best of the best alien drivers and a driver that does not meet that criteria should be in a lower level of say DR S, SR A or B depending on exactly how much they cannot depend on their driving skills and resort to taking risky moves to be competitive.

Just because you can turn a fast lap time does not make a person a fast racer.
My solution: Revert back to old system, or if they keep the new system, do not have daily races, just change the races every 2/3 days. Then, everyone has more time to avoid the unnecessary penalties

With as long as the game has been out now, the limited number of tracks and cars usually associated with the daily races I do not think that extending the amount of time a race is available will make much of a difference as most active sport racers have had months now to learn the circuits they race on in the dailies.

When the game was first released, yes you have a point but not now at this stage of the games release.

As a DR B, SR S level driver I have so far welcomed the changes of the new penalty system as the bulldozing driving style which had become so prevalent to gain positions pre- patch is now dispatched as the penalty can no longer be driven off with a normal type of race pace.

I can see where some new problems have surfaced and the new system could use some tweaks but it is a positive move towards promoting cleaner racing and better decisions regarding making risky moves. The penalty system now has much more influence than in the past and most drivers who try to drive clean seem to welcome the changes over what the sport races had become.
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Here's mine:

I didn't get much track time this week, so last races are from Thursday.
One thing, those stats are great but records are stored once a day. I didn't stay SR99 all the time for example, got SR- here and there so to take with a grain of salt...

You see, straight away, I'd value your input from your chart. I think some will have Christmas tree looking stats and if they are complaining, I would not value that input as much, because I feel they got those high stats through bad/overly aggressive driving.

Thanks for sharing bud.

So come on the rest of you DR:A/S and Sr:S drivers. Lets see those kudos stats to back up your claims :)
You see, straight away, I'd value your input from your chart. I think some will have Christmas tree looking stats and if they are complaining, I would not value that input as much, because I feel they got those high stats through bad/overly aggressive driving.

One thing, those stats are great but records are stored once a day. I didn't stay SR99 all the time for example, got SR- here and there so to take with a grain of salt...

The odd slight dip to low S but generally very consistent.

I don't think it was ever possible to maintain SR 99 all the time. I know the last couple of dips I had were down to starting in front of laggy drivers, for example. Not trying to excuse all of them that way, some dips were all my own doing :(

The records being stored once a day actually makes my chart look worse at the beginning, where I didn't do a lot of races per day so they are more spread out and visible. Then the rest is me either finding a race 'profitable' for DR and doing it a lot, or going back to quali before too much damage is done.

The people this system frustrates most is high ranked players who do actually understand clean racing, but get penalised for contact which wouldn't even chip paint. And then when trying to slow down and get rid of the penalty, end up getting more penalties due to being involved with less safe racers.

I wouldn't mind getting just a SR down for the faintest of touches tbf (except for on ovals, bumpdrafting needs to be allowed). But an extra 2-5 second penalty, plus even more if the penalty (or penalties) accumulate and then increase...is ridiculous.

Well indeed. If my SR hovered around 90 that would seem fair to me, but before that was pretty much as low as it ever got. I don't think the new system will do that to me though, because I manage totally clean races maybe half the time and that would still shoot SR back to the max. If everyone is being super cautious because of the stupid time penalties, then even more easy to stick at SR 99 - making it a pointless measure.
Having watched a tonne of videos, and reading a tonne of posts here...
Not excited to "race" post P1.13... It was bad enough getting -Sr for being rammed and dive bombed before, but, to now inure a time penalty which needs served by practically stopping... for "others" actions... ???
No thanks.
Until they sort out being rammed/run into/wrecked when in braking zones and at corner entry... I don't know...
Cannot get behind it.

I don't race much as is... (player history in sig.)... had a rough start and have since been clean as a whistle...
There's enough BS in life, much less be penalized for others mistakes/actions in a silly game.

On the fence... may see you online, may not, really struggling on whether I want to go through the frustration.
Having watched a tonne of videos, and reading a tonne of posts here...
Not excited to "race" post P1.13... It was bad enough getting -Sr for being rammed and dive bombed before, but, to now inure a time penalty which needs served by practically stopping... for "others" actions... ???
No thanks.
Until they sort out being rammed/run into/wrecked when in braking zones and at corner entry... I don't know...
Cannot get behind it.

I don't race much as is... (player history in sig.)... had a rough start and have since been clean as a whistle...
There's enough BS in life, much less be penalized for others mistakes/actions in a silly game.

On the fence... may see you online, may not, really struggling on whether I want to go through the frustration.
Like this sentence “On the fence... may see you online, may not, really struggling on whether I want to go through the frustration”
Perhaps the game needs to have an option to opt out of SR.S and stay in SR.A where rubbing is fine. Maybe give the categories different names so people don't feel they are in the lesser category. I have seen awesome clean battles with the new system, no need to wait for the other to make a mistake. You can pass cleanly. Yet if you want contact while racing, do it in SR.A.

The problem the game has now is the yoyo effect. I see people getting put in SR.A after the race and 2 races later they are back causing trouble again. It would be better if the game gives you the option to advance with a clear explanation of the stricter rules in SR.S. Decline and stay in SR.A. Make it so you can only advance up once a day, stop the back and forth.

Perhaps also add a warning / second chance system before leaving SR.S. No demotion right away, yet a warning you are below the threshold and if you get a red rating again you're out. (Except when you have a large amount of neg SR, then out right away)

This way the system can also treat all SR.S players the same, no more need for the difference in matchmaking at 99 SR and 80 SR.
But at A and S ranks, I think the system implemented is not balanced in terms of reward/punishment, and having a differential system that is applied regardless of the lobby composition is a recipe for disaster

I am wondering if in addition to making the penalty system have more bite and effect across the board if PD may also be using the new system to purge the highest ranks of drivers that may have gotten into those rankings although not actually having the skills to race at that pace without resorting to risky and questionable driving practices to race at that level.

The first official FIA season starts in a few weeks and perhaps PD is using this change to make sure the ranks of players qualifying for the finals will not be including racers that do not have true alien racing skills.

As far as the lower ranks DR B and below I think most racers that are trying to be clean racers are welcoming the changes as the penalty system was a joke until this latest change.

Also DR B and below constitute 97-98% of the Sport racer base within the game so other than the official FIA season which actually needs very few racers of only the absolute highest abilities then basing the penalty parameters to actually benefit the largest percentage of sport mode players would make the best business sense overall.

As a company do you try to make 2% of your customer base or 98% of your customer base happy?
I am wondering if in addition to making the penalty system have more bite and effect across the board if PD may also be using the new system to purge the highest ranks of drivers that may have gotten into those rankings although not actually having the skills to race at that pace without resorting to risky and questionable driving practices to race at that level.

The first official FIA season starts in a few weeks and perhaps PD is using this change to make sure the ranks of players qualifying for the finals will not be including racers that do not have true alien racing skills.

As far as the lower ranks DR B and below I think most racers that are trying to be clean racers are welcoming the changes as the penalty system was a joke until this latest change.

Also DR B and below constitute 97-98% of the Sport racer base within the game so other than the official FIA season which actually needs very few racers of only the absolute highest abilities then basing the penalty parameters to actually benefit the largest percentage of sport mode players would make the best business sense overall.

As a company do you try to make 2% of your customer base or 98% of your customer base happy?

I agree but it's the 2% who will almost be 'showcasing' the game as an esport and get all the attention. Annoy them too much and they'll go somewhere else leaving a smaller talent pool. This is hopefully just a 2-3 week purge before a more 'normal' penalty system found at lower DR levels returns
Yeh that was brilliant, shame the subtitles disappear too fast, they need to scroll down or something, maybe I read too slow?

I probably should have avoided nurburg 24hr today, especially after spending the morning playing project cars 1 to remind myself what it was like, I didn't realise I never even played the career mode lol.

So back to GTS, I spun about four times on my first race, drove through a ghosted car as it became unghosted yet didn't have a crash with it?

2nd race there was some english idiot who kept deliberately smashing into me and pushing me off the track, I don't know how he managed to not get disqualified yet he must have managed to burn his penalties in a trick manner, I was carrying a 5 second penalty from the first corner so every time he crashed into me my penalties just kept growing. I must have had 30 seconds of penalties, it was a complete nightmare.
It made it better that he had dropped to SR:A and somehow I was still SR:S.

I had seen him in my first race so I watched the replay of that and he did the same deliberate smashing on some other guy and yet didn't seem to slow enough to have burnt all the penalties he must have been getting. I'll have a closer look at some point, but it seems there is a way to burn the penalties quicker? maybe pumping the throttle or something.

Here is his Kudos graphs
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Why - you are not going to get anything from that. Those stats lack any granularity - as they are summaries of each 'day' of playing, using proxies that are part of the issue! Any particular account you want to make, you can make.

For example, here are the most recent stats from my EU smurf account. The one I've been using, and basing my complaints/moans on.

20 35511 A 66 A
19 35088 A 66 A
18 36001 A 73 A
17 35782 A 44 B
16 39029 A 72 A
15 38712 A 66 A
14 36902 A 80 S
13 37236 A 98 S
12 35251 A 98 S
11 33784 A 99 S
10 32599 A 99 S
09 32166 A 99 S
08 31923 A 99 S
07 32179 A 99 S

What does that tell you about anything? F All basically. Does not look as bad as my tales of woe and sorry make out, right?

As an example of the lack of granularity, what you don't see is Day 19 was at one point around DR 30K SR 43. Actually, I think it was lower than that. Or Day 20 (today for me) was SR 50ish a couple of hours ago, until I did two Daily C's and it is now 66. What about Day 16 to 17? What's that all about? Is that when the new system was live? Oh, you can read my moaning post. See if the 'stats' line up with the account given. But now that I've told you, what does that enable you to really infer? What does that tell you? Nothing.

So please, either accept/don't accept accounts that 'the system sucks here is my experience'. You are not going to empirically prove/disprove anything demanding stats or GTFO. For me, I think the new system is rubbish - FOR ME - given that I seem to play in mixed DR & SR lobbies, and seem to wind up DR A and DR S regardless. Getting absurdly, IMHO, harsh time, DR and SR penalties because I have been allocated a particular rank is not-at-all-fun. Perhaps if I was given those penalties for initiating racing violations I would have a different opinion. Or if I was always matched with other similarly ranked players. But that is not happening, and I'm sick of getting penalized for the same rookie, noob, release day things as the result of playing in mixed lobbies with other players who are not given the harsh penalties - but I am - for their transgressions (my claim).

Having said that, let me be clear - I have no doubt about the positive experiences people are reporting in this massive thread - and have experienced them myself. But at A and S ranks, I think the system implemented is not balanced in terms of reward/punishment, and having a differential system that is applied regardless of the lobby composition is a recipe for disaster.

No need to be so defensive... or is there? K'prime stats give us something to see, at least. Which is better than nothing.

Which day number of your stats did the update drop on? Looks to me like your SR was falling before it. That's not an accusation - we simply need to know some basic stats to find out how the system is treating people at different levels :)

I am wondering if in addition to making the penalty system have more bite and effect across the board if PD may also be using the new system to purge the highest ranks of drivers that may have gotten into those rankings although not actually having the skills to race at that pace without resorting to risky and questionable driving practices to race at that level.

I'm trying to recall the last time PD made a change that had people in uproar to begin with, but later on it became clear that PD were right and had a smart plan all along.................................................... nope, I got nothing.
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I think the matchmaking is the biggest problem. The DR spread in each lobby is too much. There will always be problems when there are S/S and A/S drivers in lobbies with B/S - D/S drivers especially when the penalties work differently for the higher classes. It’s a recipe for disaster.

Haven’t really been racing with people near my ranks lately so the DR points sway massively now if you lose to a lower driver in addition to an unnecessary penalty or two. Seems easy enough to maintain SR, almost seems irrelevant at this level. I can lose 15 SR points in a race and make it to 99 with one clean C Race. And since the patch I’ve done roughly 20 races???
I'm trying to recall the last time PD made a change that had people in uproar to being with, but later on it became clear that PD were right and had a smart plan all along.................................................... nope, I got nothing

Anything that has anything to do with a move PD makes is usually speculation regardless of the issue currently at hand as they are not well known for broadcasting their intentions on much of anything.

But considering that PD has invested months and months if not years of work and preparation into this upcoming first OFFICIAL FIA e-sport season then I feel pretty certain they would do what they could to try to ensure some cowboy with a bulldozing style of racing did not somehow accidentally make it into the finals and make the whole project appear to be out of a mad max movie.

One bad racer in the finals could ruin everything they have been trying to promote and the e-sport image they are trying to procure with this first official season.
But that is the problem - how many S/S are there in each region? 1k or something worldwide at the moment? I've got 2. And I suck. And apparently, folks think that is going to drop substantially. I wonder how many other people like me have a few accounts. How about A/S? Couple of thousand there? Has anyone here actually had a matched lobby in a daily at S/S? I sure have not. I'm leaving FIA events to one side, as many of us simply cannot participate due to work/time/life outside of game commitments

I would quit being concerned about what ranking the game gave me and just go race how I like to race and have fun. If you end up at a lower ranking what difference does it make in all actuality and even more so if you do not participate in the FIA championships.

I think for many that having an upper DR ranking is more of an ego thing as I have good races in mixed lobbies and when the car I am racing for position on the track I have no idea what the drivers DR rating is during the race and really do not care if they are racing me clean.
Defensive? Not sure I follow - what I am arguing is those stats are not helpful as supporting 'evidence' of an account claim. Not intended to be read as defensive. As I indicated in another post, one should be wary of making such stats attributes of persons. You could make any number of inferences, or support/dispute any number of accounts about my game experience, based on those stats. But that misses the point: I'm not making an empirical claim that concerns my dislike of the new system, nor seeking to dispute other peoples experiences on the basis of mine. I'm just moaning and complaining that I don't like it, here are some of my accounts, hope you can get a laugh at my expense :)

(Consider Hitler as my avatar in the video - I experienced catharsis making it)

Well that's fine then. Don't understand why the long post to say stats aren't helpful was made. I'm saying they can be helpful, at least in cases where a clear pattern is obvious and there are plenty of days data. The only pattern visible in yours is a long stretch at 99 SR, so I didn't get why you made that post. My stats are clearly different to this one, for example: http://www.kudosprime.com/gts/stats.php?profile=2200739 :lol:
Wow after 2 clean races I had a 1 sec penalty for an inconsequential tap and served it immediately, started 11/12 finished 2 or 3 and got zero manner points. Seems like it will take more work to rise up in ranks. Also not sure why they reset me to noob after the update.
Anything that has anything to do with a move PD makes is usually speculation regardless of the issue currently at hand as they are not well known for broadcasting their intentions on much of anything.

But considering that PD has invested months and months if not years of work and preparation into this upcoming first OFFICIAL FIA e-sport season then I feel pretty certain they would do what they could to try to ensure some cowboy with a bulldozing style of racing did not somehow accidentally make it into the finals and make the whole project appear to be out of a mad max movie.

One bad racer in the finals could ruin everything they have been trying to promote and the e-sport image they are trying to procure with this first official season.

That really doesn't address my point. Your 'appeal to authority' is not refuting it at all; saying you have faith in them doesn't convince. All you need to do is name ONE time where PD have proven they know what they are doing, and actually made a right choice, after that choice caused widespread upset.
So let me just get my head around this.

What some of you are saying is that PD's servers are running the races, the servers group drivers into rooms, and then during the race there are at least 2 different penalty systems running simultaneously where some cars are penalised differently to others depending on the DR rating of the driver?

If that's the case then I actually find that quite impressive. :)
Easiest way to race clean is to just not touch anyone elses car. I know sometimes it's not your fault but with these super harsh pens now I imagine you'll get less dive bombing, and thus less random smashes that weren't you're fault. This then leaves you to work and setup clean moves without contact.

One can dream.

It's pretty much like Iracing now, which works pretty good and once people realize they can't go around driving like Smokey and the Bandit, we might actually get some very clean races the majority of the time in Sport mode.
It's pretty much like Iracing now, which works pretty good and once people realize they can't go around driving like Smokey and the Bandit, we might actually get some very clean races the majority of the time in Sport mode.

The difference being that iRacing gives a 0x for slight inconsequential brushes.

GT Sport drops your SR by some points plus gives a time penalty, for, as I say again, inconsequential brushes that wouldn't even scratch paint. (for high ratings)
I have made these two points in different threads as well:

1. SR S mode should be changed from 80-99 to 90-99. Or maybe even 95-99. That would filter it better.
2. PD should comment more on these things. Nice that they are working months or years on a system but some explanation would be more than welcome and will surely not cause players to leave the game.

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