The way I see it, if there's a chance of contact, these penalties will seriously make you question whether you want to take that chance so discretion should be the better part of valour. If it changes how people race, perhaps they previously enjoyed the valour too much, so again, the new system works as they've got a fresh memory of a mistake they've got to rectify in the next few races.
That tells me the new system is made for you too. Give it a try! If it goes pear shaped, you'll be back to where you were in no time at all while the have a go hero will probably take a bit longer as they've got more to learn.
If you
really don't fancy it, I reckon there'll be a relaxation of what PD thinks is contact soon as they went a bit too far with it. I'm sure they want competitive racing, not a procession.
Look on the bright side. It might stop people drinking and driving too. They could end up as an E/E if they play after a skinful.