Just Raced Under The New Algorithms and Rules

  • Thread starter GTFraker
hi .. s/s driver also here. i would give it a few days for everyone to adjust, if you are getting penalties for being hit then no doubt the people hitting you are getting them too. its not a situation anyone will want to keep putting themselves in so i reckon people will try to become more careful over the next few days
How in the world does it makes sense to give both drivers in a collision time penalties?! :banghead:

It took you a few minutes, but I think you understand the moaning now!
Yeah took me a few minutes :P. I haven't had a chance to play yet due to other obligations, but I'm about to right now. I see where the frustration comes from. Gonna get on and try to tighten my game up :D Thanks for the clarity :eek:
So i've been doing a couple of races this past hour to see how bad it was and it's not too bad. I've only had 3 races where I got a penalty from contact. with that being said, I feel as if PD did this to purge all the dirty drivers from the high ranks.

also another note...dont be dumb and try to pass on tuns that clearly cant be passed on
Knock on wood, it seems people are getting used to the new rules. Another clean race in the bag. However I'm still weaving in between slow driving cars serving penalties. I do notice people keeping their distance more already, less hugging the rear bumper and braking more on time.
I do have the luxury of starting all the way in the back and not only pass wrecks now, also cars looking for a parking spot :)14th to 5th is very easy now lol.

Forgot to actually knock on wood, got hit, was only 2 sec so I carried it to the finish, safer.
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I had a couple of incidents on this race, on the first 2 laps. Minimal contacts getting hard penalties.

Again, i like the direction they are taking with this, but it's too harsh to punish every single contact.

That's just insane. At least it looks like it didn't hurt anyone's SR rating.

Great drivers getting penalties for basically nothing. Is the penalty system more sensitive for higher rated drivers?
That's just insane. At least it looks like it didn't hurt anyone's SR rating.

Great drivers getting penalties for basically nothing. Is the penalty system more sensitive for higher rated drivers?

seems so. I got demoted to A rank SR for one race. that race I got rear-ended pretty hard and no one got a penalty. so yeah my assumption stands that it's this strict to purge Sr S
seems so. I got demoted to A rank SR for one race. that race I got rear-ended pretty hard and no one got a penalty. so yeah my assumption stands that it's this strict to purge Sr S

It doesn't purge anything though, as soon as you hit SR.A the rules change and all the rubbing and bumping is fine again. You'll be back in SR.S after a single race.
I only did one race B. Is this the race most are complaining about? I think it is obvious that PD needs more data points on this track, i am pretty certain that they analyze the tracks on a ongoing basis and dial in the penalty system based on that data.

My race C had zero of the mentioned penalties for going of track etc..

Imho this update is just what this game needed, way to many was playing the old system, i would rather lose those that find these penalties to harsh, than going back to the old useless system.
Notwithstanding my criticism (I dislike the new implementation immensely), I do think the combination of new system X new track might be why some people have had a horror introduction. Maybe I (and others) might change assessments after some racing on established tracks that most people are familiar with. What do you think?

Or, y'know, I'm one of these higher ranked 'dirty' racers that the system is apparently designed to punish. Just like you other moaners.
Yep was thinking this after I shut down - braking points and lines were differing a little which wouldn't have helped. I will take a gamble today and if the same craziness ensues I will be using my other account instead!
It doesn't purge anything though, as soon as you hit SR.A the rules change and all the rubbing and bumping is fine again. You'll be back in SR.S after a single race.

so far the only down fall of the new system. an idea to counter this would be to put a"limiter" in place so you're unable to gain SR for X number of races after getting demoted.
I guess there are no short cut penalties or wall bounce penalties at all for the new track? I've been racing there all evening and not managed to trigger a single one. There is not much room to cut yet all wheels beyond the white line is still possible.

I'm hoping for Monza for the next daily, it's going to be fun watching people serve penalties there after every corner :)
With this exact logic programmed into the penalty system, I can easily brake check you a few times in a few braking zones and get you, the clean racer following me, black flagged.

You may catch the odd novice out but a seasoned racer already on the brakes looking for an opening, I very much doubt it. Also if you had already started to turn in you would get spun off the track, so a pointless excercise IMHO.

Then I have the oppotunity to report you for bad sportmanship and hopefully your account is banned as well.

Still want to try your theory? ;-)
Has anyone got any information on how the report system actually works? I reported a guy who divebombed into me without even touching the brake, it was in the 1st lap of 9... But I could not enter any information on when and what happened. I suppose it's just a matter of how many times he gets reported until he starts to lose the rank?
I just finished the Yamagiwa race. It seems the sensitive penalties were restricted to the new track?

On Bluemoon hard bump was +10 sec.
Yamagiwa got hit harder, +2 sec.

On Bluemoon used as a guard rail, +2 to +4 sec
Yamagiwa pushed off the road, and used as a guard rail, nothing.

However the 2 sec penalty I got for getting rear ended in lap 2 stood for the entire rest of the race, not a millisecond came off.
Has anyone got any information on how the report system actually works? I reported a guy who divebombed into me without even touching the brake, it was in the 1st lap of 9... But I could not enter any information on when and what happened. I suppose it's just a matter of how many times he gets reported until he starts to lose the rank?

And how many that reports for dive bombing, unless i was very certain he did that with an evil intent i would never risk reporting anyone.
And how many that reports for dive bombing, unless i was very certain he did that with an evil intent i would never risk reporting anyone.

I watched the saved video before I reported him. I was going around 80 kph and the guy rammed me in ~180kph. There was no other car between us and he aimed right into me. I did not make any contact with him before.
Can’t wait to try today’s dailies later today to see if the harshness really was just for the new track. I spammed Race B at Blue Moon several times last night, a few hours after my original posts. My assessment remains the same: penalties were ridiculously harsh, punishing both drivers equally makes no sense, and I don’t believe that PD cannot introduce some better fault detection logic. In at least two hits from behind, I saw the driver behind get one second more penalty than I. That needs to be tested more, but it leads me to believe that this “punish everyone” approach is laziness.

I managed to keep my SR intact, and even got DR up to 40k from 36k, but much of it was pure luck and reflexes. In one race, I went from 4th to last (by several seconds) to 7th. Last because I had to serve two 10-second penalties. Back up to 7th, not because I’m fast, but because the overwhelming majority of the field had to serve long penalties. Not one car that I passed from 15th up to 7th was due to skill. They were just beached on the side of the track. Come on...
I watched the saved video before I reported him. I was going around 80 kph and the guy rammed me in ~180kph. There was no other car between us and he aimed right into me. I did not make any contact with him before.
How do you report someone after leaving the race to review replay? I had someone ram me on purpose and couldn’t figure out how to do that once I watched my saved replay.
Sport mode is close to unplayable and the penatly system is a complete joke.

Did two race today and got a drop of DR and SR not by my fault whatsoever. In first race I got just a gentle tap from behind on the oval and I got a 3 sec penatly. After I served my penatly a car infront of me suddenly stops on the racing line and starts serving his penatly, obviously I run into him from behind as I had nowhere to go basicly and get a 10 sec penatly! Started race in 4th and am now in 14th completly not by my fault but because the penatly system is complete nonsense.

At this point I am not doing anymore sport races untill they adjust the penalties so you can atleats race in same zip code as your opponent.
true, true, true Nissman....penalties are joke

I drop from S/S to S/A during one race......Derek too stoping racing SPORT mode
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The new system seems to be the worst we had, EVER!
I first didn't want to believe what I read in here, but oh god, it is awful! :grumpy:

I get penalties for missing the turn and go wide, for getting dive-bombed and any other scenario you could think of. Its like Oprah stands next to the track and throws penalties to all of us. Or is Oprah the new marshal? You get a penalty, and you get one, everyone gets one :scared::lol:

In the last race, there were 7 S/S drivers and the rest were A/S. EVERY SINGLE ONE got a red dot for some penalty, even though the race was as fair as it can get.
Great job PD! Great job :rolleyes:

Guess from the 6% who play online, 3% will leave the sport mode soon and only do Lobby racing. IF the system won't get a quick rework...
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I watched the saved video before I reported him. I was going around 80 kph and the guy rammed me in ~180kph. There was no other car between us and he aimed right into me. I did not make any contact with him before.

Like those... I get them .. at least twice per week... :(

Yesterday night I did only 3 races with the MR2. on Tokio Expressway.. and... Total carnage!!!! 1st race and 3rd I started as 2nd and on 2nd I started as 3rd.. On the 1st Curve after the starting real big straight,where you arrive at the breaking point with a speed above 240km/h ... I was hit in the back on 1st and on 2nd time.. and on the 3rd... it´s like that all the racers of the pack used my car.. and the one in front of them to. drop their speed.. creating an immense pile up at the curve with all racers involved!! Incredible!!! During the 3 races in pretty much 40% or 50% of the curves.. I received touches either from the back either side ways, with other cars blocking intentionally (with me by their side..)... and at the last race... incredibly a guy that was "doing time" having seen me in the mirror,, and on the middle..(not even near any of the curves..) of the big straight before the final curve.. accelerates from the left to the right like doing a 45 degrees line from one side of the track to the other, crossing is car sideways right in front of me.. and that is a straight where you accelerate a lot until the braking point I caught him at real high speed... in real life both of us would most surely die and I would have chopped his car in 2 , and smashed myself to a block o metal and blood,,, surely...

It looks is that this guys.. having found that they don´t have more to do with real playing the game.. now have decided. "If we can´t win.. we then will give everybody else: Hell.. or the worst we can give, of the bad things to come...and if we can´t win.. nobody else may win.. just loose.. . the only way is down,, and we´ll take to Hell with us, all those we can catch..."

That was the feeling of racing those 3 races and mostly. .the last one... Furthermore in this race.. I got a total of... -21 SR points... subtracted...

Important to say that on these 3 races I simply lost a total of... -41 SR points!!!! And believe me that I was much more careful (a lot) than usual...

Ah.!!And my DR dropped from B to C ... :(

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After a night of racing at the Daily C race, things haven't improved.

I noticed a lot of the fast guys weren't on tonight, maybe a coincidence, maybe not. But I qualified in pole and won 4 races by at least 10 seconds each. Very boring. I would rather fight for 5th than win by an average of 1 second per lap. I wasn't even pushing most of the races as I had no need. If this continues, there will be no one left to beat but yourself, and we all know that's not fun...

Anyway, my 3rd race I came up against Wardonz who was on pace and was hassling me for first. You'll see in the clip below where he went wrong, he decided he wanted to race close, too close for the penalty systems liking. He was given a 7 second penalty eventually finishing the race 10 seconds behind me. With the old penalty system, I have no doubt he would have passed me and we would have had a good close race. With the current penalty system, any race that was going to happen between us was snuffed out on the 2nd lap.
