In order to succeed one must fail first. The GT series has already seen success in older titles, however for me GT started its downfall with GTS. That's not to say I didn't have my complaints with any of the older games, but ever since GTS (I could probably trace it back to GT5) the series has been misguided imo.
I'm part of the problem, because I bought GT7 (will never buy MTX though) even though I've voiced my disagreement with the always-online requirement for both GTS and GT7. Reason being is part of me doesn't care anymore where the game industry is headed and because life is too short to keep upholding my principles in the gaming space. That is my honest truth; I'm torn between my principles and wanting to play one of my favorite game series ever.
GT7 had the wind behind its back with its marketing. But now that we've seen what the game is really like, from the user's perspective and not from professional reviewers, I now want to see GT7 fail. And I want to see that failure paired with all our complaints. It's the only way I see the series correcting course. It will continue to sell until word of mouth reaches more potential buyers. And maybe then PD will listen.
I'm not that active here so it won't matter if I say I won't be posting for a while here anymore. Just wanted to get this off my chest. I broke out in shingles recently so the last thing I need is all this stress from the negativity surrounding this game. But I do think it's important to keep the criticisms up if you really care about GT. There's a great game underneath all the horrible design decisions so I will still be playing, but I'm done with the social media of this game.