But I haven't had any of that behaviour happen to me since the penalties were introduced, and the racing has still been close but much cleaner and has all but abolished the love tap BS contact. This type of contact still should not be acceptable. I've raced people with zero contact for many laps and many races, yet some people seem to have contact in nearly every race that is "accidental". I don't buy that for the majority and I don't think PD do either which is why we have been hit with a sledge hammer.
Well voices like yours are loud, and tales of being a victim are clearly persuasive to PD

Not that you don't have a valid point, just that it shouldn't outweigh other considerations, IMO. And one of those is that a good amount of the time, such contact IS accidental, which is certainly my experience in DR A.
Basically what you're saying is that higher DR should mean there is less contact, which we agree on. However, I say that means that the SR system needs tuning so that lower DR racers will tend to have lower SR rating, with higher SR rating being much harder to obtain, and that would improve races in a better way.
The closer qually times get on the grid, the less overtaking will happen in a race. One of my races had first to 14th covered by about 7tenths. That kind of race will NOT be an overtaking fest, and may look processional to some, but that is close competitive racing.
I feel some people want to over take like others are AI, and I've been described as not pushing or being scared to overtake on the first 2laps of a 17lap race, in a close grid. I'm sorry, should I be divebombing 2 or 3 places right from the start? No. I will bide my time, conserve fuel and tyres and not blow my long race on lap 2.
Peoples mentality needs changing for what is expected in a race. Although not perfect, this system is teaching people the hard way.
I'm sort of similar - at the start of a race all I want to do is build a gap to whoever is behind me. Obviously I'll take a place if it's handed me on a plate, but fighting for one is only likely to slow me down, and is only worth it if the any behind are likely to get a chance of passing me.
I now know that matchmaking and very mixed DR grids can turn this into choas, and the serving of penalties needs addressing (as well as the contact threshold), but a time penalty on track is a better deterrent than a SR drop. Contact that results in no DR SR earning for that race is also a better deterrent.
The actual driving standards have improved imo.
I think even very minor taps should still be an SR drop. But if you're allowing that the contact threshold needs adressing, what are you thinking of?
I have said from the beginning that your DR should not fluctuate with such frequency. There should be a probationary system. Realistically, a player isn't an S driver one minute, then a D driver the next. He is simply skilled to a given degree.
That was my text, and I was talking about SR not DR. But sure, it goes for DR points as well, which is why I'm opposed to artificial changes in DR, like when SR drops a lot. Without those, DR would be relatively stable for most people (or gradually rising 'til they find their level).
That isn't true for DR letter though, since that is more cosmetic and being used as a slightly different thing - so limiting DR letter to SR letter is fine and doesn't break anything.