Just Raced Under The New Algorithms and Rules

  • Thread starter GTFraker
I think there's a lot of knee jerk reactions to the new penalties in this thread. Yes, they're harsh but they're also educational. It's supposed to be a non contact game and the new rules are using a sledgehammer to get that point across.

It's also only the first day of them but if you're as innocent as you say you are, you're probably going to level back up quicker than the people who gave you the penalty. If you don't, perhaps you're not as clean as you say you are or you're not looking hard enough for a developing incident. Again, educational, as you have to drive with even more care.

Why not give it a chance and see if it balances itself out?

Most of the moaning I see is about stuff like this video, as posted a few times. The people complaining the most are not the people who are driving poorly and are lying. They are the people who race completely fairly and get 2 seconds penalties for absolutely nothing.
I think there's a lot of knee jerk reactions to the new penalties in this thread. Yes, they're harsh but they're also educational. It's supposed to be a non contact game and the new rules are using a sledgehammer to get that point across.

It's also only the first day of them but if you're as innocent as you say you are, you're probably going to level back up quicker than the people who gave you the penalty. If you don't, perhaps you're not as clean as you say you are or you're not looking hard enough for a developing incident. Again, educational, as you have to drive with even more care.

Why not give it a chance and see if it balances itself out?

I think it's heart pounding now racing amongst 3 or 4 cars trying to hold pace while not making any mistakes. I've just made a podium in a DRS-DRA lobby. Clean as a whistle and I've not seen 1 divebomb tonight at Bluemoon.
Just done Big Willow daily, got a sub 1 second penalty that wouldn’t go as used to. I let it run to see if it would naturally wear down as it used to and when I looked at it on the last lap 2 seconds had been added on!
I saw a couple of people mid race cruising on the straight no doubt serving penalties

My guess is that you have to clear it within the lap.
Most of the moaning I see is about stuff like this video, as posted a few times. The people complaining the most are not the people who are driving poorly and are lying. They are the people who race completely fairly and get 2 seconds penalties for absolutely nothing.

I agree with you about how harsh they are, especially your example, but at the same time, the people this new system's aimed at (the vast majority) need to learn it more than the people who already race fair.

I can imagine how annoying it is for the highest ranked drivers but you can't have one rule for them and one for everyone else. It has to be a blanket system for consistency.
I do not see why PD find this sooooo hard. The game already knows where the recomended braking markers are (just turn the cones on) so *IF* you are the front car, *IF* you are on the brakes inside that braking zone and *IF* you are then hit from behind you should *NOT* get a penalty. Also *IF* you have had prior rear end contact (<1sec) and you hit the car in front you also should not get a penalty.

The game is smart enough to work this out so why wont PD implement it?

Next, where two cars rub doors around a corner and the speed difference is less than 5kph (3mph) and the outside car stays on the track then it is "a racing incident" and neither car should be penalised (harder to impliment but not imposible). Remember, rubbing is racing, ramming is not or leaning on a car to run them off the track.

Also why have these ridiculous track limits and allow people to abuse them? FFS the game knows where the track limits are, PD even drew a white line to show everyone!!!!! Easy, more than two wheels over the white line (denoted by the inside edge of the line, just like tennis and cricket and any part of the other two wheels) you cop a penalty. Again, I would like to see it more like real life, get three or more during a race and you get a pit drive through. This would also help in those situations where mid corner you have had to take evasive action to avoid contact, being forced wide and stop people clogging the track slowing down.

There are a lot more but these are the main ones I have.
I think it's heart pounding now racing amongst 3 or 4 cars trying to hold pace while not making any mistakes. I've just made a podium in a DRS-DRA lobby. Clean as a whistle and I've not seen 1 divebomb tonight at Bluemoon.

Well, I quit my FIA race. I thought maybe, just maybe, they had a different approach for the FIA races. but nope.

Driving straight down the main straight, the driver beside me turns into me twice. I got 2 seconds penalty both times. So the game gave me 4 seconds of penalty for driving straight in the straight and can't sort out blame?

4 races today, 4 races filled with penalties that I could only avoid through clairvoyance.

Lucky you for not getting dinged, but it will happen.
Now I read the majority of the comments in this thread. Unfotunately I cant try out the sport mode in these days. But from what I read, my feeling is, it goes to the right direction.

The biggest problem seems to be, that you are punished everytime you get hit from behind- so lets say when you are the victim. But my thinking is, when after some time most of the people are scared enough to ram others, these situations will not be so often after all. And besides, are you sure that you maybe did not brake too early, or closed the door on his line?

The other point is, "rubbing is part of the sport", no, sir, it isn't.

If you think or you are the faster driver and need to overtake the guy in front of you at all costs, or you think a good race is when you "fight" yor way through the people to the the front, again: no

If you think you are fast, then please give enough effort into the qualy and not just 10 min
Uhm? Could you tell me please where in that video do you see any contact? Because i don't... i think you've read my post wrong or something?
as i read "slight tap" on the text of the thread, that's contact. Likely a delay in penalty judgement. Ive gotten 5 seconds and a negative SR because of slight taps before. that actually seems quite less punishment
Uhm? Could you tell me please where in that video do you see any contact? Because i don't... i think you've read my post wrong or something?

If the other guy had bumper cam on, they may have misjudged the distance? He was certainly close enough as you see the proximity indicator for the guy in front go dark.

It is too sensitive and needs tweaking but it's a step in the right direction overall.
Man o’ man...with all these “racers” walking away from the game, I might actually get to win some races now because I stink!
I have yet to play with the new update, but I am looking forward to later tonight when I log in and start winning!
I think there's a lot of knee jerk reactions to the new penalties in this thread. Yes, they're harsh but they're also educational. It's supposed to be a non contact game and the new rules are using a sledgehammer to get that point across.

It's also only the first day of them but if you're as innocent as you say you are, you're probably going to level back up quicker than the people who gave you the penalty. If you don't, perhaps you're not as clean as you say you are or you're not looking hard enough for a developing incident. Again, educational, as you have to drive with even more care.

Why not give it a chance and see if it balances itself out?
This is all well and good until you have a numbnut behind you. I pride myself on being fair and if I make contact I apologise, if it results in a gained place then I give it back. Incidents rarely happen and most of my races are clean across most of the grid.

However, all it takes is a couple of bumps from behind and the new system drags you down. In one race I went from 99 SR to barely scraping an A in what was a reasonably clean show. Next race I was matched with an absolute plank of a Spaniard who rammed me from behind in lap 1 T1 giving me a 4 second penalty. By the grace of God and via late braking to avoid further ramming (he tried) I made it through the carnage he caused and finished 2nd, but it was pure luck that I escaped the furball. Had I found myself involved any further I'd have dropped to a B and taken another massive tank in DR. I'm at a mid S DR and haven't been SR B since the first week - I know how to race cleanly, surely this highlights the issue with the new system?
At first, I was pretty happy with the patch note, but it turns out they decently won't be able to keep things like they are now, penalties are waaaaaay to sensitive. Did a few races on the new Blue Moon tyrack (Race B), first on I completely mess up my braking point before the hairpin and just dive bomb someone trying not to hit people, and the guy took the exact same penalty as me (I think it was @IAMDOODLEBUG - again, sorry about that). Later in the same race, two cars ahead of me understeer in turn 2, so keep it well on the inside, but the outer car must have hit the wall and send back the other car towards me. I had a very light contact, but got 3 seconds penalty and the other guy got 4.

Also, people are now way to afraid about that increasing penalty stuff and they basically slow down suddenly in the worst places. There's a guy who just hit the brakes after a corner exit on the racing line, and I was coming towards him full speed. Basically we changed lane at the same moment, so I hit him hard. Again, 4 seconds penalty for both.

Did a few races more after that, there was not one in which less than half the lobby had penalties at the end of the race, and the lobbies honestly didn't felt bad, fairplay wise.
This is all well and good until you have a numbnut behind you. I pride myself on being fair and if I make contact I apologise, if it results in a gained place then I give it back. Incidents rarely happen and most of my races are clean across most of the grid.

However, all it takes is a couple of bumps from behind and the new system drags you down. In one race I went from 99 SR to barely scraping an A in what was a reasonably clean show. Next race I was matched with an absolute plank of a Spaniard who rammed me from behind in lap 1 T1 giving me a 4 second penalty. By the grace of God and via late braking to avoid further ramming (he tried) I made it through the carnage he caused and finished 2nd, but it was pure luck that I escaped the furball. Had I found myself involved any further I'd have dropped to a B and taken another massive tank in DR. I'm at a mid S DR and haven't been SR B since the first week - I know how to race cleanly, surely this highlights the issue with the new system?

I agree with you about how harsh they are, especially your example, but at the same time, the people this new system's aimed at (the vast majority) need to learn it more than the people who already race fair.

That's why I wrote that.

The less fair drivers should drop out of your group if they drive like that habitually and will likely be better suited to where they end up, until they start to learn the new system anyway.

I honestly feel for your rank of drivers as you lot seem to be the most punished for this but you're also in a seriously tiny minority compared to everyone else. How can they tweak the penalties for you without making it possible for some people to use contact at your level as well though? I can't see a way without it losing the consistency for everyone but the video of the harsh penalty above could be solved with some sort of G meter. Anything above X gets a penalty and anything less doesn't as it shouldn't impact (no pun intended) the other driver.
Getting penalized for this still doesn't make sense to me

Shoved into the wall, 5 sec penalty a few seconds later.

And again, plus a little experiment to see if I can still take the penalty to the finish, nope.

It doesn't take long for the penalty to increase, basically you have 15 seconds to slow down. First it wants to disqualify me for racing on, then wants to disqualify me for serving the penalty :)

Great work PD!
Here's what I've learned: if you have a time penalty under 5 seconds, it will not add on time, but you really do have to slow down a LOT to get rid of the time penalty.
My last few attempts at this “game” have been super frustrating. Banged back from 6th to 16th, given penalties for being rear ended and shoved off the track. Dropped my rating from A/S to B/S, then I got booted off right before a race started.

About to try it again. If tonight is as rough i’ll give it a couple weeks off and see if PD might attempt a patch. Suppsed to be fun and exciting and not suck so bad.
From the patch notes:

 - If a driver continues to drive without complying with a certain amount of Time Penalty, additional time penalties will be added. (The additional penalty depends on the DR)

Never noticed that bit. It's not a blanket system then.:boggled:

Perhaps it's lenient in the lower ranks and more punishing the higher you get? Interesting...

@wedjim Long time no see, mate.:cheers:
Lol, guy clips me not paying attention to his radar +3 sec. Then right after at the U-Turn I get punted from behind. It looked like it was the car behind him that punted him into me. I get another SR Down and +3 sec again. Penalty starts going up, I check if I can serve it in the pit. Nope! You just drive slow, penalty stays the same, goes up by one at the other end of the pit and then drive slowly in last place. Fun fun.

Edit, oh crap, suspending GT Sport while trimming a video clip while the result animation plays, still counts as a disconnect, went from 99 to 88 SR and 1000 DR loss. Thou shalt watch the congratulation ceremony!
Haven't tried it yet but PD should undo the changes with exception of reporting griefers or obvious trolls. This game is played by the masses and is not too hardcore like Iracing and many mistakes will occur. It will push average drivers away from Sport Mode.
Down to SR.A now after getting hit 2 races in a row. Obvious punts from behind yet you get a penalty anyway. You can keep racing with a sub 5 sec penalty yet maybe it makes the SR hit worse? Just had -13 SR from 2 hits and driving on with the second penalty.

What are you supposed to do? Stare at the mirror and dive out of the way as soon as you suspect the car behind you isn't going to brake? Almost back to DR.B now. I wonder if it goes back up as fast when I don't get hit for a race.

Edit: Huge difference in SR.A. No penalties at all? Back to SR.S even though the same crap was happening...
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Here is a race I had the other night before the patch, admittedly in a lobby. But if you watch from 2 minutes in, on the 2nd lap, there are two overtakes, and both had very minor contact in them. This is what I call close and exciting racing, and also clean. Under the new system, we would have both received 2 second penalties for each of these contacts. Is this the type of racing they want stifled?

I will be doing more sport racing tonight to give the system a fair go and see what boundaries can be pushed, but first impressions aren't great for close racing. It's ok for clean racing, and maybe lower DR/SR Drivers need the harsher penalties to hammer home what clean driving is, but A and S rank drivers don't need to be slapped over every minor event during a race.
I think there's a lot of knee jerk reactions to the new penalties in this thread. Yes, they're harsh but they're also educational. It's supposed to be a non contact game and the new rules are using a sledgehammer to get that point across.

It's also only the first day of them but if you're as innocent as you say you are, you're probably going to level back up quicker than the people who gave you the penalty. If you don't, perhaps you're not as clean as you say you are or you're not looking hard enough for a developing incident. Again, educational, as you have to drive with even more care.

Why not give it a chance and see if it balances itself out?
I was thinking the same thing....If you don't want the penalties then do everything within your control to avoid them. If it was out of your control (someone hits you) brush it off and get back to grinding to salvage however much race you have left.

Most of the moaning I see is about stuff like this video, as posted a few times. The people complaining the most are not the people who are driving poorly and are lying. They are the people who race completely fairly and get 2 seconds penalties for absolutely nothing.

I'm still baffled by this video :boggled:. Did I miss something? Was there any contact in either of those instances? I really couldn't find anything wrong just looking at the video. Can someone please help me understand so I know what NOT to do? Thanks.
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Posted this in the Daily Race thread:

Only had time to get in one race today (Race A) with the MR-2 and the new penalty system seems to be working pretty well. I started in 10th place, 4 players either rage quit or got DQ’d due to unobserved penalties, which put me at 6th and I got bumped up to 4th at the end of the race due to more unobserved penalties.

I’m actually okay with this. It’s really going to level the playing field. Also, I don’t recall getting a single orange down arrow despite being bumped a few times by overzealous drivers. So it seems to be putting the blame more on the instigators.

That’s just my observation on one race. Maybe I got lucky, but I hope it stays this way.
I just had 2 clean races in a row on Bluemoon, back to SR 99 (from 75 in 3 races). Last race was a pretty close yet clean battle swapping positions and going side by side in corners. It is still possible to race, it's the bumpers that are overly sensitive.

It's a bit of a yoyo game now. Get hit a few times, rack up penalties, down to SR.A. There the penalties are very lenient so automatically back to SR.S. Which also means that if you drive the way it is allowed in SR.A, you'll be giving out plenty of penalties in SR.S
I do not see why PD find this sooooo hard. The game already knows where the recomended braking markers are (just turn the cones on) so *IF* you are the front car, *IF* you are on the brakes inside that braking zone and *IF* you are then hit from behind you should *NOT* get a penalty.
With this exact logic programmed into the penalty system, I can easily brake check you a few times in a few braking zones and get you, the clean racer following me, black flagged.

It’s not as easy to find combinations of variables as you guys make it out to be. Hence why iRacing doesn’t do that at all and is a true no fault system for assigning penalties.
Also, people are now way to afraid about that increasing penalty stuff and they basically slow down suddenly in the worst places. There's a guy who just hit the brakes after a corner exit on the racing line, and I was coming towards him full speed. Basically we changed lane at the same moment, so I hit him hard. Again, 4 seconds penalty for both.

How in the world does it makes sense to give both drivers in a collision time penalties?! :banghead:

I was thinking the same thing....If you don't want the penalties then do everything within your control to avoid them. If it was out of your control (someone hits you) brush it off and get back to grinding to salvage however much race you have left.

I'm still baffled by this video :boggled:. Did I miss something? Was there any contact in either of those instances? I really couldn't find anything wrong just looking at the video. Can someone please help me understand so I know what NOT to do? Thanks.

It took you a few minutes, but I think you understand the moaning now!